Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

After reading this I know understand why I haven’t manifested much yet with RICH ZP

I’m going to run EOG St 1 and Limit Destroyer Ultima


May I suggest something?

If you have some noice canceling headsets, then wear them with the noise cancellation on and just let yourself free flow with your thoughts.

Question yourself about in which direction you should lead your life, and what is it that’s currently limiting you.
Try to dig as deep as you can, doing it for a few mins isn’t going to be enough.

This should help.


It’s also that people are told you have to be unethical and into corruption to get rich, such beliefs make coping easier for people that aren’t rich as they can claim that the only reason they’re not rich is that they have morals unlike the rich. Which is far from the truth, a lot of rich people are just hard working people trying to run their businesses best they can and care for their employees and customers.

Owen cook explains this pretty well.


@Invictus I know what I want. Right now it’s more about patience and building pathways


Then maybe mogul would be a better choice here, don’t you think?

Like stacking it with EOG and RICH ZP

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Stop reading my mind damn it.


Well I did mention multiple times that I’ve been a magician for 15 years now :rofl:


@Hoppa has told me multiple times how selfish it is to not want to be wealthy. He may have used different wording but hopefully you get the point.
It’s the same to me as people that try to look wealthy or rich through appearances such as clothes , jewelry, and cars.
Is either providing value to anyone other than your own ego?


Something I just noticed about running ZP. I’m not so focused on the past and regrets I have.
It’s as if my mind is telling me how unproductive that is


Two days to go




I haven’t watched much TV in years… just a few things on Netflix etc. I miss many of the references that people give for characters etc… and I’m ok with that lol.

That was the last straw for me with my last big group of friends. Hating on the wealthy was a hobby of theirs it seemed. So, goodbye to them. Nothing new, that was… 6 years ago? lol


We haven’t had any update from SaintSovereign or Fire in a while :smirk:

This is suspicious! Something is coming :fire:


I expanded on this in my latest journal post. I’ve got EoG4 in my wealth custom, I wonder if it’s dredging up some wealth limitations that are manifesting as emotional responses…


Q, not Qv2? Or are you simply advising against mixing the two different builds period? It’s not that clear to me.

Get ready guys, instructions are already here now.


Of course, Qv2. Don’t listen to both technologies on the same day. Simply follow the official recommendations.

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Woah, they are fast!! :open_mouth:


It’ll happen. But remember, you aren’t running an hour straight like the original testers were. Can’t stack those versions, and we really wanted to maintain your ability to stack. It’ll take a day or two for the results to REALLY start kicking in, unlike the “wtf is happening to my reality” effect that the original had. Not to mention, that feeling is more unpleasant than people realize, lol. The production versions are less intense, but you still get amazing results.

I just tried the Limitless ZP myself yesterday, and it has… such an odd effect, lol. I can’t put it into words, but I just FEEL smarter. I also won four rounds of our new strategy / teambuilding game (Legion TD 2) back to back today like it was nothing. I just understood the concepts better and created an incredible build.

That was after just 2x loops.


We’re going to convert all Qv2 modules over to ZP eventually and it’ll be the same price. We try not to leave anyone out or create a “haves and have nots” community.

This was referring to us writing a completely new script from scratch just for an individual. Though, we have been toying with the idea…