Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

OMG! You have four cores in both… Try to run it like Simon suggested;
Custom Ax1 loop, 3 days off, Custom Bx1, 3 days off and try to gauge if it’s not too much. I bet it is but everybody is different. If it was too much just extend the processing time from 3 to 4 or 5 days.

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Maybe I can increase my R.I.C.H and Limit Destroyer loops then. I’ve decided to have a to keep following my format of having 4 days a week with mains/ULTIMA but I’m going to have the ultima days be singular instead of they’ll just get played in one night most likely but at higher loops.

You tested it by yourself and it worked so it sounds like a reasonable plan.

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When you’ve dealt with your stonewalling:

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Last Saturday night, I ran a playlist of Stark Qv2 and Wanted on loop - about 8 hours.

It’s Thursday now.

I have NOT played any subliminals or brainwaves since.

Yet …

I still get headaches. :face_with_head_bandage:

#FYI :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Imma link this to my journal for a reminder, nice recon list :pray:t3:

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I’m gonna pray for you dude. I’m doing the exact same stack - WANTED and MSQv2.

WANTED for sure definitely takes it out of me energy wise.

I won’t be doing Qv2 at higher than one loop per day each sub tho. Ultimas might be a different story.


What @Sub.Zero describes also sounds like what some of us experienced with Dragon Reborn Stage 1. Not wanting to do anything or whatever.

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Yes, I experienced something like that too while running DR ST1 but for me that was rather like feeling calm and good, not giving a fuck about a thing but it didn’t have any of the symptoms I mentioned above although that feeling is at the heart of stonewalling making it so tricky and more difficult to spot.

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WANTED was definitely the troublemaker. :smiling_imp:

We’re almost 2 months into Qv2 files, and even though high loops weren’t advantageous from the beginning, I did not experience headaches before Wanted… only a sense of overload.

Good thing I’m not overly invested in wanting Wanted to work. :relieved:


Thank you for listing these!

@SaintSovereign @Fire see above.

Yes. Maybe even 1 loop every other day.

Please limit yourself to 1 loop per day of any Qv2 program.


Just don’t do anything I would do. And definitely don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.


okay fuck it imma say my experience cuz im confused as hell

2 customs
Khan inner circle

Hero modules with EF 4 and spartan

ended up doing 8 loops a day last week 5/2 (4 each)

I monitor my gains by looking at my body, and the more loops i do of my hero custom the faster the rate of fat burn, muscle gain, and general aesthetics

when i did 1 loop a day of each, the effects in fat burn over night and muscle growth werent as prominent

the recon was hard, of course, but i wasnt stonewalling in the sense of “no more results” they were stronger than prior.

I DO NOT reccomend it, the recon was brutal and my brain has several instances where it almost turned off, and it’s for that reason I’m going to try the 1 loop every 3 days to see IF my gains stay moving forwards, even on that small of a loopage, as long as it keeps moving forward, even if not at the furious rate it did prior, I’ll be happy with it as I won’t have to suffer as much

your inputs are admired, anything you wanna say let’s do it

my goal is to keep my body moving forward on as safe as loops will take


maybe in Q+++ we can have rest time 1 year :astonished:

1 loop/year tha dreamm :blush:

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Yeah I’m curious, do you track your gains in anything other than physical experience or are you tracking liftt increases by poundage and frequency of increase in strength?

You fucking mad lad! We can’t really know how it’ll affect us until we do, so I admire your spirit. Do you remember any other recon?

The loop count that pops in my head as likely optimal is three. And that’s either an intrusive thought or intuition, so I wouldn’t expect you to get much from it lol

What’s your BMI goals?


i have a Full Hero Custom in T2 and i only listen to a loop once every 2 days because it really drains my energy. but the benefits aspect i can definitely notice. i feel my organs work better, i can digest better than usual, acne clearing up, better sleep, faster recovery from workouts.

before im listening to 2 loops every other day but im more drained than usual needing to drink extra coffee just to function properly at work and needing naps in the afternoon.


Terminus Squared in V2?

yes Qv2 T2 bro