Main Disc. Thread - Objectives / Product Copy Updates / ZP Refresh

@SaintSovereign Elixir is still the old file in my account (pre order)

Redownload in about 20 minutes.

Emperor Fitness (just the EF sub, not the others in the bundle) is ready to go.


Amazing speed. Final dozen to go. I’m sure you’ll have them done in under 72 hours.


Wonder how Khan and Renaissance Man end up at the bottom!
They must be getting special treatment.


@SaintSovereign, somehow the Legacy Mask has made itself into the DR ST2 file. Hotfix needed.



Exactly what I did for 3 cycles with EoG ST1. Just 3 minutes once, rarely twice a week.
And now? The business went from $500 to $10k last month, and I am on $5k already again this month, so 10k seems to be the new baseline for now (just the beginning tho :D)

Plus, I mean, it has to undone what, 4-5 DECADES of societal programming that money is bad for you @James ? That’ll take a bit!


I am unable to find the message logo next to avatar for PM( I am using Mobile version and it doesn’t seem to have it). So could you respond to the ticket (ID #9588) I submitted to you? I have submitted the order details there.

It takes a bit of activity before new users get the ability to PM from my understanding.


Couldn’t do it from the other account too (which has that ability ig).

@TPhehe - put the order number here. It is safe to give that number.

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Order number is #92568

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Anyone else having INCEPTION like dreams on this new technology?

With this I mean dreaming of real life events, for example I woke up (still dreaming) went downstairs were my brothers girlfriend asked me for the keys for the mailbox and I told her which one.

Then I actually woke up and she told my brother the keys won’t work because because she took the wrong one.

Really dreams like events that are monitored by my conscious and then translated into dreamscapes while I’m sleeping.

Reminds me of Terminus


Will tag @SaintSovereign here

My saguine download didn’t change to the latest.
Edit : never mind I check the files itself it upgraded.

Had many precognition dreams on wanted, but
Thats normal for me this skill is runnin in the family but on wanted it was more often especially with a woman at work. Im an empath so i could see what she feels for me plus future events days, weeks, months ahead.
Many of them were metaphorical though


Very interesting what did you sense about them during your use of wanted? And how does it relate to your premonitions. Appreciate you sharing

Do we have to finish a cycle before running this new ZP version or we can run it the next day in the cycle?


I’d switch. Since it’s the new standard


Go ahead and employ it straight ahead. If it wasn’t recommended SC would have forewarned us for sure.


I just did this (switched to the refreshed version) and didn’t experience any problems.


I’m on a washout right now, I’m excited for some shiny new EF tracks waiting for me next week!