Main Disc. Thread - Quantum Limitless ZP

Being a natural intuitive myself this is one aspect of QL that I was expecting based on the description and my own awareness and insight of how intuition seems to work and come through for me. Like it’s naturally more closer to the surface for me but it is still really subtle but it’s always there and I’m not always in tune with it yet.


I just started with QL and I am very intrigued with ya’ll above and your experiences so far in ZP!
I’ll be watching this thread closely. Also, when do we get to play with time? :smiley:

Basically you now have a direct uplink to the universal forces that governs the whole shebang, allowing you to commit Minority Report :sweat_smile:


Any new experiences with QL ZP ?


@BeautifulSoulGoddess Yeah I basically feel like I’ve gotten a +1 Intelligence upgrade. Better quality and depth of thought and more insightful reflections. And due to better self-reflections I also feel I’ve become more mature over the past three weeks while running QLst1.

I’ve also become better with my written communication, and can better see what doesn’t need to be included as it’s not useful.

8 loops in so far, and I certainly “feel” smarter :grinning:

Ah, and I almost forgot… it makes me “forget” to take my ADD medication because basically I don’t feel like I need it haha. While on QL my executive functions has improved, and the initial “hurdle” to get started with things has decreased. I wonder if QL helps with the dopamine deficiency caused by AD(H)D…? :thinking:


Oh wow thanks for sharing and I’m so glad you mentioned ADHD my goal is to stop taking my ADHD meds in the next few months or at least cut down. I do think this program is excellent for that or helping to repair the connections/ adjust the chemistry in the brain that causes it. Sorry having a hard time choosing my words at the moment hope that all made some type of sense.


I ran QL St 1 for a couple of weeks after it was released in ZP and I agree it does help with maturity. I noticed it I would find myself really thinking about things way more than I already do thanks to Dragon Reborn
I want the clarity and focus that I get the impression comes with the 3rd and 4th stages
Being ADHD myself and probably Aspie that would be amazing


I can confirm Quantum Limitless ZP recon works wonders in getting rid of StarkQ zp and libertine recon. I ran it today and I have been the most social, famous guy in the gym today it’s really reality vending this is the first time in years that I have been able to approach girls without any anxiety and actually have proper social skills to keep the convo going.


It can help with the balance of the dopamine. I saw in another post that saint said QL could help the brain damaged due to PMO. if I’m not mistaken.


Interesting, indeed! I am wondering, did you run Ascension Chamber anything while on QL? I’m curious whether AC interferes, or if we can still run that and get the de-recon benefits from QL. Any mentions about this anywhere?

Oh man that’s just amazing. Of course it helps with that! God, I just love this company and these products so damn much.

Ping @PhasingPhoenix


Never ran Ascension Chamber maybe in the future but yes it’s interesting!


I think he meant “virile young men”

Virile - having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive (typically used of a man).


I see. Thank you.


I run both. No recon from either that I can trace or detect.

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Awesome. Thank you for the input! :pray::blush:

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Great! What benefits has that stack given you?

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Manifestations too numerous to count. Quantum Limitless is building on my use of Limitless and I’ve been very lazy with journaling, which may actually be a form of recon from QL ST 1 :grimacing::sweat_smile:

However, what comes to me is that, I have been experiencing shifts in my perception and my conscious ability to perceive, meaning that limits that I’ve placed on myself in ignorance about learning are ‘moving’. I say moving because the way I perceive my thoughts, I’ll be experiencing some struggle in a concept and I’ll feel it give way, at the same time as feeling a realization.

Picture yourself standing on a ledge. You’re holding yourself to the wall in front of you, but you’re mostly hoping that your feet don’t give out. Now, picture that you feel the place where your feet have found purchase giving out all of a sudden.

That initial feeling of something that was there dropping and feeling in a space for a split moment? That’s the purpose of this analogy. However in this case, the support drops and is instantly replaced by solid ground.


Can you share any examples?


Absolutely. It’ll be a bit more general in nature.

  • I find information that I’m studying related to my spiritual development very quickly in other places.

  • There’s an increase in reflections of conversations that I have.

  • I have a better sense of ‘yeah that’s for me’ versus ‘nah, keep moving’. AC likely helps you find out what you’re truly wanting to create in your experience

  • You read my journal so I’ll not mention women, though I only note about 5% of occurrences. If that.

  • If I focus on something, I see evidence of it manifesting rather quickly.

  • More but I’ll update later, at work


I see. Thank you for sharing.


So I noticed i’m getting better at my meditation. After meditating for 4 years now, this can only mean that Ql is working in me learning things quickly. I’ve also been understanding faster as I’m learning how to code, even finished a coding course last night. If you want to learn how to code or any skill at all, be patient, and start with ql from the scratch. I’m currently listening to Ql stage 4 zp