Main Disc. Thread - PHOENIX: A Dragon Reborn Experience (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

I’m currently stacking Phoenix with Genesis Mogul. Thirty second loops. I know it’s going to take time as much as I wish it would go quickly. I was raised by people that had no emotional control and probably the worst money habits a person can have. I know the combination of the two and my own far from favorable choices are what has put me where I am currently.

Phoenix has started helping me to stop being so focused on the past and what is outside of my control.

I’m doing this stack the same way anyone would run a two title zp stack as recommended in the listening instructions.

I’m not expecting miracles just paving the road


We’re all pulling for your success.


Has anyone tried new khan st1 and new phenix together?

I wonder what would compliment khan st1 best, i want some hardcore blockages melting, from reading replies it seems phenix didnt do much for some people

I feel you man. I’ve had so many releases (feeling relief) these past days I just want to push even harder. But I think that impatience might hurt me more than do good. Kinda addicting.

I was thinking of Phoenix too, but from the warnings I’ve seen, it might hit really hard especially together with ST1 of both khans.


Can you tell me what kind of warnings have u seen and how hard did it hit?
I think since i did 1year dr full and actively working on clearing traumas and blockages i might handle it

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Well the warnings on the page copywrite, saying you have to be prepared. Then also I think I remember reading in the journal that it hit hard or not recommended with heavy titles. I might have remembered wrong, I’ll try to check again with references.

Reference from copy:

Anyway there’s more, for example members giving first impressions, that were indicating recon inducing healing.

But I conclude Khan ST1 is considered tough by many, so mixing this with TB doesn’t sound fun.


I think i will give it a try for a cycle, back to back with khan st1

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!Recon alert!


15min khan st1 15min phenix back to back, one way ticket to recon city lets go :slightly_smiling_face:


I just began this with Khan St2 and New Emperor… should I stop?

Im doing it with Khan stage 2

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That’s the only stage I would use Phoenix along with. For Stage 1, DR:LD if needed or Sanguine if needed.

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I would love to fully clear the heart chakra however I would prefer multiple partners right now as opposed to 1 or the one… wonder would these do well with Wanted Blk

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I just started today, I ran Limit Destroyer during Khan st1 however I will run it again with this. I was hoping Khan St2 would work with Phoenix, Gratitude.

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Just to ask
Has anyone ran phenix reborn nse with khan st1 2024? Im trying this combo and khanblack st2 atm.
I want more hardcore inner work, i ran full dragon reborn over a year 5cycles per stage.

What worries me about phenix is peoples experiences seem sort of dissapointing or not matching the product page, i dont want to run phenix for few cycles just to realize i need more self love lol… I want effective inner work no matter how brutal.

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I did 2 cycles of Phoenix as well and then began LB. Best decision ever!

It has been somewhat a painful experience which is why it’s important to have a daily spiritual practice in whatever shape or form you feel called to explore.

Journalling helps a lot to get it out of you and reflect back on how much you have grown.

I self reiki myself daily. Clear my aura from any junk that has stuck to it.

We are on a self healing journey not a race. Healing is ongoing and part of the human experience. IMO. Finding balance is key. Exploring our divinity while also still being a human too. Giving yourself grace.

We will very likely always “remember” the traumatic events but without the emotional intensity attached to them anymore. Notice how different you feel and respond each time the trigger happens again.

Allowing the discomfort will eventually soften the blow. :metal:t2:


How did you go with Dragon Reborn? I’m on that now.

Wow, 5 cycles each. How did you find your progress through the levels, and do you feel it was worth sticking at each stage for that?

I was planning 2-3 runs per level.

All in all, did it bring a ton of transformation and healing for you?

Dragon Reborn will be fun when it’s updated later this year

It did to a degree but i felt still not enough tho, or maybe i needed this preparation to run what im running now. But yeah 3 cycles should be enough, dr4 feels amazing tho, i might pick it up again after nse but for now khan and khan black all the way and trying phenix for a cycle