Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

Even if the sub hit hard, just healing from a scratch can take a couple of days… So as far as changing bone structure, it must still takes a little bit more time :sweat_smile:

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Already have an experience near to this

(Always imagine someone either it’s a (journalist/partner ) friend who is asking me questions about things related to the theme of the sub . Example: why you do this/why do you thought this right action? . A women friend asking me about my life/how it’s going / how I feel ? Etc . )
So my mind is mimicking the way the sub is scripted .
Important : this imagination are not a conscious act . They have a life of its own . I am just noticing it and keep it working by not interfering either by script change/setting change (place,time,) or mode change .


@SaintSovereign I am also in

@vivekarora83 you have to go through a special selection process. Once you apply you will be asked a number of questions.

Not sure whether Saint and Fire interview candidates. If so wear nice clothes, be polite and be genuine with them.


Is there any specific process to be followed for applying ?

Check this out.

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How does ZP feel the first time running it? Let’s ask two testers who just tried it.


Dang this sounds cool… LMK when ZP RICH is available :money_mouth_face: :sunglasses:


There are not so many guys who have used adderall and also qualify for test.

Just saying… I am keeping my mouth shut. :sweat_smile: :zipper_mouth_face:

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After 1 loop you wake up with literal money just covering the bed


I guess if you already have a business, your products just sell like crazy all of a sudden?

Definitely signing up to test this as soon as it’s here :smiley:


This sounds awesome :smile:

Yeah, R.I.C.H would be really interesting to test in Zero Point format.


Getting way ahead of myself here, as usual, but… with the initial successes reported, I’d imagine this will become an option for products at some point. Since @SaintSovereign mentioned that there were alterations to the script required (as it’s a scripting change rather than a build change, afaik), I wonder if this will be available for customs at some point too?

Follow-up question… if this is a script method, any chance it could benefit from improvements to build methods too? eg. ZP Custom in Q+ strength, etc.

The SC crew may be rolling their eyes at such a question (gah, I hope not lol) but without any knowledge about the tech under the hood, I have no idea if that’s a nonsense question or not. :sweat_smile:

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I wanna go to the moooooon
don’t leave so soon
don’t leave so soon
how could i get through


I need this lol are you still accepting testers, i could use all of the described effects lol


not jealous at all Saint…not jealous at all :rofl:


With what music are you guys currently celebrating the Zero Point success at the subclub headquarters? :sunglasses:

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It seems like it really hits on the “self identity” and is able to quickly play on how you see yourself!

I’m cutting right now, already down 5 lbs, I wonder how much Point Zero Wanted is good at influencing fat loss :thinking:

@friday Adderall is pretty nice, I’m on it as I’m writing this hahaha