Main Disc. Thread - Primal ZP Experimental

I will experiment the next time around. Thanks for the suggestion👍

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Is there an updated list of v2 titles somewhere?

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Take the rest of the week off from Subs. Let your brain process what you have ingested subliminally.

Women aren’t turning their heads in disgust.

It’s time for a little Primal Science.

Go on youtube and watch a video of apes or gorillas and see how the males and females respond to the most dominant one.

The females will avoid directly looking into the dominant male’s face. They will cast their face down when he looks at them. It is a sign of deference. This is deeply ingrained in most mammals.

After a while of running subs with a lot of dominance scripting, it becomes natural that people express some recognition of your dominance.

For example, have you gone to buy something and had a male cashier call you “Boss”? It’s the same principle at work. The male is recognizing your higher social status.

Women are casting their eyes down because they don’t want to look the dominant person in the face. I have noticed more in the last few days since running my Stark Fit custom. This could also be a bloom effect from my Medici Golden Khan custom that I was previously running for 3+ Months.

Either way, once you raise your internal status high enough those people who consider themselves less dominant than you will respond accordingly. What that means is that the women who make eye contact or whom you catch staring at you, are interested/curious.

Natural dominance is a responsibility. Others will trust you with their safety, status, and much more. It’s no wonder Malcolm Gladwell noted that men over 6 feet tall are only 14.8% of the population, but they are 58% of the CEOs of public companies. Tall people, especially men have a natural dominance, unless other aspects of their personality reveal weakness.

In conclusion…

Take more rest days. Read Iron John. It will give you more insight into the archetype of the Wild Man. It’s not about women, but women are a natural byproduct of getting in sync with this aspect of you.


Any chance of Primal-Seduction ZP Experimental and Sex-Mastery-X ZP Experimental?


I compiled this


Reversal recon = usually the sign of overexposure. Stop that. Cut back on loops. Use micro loops.


Nice, thank you

Sorry, I don’t see this referenced in the listening guidelines…
It’s called “Reversal” cause you get the opposite of the supposed result?

Thank you for the info.
My concern is if and when two titles from the OP would be released.
Other thing is V2 versus Experimental, that kinda makes me confused.

As far as I know it’s the same thing


Think someone added one to a thread somewhere, but I’m waiting for the updates of :
Sex Mastery
Primal Seduction

I’m eager for Sex and Seduction.


You used to have excellent results with Wanted and PS

Am i wrong?

It’s already been pointed out, but that definitely sounds like overexposure.

If you’re in an overexposed, overloaded, angry, frustrated and high recon state… then of course, you won’t be very approachable.

If I listen to LBFH for a year, 2 loops everyday (nobody ever do this)… you can damn sure bet that I won’t ever feel any positivity for the entire year. I’ll also be overexposing and making my recon even worse. How will I reconcile beliefs, process scripts and express them in a succinct and stable manner if I am overexposing?

So, yeah… I don’t know your listening habits but if you’re listening to 15 minutes then try 5 or 3. Go less… You can also listen less frequently. There is also the 30s micro-loop option.

There’s no reason to be so pessimistic when you can get amazing results, transformations and begin kicking ass simply by changing your listening habits.

It’s not like the subliminals are doing absolutely nada for you, because you’ve shared clear results in your journals, lol.


Has anyone tried WANTED + Primal ZPv2 together?


On sunday (after 5 days washout from DR) I started listening to Primal + LBH 15 minutes each.
Last night (monday) I had sexual dreams, quite rough and violent to be honest.

At the end of my year of DR I “naturally” stopped being interested in porn, I don’t know how many days I haven’t watched since I don’t count but I’d say almost 2 months.
Also, last time I had sex was 3 weeks ago.

Despite this I have never had during this period this kind of dreams.

EDIT. I must had that yesterday I was quite tired and had headache in eveninig, maybe 15min is too much?

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It goes DOWN in the Netherlands! :joy:

“Excuse me, sir? May we attend to your nethers?”


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Just did my third listen of Primal yesterday… Last night I dreamed of being at a gas station, I got out of the car to let the gas station attendant do his job.
Outside there was a kind of village festival (at a gas pump lol), I took a walk and suddenly at least a dozen women started “buzzing around me” like bees on a flower.

Primal is witty!


I’m quite amazed honestly.
Even in waking life I’m receaving a lot of attention from women, smiles, glances etc…
This after a week.

Let’s see how this unfolds


Is it just me or is this kind of wild?

maybe I’m reaching, but it seems like you’ve basically manifested a scenario where naked women are asking to have sex with you.