Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Thanks @Sage_Ninjistic :confetti_ball:

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Throughout the day


Oh yes sage just replied to calm


Would the below ZP listening pattern be ok as an alternative to the recommended one? Thinking whether there may be advantages in doing two loops of the same sub on the same day vs. mixing.

Day 1: CHOSEN x2
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: RICH x2
Day 4: Rest
Day 6: Rest

I’m not a tester nor staff, but I recommend following the recommendations.

Tis a bit early in the preview for experimentation, no? Try the recommendations before you deviate too much to see what actually works for you.

However! I’m preeeetty sure that’s a harmonious ZP stack (at one loop starting out) but I’d have to check the new ZP instruction manual again.


Agree that it may be a tad early to experiment, and that’s not my intention. I’m just curious by nature and thought I’d ask, in case this has been tested.

Also, the Introduction to ZP mentions this: “There’s also the “Zero Point Perceptual Shift” that many testers experienced. It’s a profound, but sometimes subtle shift in how you perceive the world around you, and it usually occurs about 15-20 minutes into your stack (for those listening to multiple titles).”

I wondered if this is something that would be magnified if listening to the same title within that timeframe.


Hey guys I’m wondering about something. I’ve been listening to emperor q (v1+V2) for about 8 months now. If I listen to f.e. chosen will I loose the results from emperor since my identity and archetype will change to chosen? So if I listen to chosen and become that, will emperor scripting get erased from my brain?

I believe you’re on the right track.

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@Ichiban hopefully this helps you


Ok guys and girls, I just woke up after my night sleep, SaintSovereing left some interesting feedback on my thread regarding the results :

I will report back at the end of the day, or during the day if something happen (but I doubt it haha, I don’t feel anything yet)


Yes everyone. Please choose a stack of maximum 3 subliminals and follow the Zero Point instructions to the letter.

SaintSovereign, Fire and the testers have worked for 2 months to get to this place. Forget about boosters and “can I do this or that?” Follow the schedule for now.

Remember, Zero Point will turn you into the person you want to BE. So choose your stack wisely and follow through.

You. Will. BE. Rewarded.


The safety warning audio reminds me of being on the Jurassic Park ride at Universal Studios in 2001… just before the shit hits the fan :grinning:


Fist listen to Chosen and Wanted was really different than Qv2. Can’t come up with an accurate description yet, but it is very enjoyable


Think everyone may respond to ZP titles differently. Some may energize while others may relax.


This is what I tell myself to follow the schedule even when I feel nothing haha Stuff could happen to me anytime. Or it could take a couple of days!


Weird thing is that Limitless could make you drowsy as Saint said which is in my opinion bad. Limitless should give you surge of energy to be as productive as possible.

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I listened to WANTED and Chosen last night while going to bed. I won’t be doing that again.

At the 20 minute mark I felt like some kind of click in consciousness. Then had a lot energy and a surge of questions start coming up. Like why am I listening to this, what do I want, what is my goal here. After that I started feeling a strong sexual energy to feeling stuff about work.

The questions and feelings I described above basically went on a loop the entire night and I barely slept. I’ll stick to daytime listening from now on. I feel like that is the script working on healing things since I have yet to listen to any healing subliminals.


What he meant is that different titles will affect you differently based on your past and who you are.

Not everyone will feel drowsy after running Limitless. SaintSovereign does have a history of reconciliation with cognitive subliminals and this might be similar to that.

But however you react, you will be way ahead of the competition in the long run.


When you run the new DIAMOND ZP with male enchancement (@Sage_Ninjistic the female genitalia terminator)


Understandable now. Thanks for explanation!

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