Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Yes! I was internally mad about this when I rode it the first time, I litteraly bought diamond for it’s new ZP to bloom my custom biggus dickus :joy:

How come it’s almost not scripted for ME :sob:

But seriously I can’t wait to see how effective any shifting tech is after 30 days

ME as in male enhancement

Chosen i believe is a brand new build. It is based on the latest and greatest bleeding edge technology.

Chosen makes QV2 look like a dinosaur.


i agree haha

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Where is Sage these days he is quiet ?

Naw, not unnecessary. I think a word that fits better in the context used is ‘redundant’, which I would also disagree with :slight_smile: it’s been a few months since I read the Ascension sales page, but, I find them rather complimentary.


@SaintSovereign Ohhhh bruv daredevil QV2 is a killer of a product. You and Fire are both clever cloggs will report later.

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Is there a release date for Emperor and Stark in ZP?


@SaintSovereign can we have the following deliverables please

  1. Stark ZP possibly next week
  2. Emperor ZP possibly next week
  3. Sex Mastery ZP mid december

Thanks in advance.

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When we get more feedback, we’ll release more products. Y’all haven’t even tried the current programs in the preview yet, lol. It’s been a week. :wink:


Sir @SaintSovereign , can you please tell us what we should report to you to make the preview better. What can help you guys make it easier? What we should write in our journals except for simple results :smiley:

  1. Make a journal for your Zero Point Stack (consisting of at least 1 ZP title and a maximum of 3 titles)

  2. Journal every day no matter how small the report.

  3. Report any reconciliation, dreams, feelings, thoughts and results.

  4. Stick to the stack for at least a month (the more days, the better).

  5. Stick to the Zero Point Listening Instructions. Don’t overexpose yourself to more loops than recommended.

Just simple things like these are enough to provide useful feedback to SaintSovereign and Fire.


I think what you should report is quite intuitive
If you think, “I think it’s a cool fact or something I could report”, well just do it !
Don’t overthink it too much

you can write how your inner feelings evolve from the listening, what your perception of things goes, fun manifestation or “coincidence”, part of your day where you felt “humm is this … script acting ??”
Whatever goes through your mind is enough

Do your own thing you might just be unique that way and find a way to express things that’ll open some perception or ideas


I am wondering though… The testers where using 1 Zp at the time. Where the idea was 25 days with the 2 runs
Day of… 1 run … Day of … 2 runs… Day of ( why does it remind me of some dance pattern… 2 steps, pause, 1 step, pause, 2 steps… :slight_smile: )

5 days of… Then 10 or 15 days more.

But then that’s for 1 zp… Is it still valuable for 3 zp’s ?

Ran wanted and PS yesterday
Dreamed of using subs and was choosing
An aura based seduction sub between many choices.

On the way to work heard the song heaven is a place on earth and felt much gratitude towards life.

Had a very positive mood
At first
Then it became kind of melancholic
Felt a bit of sadness in my chest area


Yeah I get this also on ZP, it’s the bad thoughts being expelled from you.

Hey mate, personally I’m stoked for Khan, I only ran my ZP stack for a week, and I can see some deep change already. It’s hard to tell, but I feel more in flow with life, accepting myself more and more, just being less anxious in general… Yesterday I felt like I felt on Khan after 4 months!!

Khan is the sub that changed my life the most back in the days. I think with ZP I could have much more profound change on Khan and results that could last for a very very long time, erasing all of my past trauma!


Khan is a great sub
I think the best to start with if u have
Social anxiety
It helped me to stop thinking what others think of me tremendously
After negative side effects of weed consume for 10 years


Yes, I didn’t knew I had social anxiety before Khan :rofl: It came back during the Covid time because I wasn’t socializing as much!

Btw, definitly caught a few stares at me in the metro, I’m pretty sure this time! Like, I can look people in the eyes more, which is very cool :slight_smile:


Hope with way thing are going that it pick up some speed end of this week.

What do you mean?

Well am getting benefits left and right everyday I wake up its like something new is changed for the better so if by week 2 it twice as much benefits then that will be amazing