Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Ok I’m definately not the drousy type. One hour after my 2 loops, I’m still wide awake after no sleep for almost 18 hours.


The ZP Journals are sprouting up in the Major Programs section. Excited for all of you to taste the power.


@SaintSovereign any comments about how effective Paragon ZP is for sleep? :stuck_out_tongue:


Like what politicians do but don’t do. They tell you they’re gonna do everything they don’t.

A Saint lie is to surprise you and exceed your expectations by actually delivering and delivering unexpectedly early!


Hehehe ZP is out for Wanted and diamond :sunglasses:
:champagne: :champagne: :champagne: :champagne: :champagne:


I knew it!

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Imma listen to those on the road to my traineeship

Might be an absolute bad idea with diamond as I have a ton of work but heck :joy: :joy: :joy:

See ya everyone enjoy your first loops !


I hope you’re not driving, trust me, bad idea to do that.


I’ll be in the bus so no worry man I gotcha
Not taking the instructions & cautions lightly


That’s good, also, for those wondering, caffeine can help those who ended up listening before work and stuff.


just finished my first two loops. I did chosen and then wanted.

Initial impressions; smoothest subliminals I have ever run…unexpectedly i started to feel very sexual on chosen and then on wanted i had a song playing and my emotions went into this super intense state feeling the song on another level and I’m still feeling that a few minutes after my loops.

Feeling very happy naturally, sexual and honestly full of love vibing with this music…gonna be up for a while working on some writing i have to do but I’m feeling very inspired with this playlist going and it feels effortless. Excited to see how I feel around other people later. Gotta say this does feel like a gamechanger.


Was so excited opening my eyes :no_mouth: but no RICH :sob:

I am curious about all your journals but I would also be pleased if you become quiet here and start your life fully :heart::heart::heart:

I just listened to Chosen. Am not tired yet and made a report about the experience in my journal.

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Same. I’m cleaning out my closet right now

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Woke up some minutes ago in the middle of the night and downloaded Wanted + Diamond
Already listened to Diamond zp and currently listening to Wanted zp… in a half awake half asleep state of mind.

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10 mins into chosen, I had to give my attention to something important. So, I stopped the loop.

Now, After 3 hours I can listen again.

should I start over the loop?
Continue from 10 mins?
Skip any further listening

Thanks in advance!

Continue. 10 mins = 2/3 of the sub done.

I did 2 loops of WANTED. During the second loop I could feel some fuzziness in my head. About 30 minutes after the loops, I became very tired and had a few micro sleeps while laying on the bed. I was having real weird visions / dreams during the microsleeps, and I can tell this ZP is powerful stuff. Looking forward to observing the effects over the first cycle.


Did 1 loop of wanted and diamond… I feel energized and awake now and its 4 am.
15 minutes loops go by so quickly…


Well, guess you shouldn’t run it before sleep then :wink:

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