Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

It’s dreamcatcher

Designer of perceived reality


The four characters in this drama of creation are the Father, the Son, Mary and the Angel.

The Father symbolizes your consciousness; the Son symbolizes your desire; Mary symbolizes your receptive attitude of mind; and the Angel symbolizes the method used to make the impregnation.

The drama unfolds in this manner. The Father begets a Son without the aid of another.

You define your objective – you clarify your desire without the help or suggestion of another.

Then the Father selects that angel who is best qualified to bear this message or germinal possibility to Mary.

You select the person in your world who would be sincerely thrilled in witnessing the fulfillment of your desire.

Consciousness desiring is the Father generating the seed or idea. A clarified desire is the perfectly formed seed or the only begotten Son. This seed is then carried from the Father (consciousness desiring) to the Mother (consciousness of being and having the state desired).

As you emerge from this subjective experience, you, like Mary of the story, will know by your changed attitude of mind that you have conceived a Son; that you have fixed a definite subjective state and will in a little while express or objectify this state.


when is emperor qzp coming out? approximately. like which month

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At this point there is no precise date, after they are done with testing then public preview will begin. Follow this post to keep updated


The best date i can give you is ‘all in good time’. None of us know more than is present in this thread, excluding Dark and RV (i haven’t the faintest what they know)

What do they know?!?


@jaguar : Looks like you’re new to Sub Club. If you are, Emperor would the absolute wrong move for a newbie. Whether it’s Emperor Q2 or QZP, you would have a lot to deal with by jumping straight to a sub that dense.


You’re talking from the perspective of the old technology whilst ZP is a totally different build with a totally different mechanic. Saint said that the new technology has a powerful “healing” effect that to me looks like an instant and powerful self-perception shift where the recon is close to nonexistent if the sub is used right. We all have to wait till the end of the test to find out how different ZP from the old tech is when it comes to some other matters too.


Hey , @Malkuth are you aware of "outer intention " concept from Vadim Zealand transurfuing book . I recommend to get to know about this concept if you already don’t. I guess This what ZP will do move the needle from inner intention to outer Intention.

“Outer Intention
Intention is a combination of desire and action. The intention to do something by your own efforts is obviously a personal inner intention. It is much more difficult to extend the action of intention to the external world. We refer to this kind of intention as outer intention. Outer intention has the potential to rule the world, or rather, to choose the model of behaviour the external world lives by, as well as determine the script and scenery.
The concept of outer intention is critical to the alternatives model. Today, all manipulations of time, space and matter that cannot be explained logically tend to be described as magic or paranormal phenomena. These things are the work of outer intention which works to choose life lines in the alternatives space.
Inner intention could never transform an apple tree into an avenue of pear trees. Outer intention does not transform anything either but it is capable of choosing an avenue of pear trees instead of an apple tree in the alternatives space and executing the shift to the relevant sector, as a result of which, the apple tree is substituted with a pear. Nothing happens to the apple tree. There is simply a substitution: material realization shifts in the alternatives space from one life line to another. No power on earth is actually capable of magically transforming one object into another. Inner intention may try but its capacities are sorely limited.”
From transurfuing book by Vadim Zealand


I really enjoyed his books but found his advice difficult to apply. For example, I can grasp the concept from the text you shared, but have no idea how to put that knowledge to use.


Let’s take that to a new thread, please


The twist is that with ZP you don’t actually wake up at all in this universe
Your soul just get yeeeted out to a parallel one more fitting for your desire, letting your previous body empty and rotting along it’s reality.


Saint did say he was cautious of ZP setting number 5…

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Probably because he didn’t got any news back from testers lvl 5 :exploding_head:
They ascended too quickly like rainbow monks


Chances are, next week we’ll have an announcement regarding the titles that will be avaliable for the preview… Maybe friday.

I think the public test will take less importance in the developpment of the ZP prototypes :thinking:


@TheBoxingScientist is visiting Canada?



Hahahaha, maybe he’ll pass by Montreal :wink:

Edit: I’m definitly getting influenced!

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I realized something a moment ago.

Part of the reason most of us experienced members are so set on sticking to a ‘stack’ and turning a blind eye to new products or ‘shiny object syndrome’ is that because with the current level of subliminal technology and the current state of our consciousness, we have ‘had’ to ‘limit’ ourselves to a plan for a certain amount of time, defined by recommendations by others but ultimately, our own discretion.

Our discretionary factors including but not being limited to the amount of time we dedicate to that title or those titles in relation to what we desire to embody due to the catalytic nature of the programming upon our being.

I’m not trying to use big words, I’m trying to make sense to myself

So, to me, I sense there will be a bit of consternation amongst us when ZP does become a thing.

For example:

Do I upgrade and leap to the next level build with my title(s) and/or customs?

Will changing my title(s) in favor of a new one be a subtle form of recon?

These are two of the many questions i see coming up in the near future, if they haven’t already. I actually forgot the reason i felt the inclination to post this, but, I would urge all of us to remember that we are dynamic by our very nature. That being the case, it’s counter productive to our growth to get stuck in the idea that we have to follow through with ‘this stack’ or ‘this custom’ idea because we said we would, or others think it would be best for us.

The fact of life, the truly beautiful WORKING of life as we know it is change. That’s about the only way to live, honestly.

Don’t be afraid to change.


I wonder if we are close to being able to build a custom with all physical shifting modules only


I’m planning on sticking to the same stack regardless of how good the new tech is. My goals are still the same and I haven’t achieved them to my satisfaction yet. My current is getting me there. The new tech (if it’s as effective as they say) will only get me there faster or more efficiently. It would make little sense for me to switch. I literally do not see myself not running Emperor for the next couple of years. Even if I build a custom it would be built around Emperor.