Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades


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The future isn’t in the past; full speed ahead :+1:

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QLv2 is finally here??!!


I used to run Q subs 4 to 6 loops 5 days a week

now i run Qv2 subs 2 loops 5 days a week because it triggers more recon in me when i run more than 2… im getting bloated and indigestion because of the stress when i go over my minimum effective dose in loops, sometimes i experience panic attacks and confusion.


@SaintSovereign, would it be fair - or unreasonable - to expect the physical shifting scripts of Emperor Fitness Qv2 upgrade to be at the HERO level?

(within the context of EF’s goals obviously)



Eh, that’s hard to say. The HERO sub will be Q+ / Ultima+ and probably written from scratch, based off the feedback we’ve been getting from the new Project HERO tech (the Q modules). The technology isn’t quite at the level that it’d meet HERO’s ambitious goals.


Woah, I didn’t know that. :innocent:

I meant these.

Would the “scripts of EF Qv2” be upgraded to the same level of performance as the “scripts of the current Project HERO Q modules” ?


Not right now. That would require a rewrite from scratch, as Project HERO does things a bit differently. EF will perform much, much better, however.



Thanks, man!

I was on the money about this! :smiley:


Emperor Fitness on deck. Will be a bit, since multistages are quite annoying to upgrade.


Is this the last one?

Aye. Quite excited, as I can get started on some other exciting projects. LIFE and Solace, possibly. I ran a prototype sub that @Fire made me in Solace format, and I started to get brain fog after 30 minutes.


Is that supposed to be impressive?
My body starts to heat up, 30 minutes into IT:U.

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Not only is the answer apparently no, the question did not even dignify a response.

Oh well. It was nice to dream our questions actually mattered. Carry on.

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It’s been mentioned by Saint that Aura sub is gone since it’s been incorporated into subs already more and more and the standalone Aura Q can actually interfere with the Aura scripting in the newer subs or even block it completely. I don’t recall if that info was in this thread or another one

EDIT: here it is


That is not only incorrect (the interference related to the possibility of an Ultima of the product), its not even the point. The point is, this is not the first time I’ve asked a question and it’s been ignored.

This is the kind of thing that causes me to take prolonged breaks from the forum, by showing me just how much the input and other input is valued. EDIT: in fact that’s what I’ll be doing now. Better things for me to do than yelling into the void hoping something echos back.

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My bad. Was just doing my best to help answer that question. Since I asked before also.


Got sidetracked?

Chill. This happens to and from everyone. :hugs:

Not all my questions get responses either, nor do I always comment when I’m asked, PMed, tagged, or invited. Time and energy are not at hand at every occasion.

This is a forum, not a customer support desk. :thinking:
We may not always get an answer, or we may get one from a member instead of the founders.

Much self-importance on a forum will hurt both our personal enjoyment and our learnings. :cry:

It’s valued so much they have set up a software to collect it, because no human will be able to catch all of it. :face_with_monocle: