Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

Sweet that must be an awesome custom

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i really made that custom to address my health issues because i’ve been binge drinking before to cope with life’s stresses and now it’s taking it’s toll on my body.

it’s my paragon complete version in steroids hahahaha but without the paragon complete core.

What modules and cores do you have in it?

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  1. APS: Arms
  2. APS: Torso
  3. APS: Legs
  4. APS: Head
  5. APS: Hair
  6. A/SPS: Organs
  7. SPS: Cardiovascular System
  8. SPS: Digestive System
  9. SPS: Endocrine System
  10. SPS: Fat Burn
  11. SPS: Immune System
  12. SPS: Intergumentary System
  13. SPS: Lympathic System
  14. SPS: Muscular System
  15. SPS: Nervous System
  16. SPS: Renal System
  17. SPS: Reproductive System
  18. SPS: Respiratory System
  19. SPS: Skeletal System
  20. Yggdrasil

Stacking will never be the same :sweat_smile:

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yes i agree… stacking became more flexible and versatile

is it really that serious? even the one who has been used to the subs are running now 1 loop a day of Qv2?



One loop every other day or even less than that.

Plus week long washout periods every now and then.

Stuff is tough!


what does washout mean?

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I monitor my fat through pictures (every single day), weighing myself is not a reliable method because I’m gaining muscles.

I see how fast the fat has burned off overnight after a certain amount of loops and it goes (for over a year, even with qv2) PERFECTLY consistently, more loops=faster fat loss.

I also weigh myself for weight increases and I’ve gained half a kilo over the last week or so. probably was a steady process but I’m definitely bigger because

  1. the scale
  2. people telling me

I wouldn’t recommend, once again…But it IS INTERESTING. I don’t mind at all a turtle pace of body change, as long as I know it’s going to move forward, that’s why im nervous about this test… one loop every six days is going to show me how it works


I don’t have goals, I promised myself I’d never spend a moment away from physical shifting subs since starting subs and I don’t plan on changing that

the one thing im monitoring most is how shredded i am getting and in that case… 7% fat is my goal

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@Ichiban i understand had the same to be honest thats why i am doing the every other day protocol. I have several QV2 customs and one new one coming along. My plan is to do 1 loop of each 3 products. Take a days rest then the very next day rinse repeat.

Wow your gonna hulk out :smile:


Yes, I’ll try to space things out too. Seems Qv2 reconciliation is sneaky. I don’t feel tired or anything so it never crossed my mind the subs could be causing this.


It’s when you take a long week break from subs, recommended when you’re 6 weeks in on old tech

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How powerful is T2 QV2 compared to Q QV1?
How powerful is T1 QV2 compared to Q QV1?

Did you do that for one week only?
If so, I did the same for three weeks on my current stack and I started stonewalling in the second week. Initially, the results were good only to diminish to almost “zero” when I hit the wall.

I think your new listening routine (1loop per 3 days) may occur to be your sweet spot but let’s see.

more on the side of lean out hahaha

When you had been stonewalling for too long and now you’re blessed with the recon during your washout:

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I was the sane with terminus last years first few weeks amazing results. Then later results diminihed to zero too. Was going 8 to 9 loops a day

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