Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

@SaintSovereign Unless I missed it there is no thread for Gaming Mastery ZP

Today was the first day in a while I had a lot of negative emotions and thoughts pushed to the surface.
I’m thinking it was ZP helping me clear out some limiting beliefs because the thoughts were directly related to the topics of my stack…or just reconciliation.
Regardless, I surrendered to them and maybe after 30 min they dissolved.
I’ve been pretty clear all day since interspersed with a sense of melancholy just like Doc mentioned earlier in this thread…
I’m also getting this weird feeling of being apart from myself watching myself change in real time…WANTED is working overtime because I look in the mirror and can honestly say I see myself as some supernaturally sexy inhuman creature. but I have this nagging dissatisfaction that I want MORE…its like this little voice in my head is pushing me to get bigger results…lose inhibitions…test boundaries.



You’re going through healing, which is not always pleasant (if ever), so when that happens, your subconscious is going to resist at times by either;

Telling you to run something else (so you can keep getting the initial good feeling from the 1st loop of a sub),


Telling you to run it more and more, so that you get even more results (by making you feel dissatisfied with your current results).

Either way, stick to the guidelines, you’re only going to go up from here and results are just gonna show up more after this healing phase is over (which won’t take long).


:point_up_2: This guy is the reason I respected the guidelines


Was thinking about this and am hoping that the stronger versions will be available when customs are available. Those of us who use customs won’t take listening schedule as a joke.


Tried PS and RICH ZP with the recommended listening pattern. The second day of running them I started to get reconciliation, but it went away after a couple of hours. It’s not as bad as in QV2 for me. The next listening day I listened to both and felt a bit more recon, but the rest day helps with this and also with processing the script. I start to question my beliefs about money and women, but this comes from a deeper level at my core.


I associate this with the manifestations of R.I.C.H.


What I did last week.
Still recovering from that mistake.

The conscious mind also needs to be strong when healing pops in haha
Then again, the guidelines are so simple, it shouldn’t be a damn issue, but here we are.

Bruv, I am not supposed to switch my stack up all the time, am I? :wink:

But I’ll def go into Limitless/Sage/Chosen after this one (or PS Diamond??? :o) )

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Hey folks,

I’m interested in some thoughts from people who’ve run ZP a bit longer, aka the testers. :slight_smile:

I’m currently running Paragon+Regen ZP and it is rather dropping my motivation to get things done, getting me a lot more rest time in exchange. I can live with that for a while if need be, but I’ve also got a few things that I would like to get done in the next weeks without having to force myself.

I’ve also no idea if that is a temporary effect of me getting used to ZP.

So I’m considering to either just run with it for 21 days, or add a 3rd title that adds a bit of a motivation factor in. Chosen comes to mind (or Limitless? Wanted with it’s manifold side effects? There’s always Emperor, which I was running before, but I’d like to stick to ZP for now). While that would halve my exposure to Paragon+Regen right now I’m tending towards adding a 3rd title. I find that the lack of motivation does bother me.

What’s your thoughts?

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Limitless with Ascended Mogul

Definitely Chosen, you can look into Chosen thread, some users pointed out more productivity.

That would bring it up to 4 titles, so I’d have to pick only one. AM is non-ZP, either that or Emperor would do it, but I’m really trying to stick to ZP.

That is my current first choice, still pondering…. :slight_smile:

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Are you healing or recovering from something?

If so, increasing your rest time may be very advisable.

I’d imagine that when you get enough sleep and rest (and strong nutrition :muscle:t5: ) then this experience of tiredness and lack of focus would decrease.

My recommendation would be to first thoroughly review your Big Three situation (exercise, rest/sleep, nutrition) and then look into other solutions.

You’re running a great healing stack. It may be pushing you in the direction of something that you need.


Thanks! That’s good considerations. I had thought about needing more rest, but I can still get that while keeping my motivation to do things up.

The stack is more about physical maintenance. In terms of healing, a health condition I’ve had since I was a kid, so I may be running Paragon as part of a stack long term to see what happens. A few other things you acquire throughout life.

The thing with this stack is very specifically that it’s dropped my motivation to do anything that’s not necessary right now. Focus is just fine for the things that I do and without effort. I would expect focus to go out of the window as well but that has not happened at all. It’s a very specific weird effect. Best I can describe it is as a resistance to start doing anything that’s not really necessary right now. No effect beyond that.

Exercise/rest/nutrition are all pretty good (although motivation for exercise has dropped as well…). A bit more motivation doesn’t mean I won’t get rest (I can certainly do with some rest), just means I’ll do the exact same things without having to fight through a wall of non-motivation to get started. That’s why I’m considering adding something that deals with the motivation aspect.


I’m inclined towards that idea after I found out that running more loops than the recommended pattern suggests is not only futile but also counterproductive. I ran two loops of ZP every other day and one loop of Q every other day (on non-ZP days) for five days and then I did a five days washout and my results were next to nothing. I had run some pretty aggressive protocol before that too but not as much aggressive, and the result was the same. I was in subliminal limbo. After the washout, I started running my subs in accordance with the recommended protocol (but actually two loops of the same sub on the same day, and then I started following the recommended pattern) and I started getting great results again. But even the recommended pattern feels somewhat too much, therefore, toying with the idea of running two loops a week makes perfect sense to me.

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Got you. So, it doesn’t seem like just Paragon specific physical tiredness.

(And actually I didn’t ask about Regeneration. If you’re starting to work through a particular emotional issue or past trauma that you’d been coping with through either avoidance or repression, that could also manifest as a temporary drop in energy and focus as you start to work through it in a more head-on way.)

But if it’s neither of those, then it may just be an initial adjustment to Zero Point.

If what’s needed is just another program to tide you through, then I’ll bow to the recommendations of others who may have more specific ideas. Like @Palpatine above. :arrow_up:


Isn’t that the recommanded routine or you did not take rest days?

From the way he described it he used the rest days from ZP to run a loop of Q. So yeah, no rest.

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Yes, no rest days.

I think I’ll be testing some lighter patterns soon like running my subs (1xWanted and 1xLimitless) every three or four days. The reason is that even following the recommended pattern seems to be too much and my mind gets really saturated with the scripting. I get overexposed and slight recon (Limitless).