Main Disc. Thread - Primal Seduction ZP

I can see Daredevil being an indirect way to accomplishing success with women because of it’s social enhancement i just dont like the fact that its not a sub based around seduction.

I just feel that since PS is meant to be an action taking sub, it should have the script that initiates that drive to make it overall more effective. Too bad i cant add it since my stack is full this is one of those subs you cant go wrong with.

i agree with you.

i have not had much experience with ZP version but my experience with ultima version gave me amazing results but NOT with this sort of drive to approach you are talking about…my results where great but it was a passive style where girls where coming to me.

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im curious

which part of the world are you in where universities are still having in person classes?

i thought almost everywhere in the world it was back to online right now.

I avoid watching the news though so could be completely wrong

do you mind giving more details as to how it actually went down in practical terms?

im curious about this as primal ultima made me realize taking multiple girls from nightclubs and having sex with them at same time is possible for me.

i think most people know how nightclubs hook ups go down.

but im curious about how a threesome would go down exactly from school.

so they are both attracted to you, you flirt in school when you see them…then what happened?

you got their number and invited them both to meet you at the same time?

how exactly did you go from flirting with them in class to fucking both of them at the same time?

Im well aware of your results i actually managed to read them and they were admirable if only i could get PS to accomplish the same for me when i go for the approach.

Passive or active im happy you were able to reach great results. As for me i need to be able to feel like i went for it and got the results. Thats the only way i would be able to feel like i accomplished something. Plus the passive route wouldnt really work out well for me anyway im not a drop dead gorgeous guy so subs like that have given me little to no results. Libertine was the last passive sub i tried and its attractant aura didnt do it for me.

i agree with you.

it feels unmanly the passive route.

im actively trying to become more active.

you are 100% current that there is a very negative aspect to the passive route.

it feels unmanly.

my hope is daredevil will help me with this.

in about 1 week ill be starting a 3 week cycle focused on sex.

the nightclubs are closed so im going to have to meet women during the day where passive is impossible.

i can get away with passive in nightclubs but unless you are a celebrity, no matter how good looking you are there is almost never a situation where a girl will approach you in the middle of the day so with the nightclubs closed im going to be forced to be proactive to get laid during those 3 weeks.

my planned stack is daredevil,libertine and diamond …all ZP.


Please dont take what i said as an indirect way of calling your approach unmanly. Thats not what i think at all of those that succeed with that approach. If anything i envy that you and others can succeed in that manner. Although i believe a man should go after a woman i dont think any less of those winning the passive route.

Thats cool you want to be more proactive at it ,alot of people that succeed the passive way dont ever feel inclined to transition to a more actice route since they dont feel like there are any flaws to fix. They sorta have a mentally of “well if it aint broke dont fix it”

Im just curious why you didnt go with something like

Libertine ZP
Diamond ZP

Your social skills cant be that bad if your succeeding at getting women. PS would help with your seduction skills or something like sex and seduction when it comes out in ZP .

no i have felt that way for years actually.

i do NOT at all like that style.

it feels very unmanly to me.

ideally i would absolutely NOT want to be using this style.

once you get passed the ego/validation of girls approaching you, there is something about the style that i have always disliked.

in fact one reason i started using primal ultima more is while i was still mostly passive; primal had a sexual edge that pushed me to be more proactive then usual…with libertine i just sit back and let them come to me 100% pretty much


I’m in America. I’m in a part of America that has always been very nonchalant and relaxed about Covid restrictions. I’ll leave it at that.

I ran into them on campus while going to meet my counselor. Immediately upon seeing me they were both happily smiling and laughing talking in that high pitched breathy voice girls use when they are really feeling attraction. Then we started talking about what we did over the break and what classes we have in the upcoming semester. What surprised me about my conduct in our convo was I kept joking with them how I hoped my classes this semester wouldn’t have this “unbearable sexual tension” like the ones I had with them last semester. They both gave me these exaggerated laughs and smiles every time I said something like this. When I went to break off the convo because I had to meet my counselor they asked if I was living off campus still, I said yes then they proceeded to tell me where they were living off campus. I told them I would love to come over if they promised not to be too aggressive sexually, more over exaggerated laughs then they gave me the address.

I texted/called and went over later that night. The rest was just a lot less words and a lot more touch from the get go…

Also your statement about girls not approaching men in the middle of the day in any situation is not true at all. I have had both younger girls and older women sit down next to me and strike up a conversation while I was sitting in a public area with my headphones in, relaxed and smiling at people as they passed by. I also have had this happen in places like museums, malls and shopping centers etc. I honestly hate nightclubs and find meeting women during the day to be much more intimate, fluid and natural.



Ill address your statement that girls approach guys during the day which i stand by being 100% false.

First, lets define what i mean by approahing.

Approached by random women = a woman you have never met before walks up to you and initiates a conversation in a daytime environment that is NOT school or work

That is my definition of random women approaching someone during the day

Your example that a girl smiled at you or sat next to you is absolutely NOT an approach

And yes of course things like that will happen during the day; happens to me everytimr im in public since age 14

Have you had any random women approach you during the day as per my definition above? If yes, how many times and what exactly did they say to you?

Keep in mind i have literally been approached at night too many times to count, probably 1000s of times or at least high 100s so if anyone got approached during the day it would be me.

Im open to the possibility it happens but have never seen any evidence of this in reality.

All of the above with PS?

I remember that no other sub than that one made me ever that eager to go toward women, it gave me just too much raw sexual energy directly injected into my soul

And your whole experience is really awesome
I might try to give it another try with zp later down the road after 2 cycle or so


In my example I mentioned that these women struck up a conversation with me so those scenarios did fit your definition of women approaching me.

“Approached by random women = a woman you have never met before walks up to you and initiates a conversation in a daytime environment that is NOT school or work”

I have not counted how many times this has happened to me nor can I remember enough to say exactly what they said in every case. I wouldn’t say it has happened 100’s of times. It has happened often enough to in the past couple years so that it does not seem like some reality breaking event. Malls, grocery stores, shopping centers, museums, bookstores, parks, concerts are all places I can recall this happening to me.

I must add it happened more the better I looked and (surprise, surprise) when I was running Wanted Qv2 last year. Also, your general demeanor, at least online comes across as very confrontational and slightly aggressive. This is NOT conducive to getting approached by women during the day. At all. My general demeanor since I was a teenager has been one full of love and joy, fun and happiness. Most of the women that approached me did so after I sent them a warm smile.

Although, I have seen angry, brooding guys getting approached by girls in a bar so even that isn’t a dealbreaker…regardless it happens more often then you think.


So to be approached they need to be maybe drunk, under some substance or more or less sure they won’t see you again? Because at least that’s how I personnal see nightclub, you’d have guessed that I have bad opinions about it lol, but I’m not the best exemple of being approached in the daytime either yet

Bro just go read @Invictus first ZP journal about wanted you’ll see plenty of evidence that women can approach first in day time with all of your critera
It still happens to him to this very day

Also sorry if I’m sounding harsh I’m tired and probably should go to sleep


And yeah the ZP version of PS is a primal shot of essential “must mate with woman now” “seduce every girl” energy.

Highly recommend it to any guys looking to do better with women.


Best stack for club imo:

Stark (or daredevil) + PS + Libertine

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What exactly do these random women say to you during the day when they approach you?

Again, i have never seen this ever but open its possible.

Can you tell us what these women have said to you exactly?

The last 3 random women who approached you at the mall what exactly did they say?

The last 3 random women who approached you in a grocery store what exactly did they say?

Thank you bro ahahahahha
Your little internal dialog to explain the effect made me laugh so hard lmao (it’s probably directly in the script ahahahah)

AHHH also I see that I’ve got all tree, At some point I gotta try the seducer ‘’ trio’’

I’ m scared of being overwhelmed by women with that much ZP centered around it, with wanted only it was reaching weirdly intense scenario of being stared at, or girls trying so hard to be noticed by me, I might not be able to handle ahaha, when I’ll try that cycle wish me good luck, I’ll need some to kill the anxiety it might bring me lol


When I was in college years ago, my roommate used to get approached all the time by women. And it didn’t matter where we were. On campus, off campus… in a different city… night time or day time… they would approach him. Some people like my roommate, seem to have a tractor beam effect on women. I can’t explain it. But I’ve seen it happen. so many times in different venues and times of day, that I’m very inclined to believe @NinjaGazin experience as being a definite possibility.

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i am NOT close minded on this subject.

i am absolutely open to the possibility this happens but again I have NEVER seen it in my life so I’m going to need hard evidence.

so far i remain 100% unconvinced.

but lets take your roommate.

first, forget college campus and all that as that is NOT the point of this thread.

a girl approaching you at work or school of course happens; that is NOT what this thread is about.

so back to your roommate…

you are telling me that excluding the college campus, during the day random women he has never met before would approach him all the time?


if yes, a few questions for you…

first, what is your definition of “all the time”

i have been approached at night literally 1000s of times; that’s my definition of all the time.

secondly, what exactly did these women say?

please give examples for the shopping mall and grocery store which i think are 2 very common daytime environments where there are a lot of women.

what exactly did girls say to your friend when they approached him at the shopping mall or grocery store?

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Let’s just agree to disagree on the “do girls approach guys” conversation since this thread is about PS ZP.

Going back to your planned stack for day game I think daredevil and primal seduction would work perfectly. I can’t speak for daredevil ZP but PS definitely gave me an urge to socialize more alongside a strong sexually charged state of being so I can only imagine that combining it with a sub that specifically addresses being active socially should bring tremendous results.

In my opinion that combo would lead to the user becoming very sexually forward, nonchalant and yet leading interactions forward towards their desired outcome.