Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

ZP exists out of space and time and caused the immaculate conception of PrimalTech, Q, Qv2 and even the glorious anticipation of Q+…

All so that ZP could be born.

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Yeah, I’ve been wanting deeply manifestation focused styled build subliminals since before i came and darkened this forum.


Let’s have some more memes while we wait:


That definitely triggers the intellectual in me to ponder the Yin Yang aspect of SC/Competitors.

Yin-Yang, genuine-not, works-or nah, real deal-empty tracks, innovative-yesterday… Interesting.

I haven’t bothered anyone with my personal opinion in a few days so here’s a mighty bump to RM, SG, ME and Ascension QZP :drooling_face:


Great one!


A lesser dense form of reality. A higher dimensional plane of existence is reflective of the more tangible, vast, and dense plane beneath it.

Much like different forms of water; ice>water>steam. Or earth, water, air, fire :wink:

The Zero Point manifests from Spirit to Earth, it is the pentagram pointing upwards. While, and if Q uses an external manifestation mechanism inwards; it is the pentagram pointing downwards manifesting from Earth and reflecting it to Spirit.

In other words, changing directly the higher planes to bring about changing the lower planes vs directly changing the lower planes to bring about change the higher planes. As one reflects the other.


For those who have seen this movie, what was Ariadne doing?




Dream designer!

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She was hijacking control of Dom’s dream

She was the architect of the dreams, she made it so the dreamer couldn’t figure out if they were in a dream or reality


She’s an interior designer :stuck_out_tongue:

Just hit me that she’s named after Princess Ariadne from the Greek myths whom is associated with mazes and labyrinths, cool


Damn she wrote another book? She keep on discovering secrets… :thinking:

This one is actually the secret behind the Secret

Could this all be about turning dreams into reality by use of the subconscious

Yeah now this has got me curious @SaintSovereign

How has the ZP been affecting sleep, dreams- will it knock us out or make us have deep lucid experiences?

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  1. Start the QZP sub.
  2. Lay comfortably in your bed.
  3. Pass out.
  4. Wake up a brand spanking new version of yourself.

Specifically in that scene upsetting Cobb’s subconscious by making changes to the internal landscape/world.

At one point he cautions about never using exact locations in a dream because you can lose the ability to distinguish the two.

So it sounds like qzp takes the innermost world of your subconscious and makes it a mirror of the external. Creation inside to the point internal and external are one and the same. Reality being pushed through on qzp is a natural consequence of familiarity of the already constructed internal landscape expressing itself to the external.


girls gotta eat…nothing new there but still I am quite enjoying…it opens up something inside …resonate with me deeply…

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Took me a while to decide what I think about this question. But this is it.

A dream is a way of processing experiences and integrating them into the flows and structures of perception that make up my world and my identity.

It’s funny that you asked this because I don’t usually attend to dreams, but I had a fairly vivid one last night. So, Sub Club strikes again.

@Fractal_Explorer’s elaboration (two posts above) helped a lot. And when I combine it with my own view, what I get is this:

the average human being does not realize that what s/he relates to as Reality is in fact deeply mixed up with projections that originate from within. We watch the movie on the screen, and forget all about the film projector.

Zero Point somehow connects with Reality Generation by going to the source (i.e., the internal film projector) rather than to the outcome (i.e., the film screen); it connects at the cause, rather than at the effect.

It facilitates the listener to engage–with greater ability and with greater comfort–as a Writer of Reality, rather than as a mere Reader or Audience Member of Reality.