Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

Multistages come last. They take hours to update, as opposed to the single stagers. I only did DR because everyone’s running it, lol.


Inner Circle, good to go.


It’s only by ironic accident that I posted that joke in reply to @bujin who was actually waiting patiently for a delayed order. Sorry about that.


Just got it an hour or so ago. :slight_smile:

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Would definitely love to hear people’s reports on this one and whether it’ll work even during the pandemic.

Of course it will. Networking hasn’t stopped at all.
Not to mention, it’s Qv2. Of course it will work.

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Looks like IC is back to 1 hour, whereas in Q it was 30 minutes

Question for @SaintSovereign and @Fire: is it possible to listen to Qv2 and Uv2 and get results while DRY fasting?


What do you mean?

The friend of mine who does 7+ days of water fasting tends to cut back his subs use to almost zero during the fasts. Even with water, the lack of sufficient carbs makes it harder to consume SC subs.

Assuming your dry fasting will only be of 1-2 days in a row, it’ll be best to double them as subliminal rest days.



Yeah, I wouldn’t run our titles while fasting like that.


Inner Circle is such an underappreciated gem. Thank you! :metal:


Hey @SubliminalUser, I only just grabbed the Qv2 of Inner Circle, so I cannot comment on that one just yet; but IC is in my current stack (which I need to open a new journaling thread on, and close the old one), and I definitely am having catch-up sessions and opportunities open up, even during these interesting times.
Whether that’s my animal magnetism, coincidence or IC - I’ll take it! Also, running IC seems to make me want to network more than I’d usually do, so it’s a bit self-fulfilling :slight_smile:


Interesting. I am really looking forward to running IC at some point, ESPECIALLY after doing all the healing that I’ve done with DR.

I guess this means that for an intermittent dry fast, subs during the fast are probably not a good idea but they’re okay during the eating window.

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Keep in mind, though, that the subs still get “worked on” after they’re done playing. So the caloric need may extend beyond the eating window.


Yea. So the playlist itself needs to be reworked to be a lesser load

That’s why when I break my fast I feel the sub processing much better as compared to a fasted state.


Qv2 is a something extraordinary. I wonder what it will do to Sex & Seduction, Primal Seduction, Primal and Daredevil.


Another important factor which someone highlighted. If you dont get enough sunlight or vitamin D3 the subs wont be as effective. Especially when it comes to sexual aura generating subs.