Main Disc. Thread - Primal ZP

Primal does actually create a fiery heat in your stomach.

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Primal almost seems like a healing sub to me?

Healing all the masculinity issues instilled by society? Can anyone confirm? Just being truly yourself as a man? openly?


I would agree with that, and anything that suppresses your natural sexual instincts adds to the shame and pressure you put on yourself.


I’m pretty sure that the original version specifically had scripting dedicated towards healing (as per the store page), so you’re definitely right about that.


The description on the sales page seems like it could be read in that way:

Primal sales page:
The subliminal that will guide you on letting go of all inner beliefs that are useless in your dating and sex life, the subliminal that will guide you on how to do whatever you desire, on how to act however you want, and in the process, achieve the sex life you have dreamed of.


Ancient post…



Not to be confused with gonorrhea, which causes burning during urination. LOL


That’s definitely something I need to rotate into my stack. My dating and seduction skills suck.

@Leandros all kidding aside, I know what you’re talking about by sexual fire. I used to do a kind of meditation years ago, albeit briefly, that channeled this kind of energy throughout my body.

If you want to turn her( fire) on you have to burn first. :fire:

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I actually notice that today.

I can’t pinpoint what it is but something is happening healing wise.

Also had a somewhat sexual dream about an ex, so definitely healing going on.


I had a realization.

Y’all know the methods on how to deal with women’s shit-tests, right?
I think these can be mapped to the direction of the subs. Now of course, a great alpha male knows all of them, but I’d say the following is the preferred method:

Primal/Emperor: Agree and Amplify
Khan/Stark: Amused Mastery
Wanted: Cocky & Funny


Personally, AM has always been a favourite. Maybe I am just that aloof guy.


I think you are being way to pedantic if your drilling down to methods of dealing with these so called shit tests :grinning:. Just use a product that suits you its that simple.

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How are these 3 methods different?



They are very different NOT :slight_smile: :rofl:

Ever studied PUA?

Not saying it’s the means to all end, but these things are not something I made up. Takes 3 seconds to Google.

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Sounds like nonsense to be honest i personally would not waste my time reading stufff like this.

I had the same feeling reading your last 3 comments


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Damn boi. Somebody gonna need some cream for that BURN


Stark is bringing out the sass again, haha