Main Disc. Thread - Paragon ZP

lol well done for alerting everyone of the trap haha

more on topic though, i think Paragon ZP is super underrated is it just me??

  • Recover quicker after strenuous activity like workouts.

recover quicker from workouts!?!!

i may have to try this lol, what if I’m able to workout 3 times a day and recover super fast, holy crap lol

although BeastWithin, Spartan or Emperorfitness is probably better suited

@Deadpool what do you think oh hero of the trojan war

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I think you almost got us.
You are maybe right, I got a similar result of working out more time by a day with few supplements.

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Maybe it can heal Ligma

But what about sagma?

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Can this help with blood pressure?

Might want to enter a support ticket about this.

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Wouldn’t hurt to try. If it could reduce pain from a broken foot significantly (as it did for me), I’m confident that it could help with your blood pressure.


The ending :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The hell :laughing: :laughing:

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Hell Raiser !!!

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This Subliminal is insanely powerful. Been fighting a respiratory infection the last couple days, got tired of it, so I caved and used Paragon.

Slept for a little over 10 hours, and feel way better. Still coughing, still runny nose, still some lung pain but at least 70% better after one single loop.


My parents were having joint pains. My mother had severe pain in both the hands and my father’s hand had gone out of place and would pain in certain angles.
I told them this was some meditation music I found of youtube. :sweat: And had them listen to them one by one on different day.
Next day I didn’t even have to ask my mother about how her pain was. She herself came and told me that she was feeling much better than before.

My father did physiotherapy with Paragon (he to didn’t know about it’s uses) so far only 2 loops, but his hand has healed almost entirely. It is harder to make my father listen to what I say, in his mind the default setting is that he is in the right and I am in the wrong. :expressionless: Still he had good results for two loops.


So you STILL didn’t tell them what it actually is? :wink:

I just took the advice @Malkuth gave me. I did tell them that this is meditation music I found which helps relieve pain. So I did technically tell them.


Did they have any curiosity about how it works?

I say something like “it contains messages and questions that stimulate your mind to create beneficial changes. You can’t hear them consciously, but they’re in there.”. Something like that.

I think that’s the minimum that they have the right to know.

On the other hand, some people just trust you and have no desire to learn more about it. Still, I’d say something along the lines of the above.

This summer, I did have the chance to gift my mother Paragon and Paragon Sleep. And I told her pretty much what I just typed above. I found, however, that she was already very open to it, because we’ve shared health-related resources and practices in the past. Bought them an air purifier, bone broth, etc.

So that’s actually another suggestion I’d give, since it has worked for me. Have a general ongoing conversation with your parents about health and health promotion. It doesn’t all have to be about subliminals. And if you guys connect about other things, it will be easier to introduce something like this as well.


I’m actually considering getting Paragon Sleep at some point. Curious if that will make a person sleepy


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It improves the sleeping-related systems in the body and mind so that the sleep-wake functions perform better overall. You should notice a continuous improvement over time in the quality and depth of your sleep. Seems to be working for my mom.


It’s designed to optimize sleep. But doesn’t induce it in the moment AFAIK. Not like melatonin does.


Iv heard being healthy actually reduces hours of sleep so id expect paragon to make me sleep less after a while of healing problems

I rarely take melatonin. But on the rare occasion, I took 10mG. Actually ended up sleeping fewer hours because most of the sleep was deep sleep.

That was fun.


No they didn’t. Just told them its meditation music that helps with pain. My parents aren’t particularly open to many things.

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