Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

@SaintSovereign Does the quality of headphones or ear buds need to be higher with ZP?

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Question if someone can answer as I’m a little confused.

I’ve been holding off on adding anything to my stack as I wanted to make sure Saint and Fire get the best feedback from me as possible. I only removed WANTED after one loop since I had already used it before speaking to supportabout something else.

I assumed that it was 45 days for us before we could change stack.

So, can we change stack after the 21 days and 5 days rest OR after 45 days?

Just a little confusion I’d like some clarity on. I’m pretty sure @Lion made a thread about this but I’m still confused.

I’d most likely want to keep R.I.C.H and Chosen and add something anyway but I wanna make sure I’m doing it perfectly!


@SaintSovereign thanks, this explains what I already thought: I’m very sensible to subliminals and can easily overload my subconsciousness. I used to get a lot of tiredness, laziness, depression, etc and thought back then that I’m a hardgainer and did not think of it being recon.

would it be technically possible to have a separate version of ZP in the future for those who are sensible to subliminals and easily overload next to the normal version? I would love being able to stack which I just can’t due to overexposure. (I’m already doing 2 rest days in-between).
I would happily be a test candidate if you want to try out a different version for those who are over-sensitive. :slight_smile: (I’m someone who already had a lot of recon with Ultima and Qv2 which greatly diminished my results)


Any guidelines yet for advanced users or the “easy gainers” :stuck_out_tongue:?


Well I’m sensitive and haven’t overloaded yet, so nah, no competition yet :wink::stuck_out_tongue:


Get out there and live your life?


Changing stack after 45 days

After 21 days, washout for 5 days and keep the same stack

Like this:

Days 1 to 21: Stack 1
Days 22 to 26: Washout
Days 27 to 47: Stack 1
Days 48 to 52: Washout
Days 53 to 73: Stack 2

EDIT: this is true for Non-Experimental Listening Pattern (Standard Pattern), Reconciliation Reduction Pattern and Hard Gainers Pattern

The only difference being Reconciliation Reduction Pattern users can take a washout of 3 days instead of 5 days (a 5 day washout isn’t against listening recommendations though)

EDIT 2: I am guessing the confusion is with regard to shifting from Hard Gainer Pattern to Non Experimental Pattern. So here’s an example:

Days 1 to 9: Hard Gainer Pattern of Stack 1
Day 10 (for example): The moment you get a reaction, whether it’s a good result — regardless of whether it’s grandiose or small, fatigue, headache, sleepiness, etc., IMMEDIATELY recognize it as a result and switch back to the appropriate non-experimental listening
Days 11 to 21: Non Experimental Pattern of Stack 1
Days 22 to 26: Washout
Days 27 to 47: Non Experimental Pattern of Stack 1
Days 48 to 52: Washout
Days 53 to 73: Non Experimental Pattern of Stack 2


Today i feel a very strong feeling of power
In my chest.
Im still in a flow state right now.

It seems that the effect is much stronger on rest days after processing.

Dont ever forget to rest for more efficient growth

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Since i began including chosen, wanted and paragon i have experienced less dry eyes first thing in the morning.

Its really hard to know which product has contributed to this.


Mostly Paragon physical healing of your eyes. But am sure the physical shifting of WANTED and CHOSEN have contributed to making your eyes more sexy and alpha.


On sage/limitless/chosen my pupils were large like on drugs. With Chosen/wanted/diamond they are slightly larger than normal.


Anyone else experienced less dry eyes on ZP ?

And then watch Saint call me out on what I end up doing :rofl:


Anyone else here feel like the QV2 titles in their stack began to cause perceptual shifts like the ZP titles after a couple weeks?


Greetings, when the zp for seductress comes out will I need to buy the program again? Is Monarch still in the works? if not would you consider making a program in the future that’s a combination of R.I.C.H, Seductress with a touch of Ascension for women.
The Empress :thinking: I think I’m going to purchase R.I.C.H and add to my stack which includes seductress, UA and my custom.
Thanks, Have an Amazing day!


no. if you currently own Seductress Qv2, the ZP version will be available in your downloads when it’s released.


I think either Stark or Emperor is coming soon.


I just realized the significance of this end date for stack 1. It can’t be a coincidence that I wanted to run and finish Heartsong ZP on this day.

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I just know for a fact I’m gonna have to choose between Stark ZP, my MSQv2 custom which has Stark and this new free gift…

@Brandon you can still continue to use your custom just run it on a seperate day.