Main Disc. Thread - Mind's Eye ZP v2

Mind’s Eye v2 - now available! For those who have purchased Mind’s Eye in the past, the download will be available in your account within two hours (or sooner, please refresh).


If Saint says that is not as dense as other ZP Titles, may be I can add it for cognitive enhancement.
What do you say @SaintSovereign?

@SaintSovereign Last question for a considerable amount of time. Um…Can you fix it so Dragon Reborn ZP days V2? Pretty please?

@SaintSovereign : I second this. As much as I understand that HoM or Emperor are dense scripts and RICH or GLM are light. I don’t think I know where Mind’s Eye falls on that density scale.


As long as you stick to the 3 subs max and listening routines, you’re fine.

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Amazing! Want to see how this going to playout stacked with HoM

Will this help with manifestation if person start praying & thinking positively about getting lots of money?


Would you please enter a support ticket with this question?

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So I recently added Minds Eye v2 to my stack, and I wanna share my results just after 2 loops.

Long story short, I was nervous financially about cutting hours at my main job (at the time) so I could pursue my job in the field I went to school for. Needless to say I needed a better job.

  • Loop 1, I put the intention out there.

  • Loop 2, applied for a job, and got it the next day.

  • Now this job is literally perfect for my situation. It’s Friday-Sunday 12 hour shifts but I am paid for 40 hrs. It’s a set schedule so it’s perfect for me to pursue my career as a massage therapist which is appointment only.

  • Financially with the new job alone I won’t be taking a pay cut, so now my massage therapy job is all extra profit


What was your stack when you added Mind’s Eye to it?


Chosen and my Stark and Spartan custom.

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Interesting. I keep on forgetting about Mind’s Eye even though I believe I own it. :joy:

I’ll give it shot sometime this year.


It’s a very interesting sub and honestly it’s underrated. I will share this though as well. I want to clarify that I have used V1 in the past for multiple cycles and then I dropped it. Listening to my intuition I added it back out of no where

  • Subs seem to integrate much better, because I am better able to understand what my subconscious is trying to tell me.

  • Better understanding of my natural capabilities of manifestation. Positive growth in general helps this as well.

  • I am able to pinpoint even the very small results of of subs objectives. For example Chosen has actually made me more confrontational. Like for the first time in my life I actually honked my horn at someone sitting at a green light. It’s not huge like face to face confrontation but it’s a small result, that I noticed immediately.

  • Able to trust my intuition much more, and this is going to sound weird af but I am starting be able to converse with it in a way.

If you want to know more @Invictus has journals with stacks/customs involving Minds Eye. It was actually after talking to him about it, is what made me start using it.

My advice if you ever decide to use it, make it the first sub you listen to in your stack :wink:


I kind of intuitively played around a bit with visualizing today after a loop of Mind’s Eye. I’m not the best at visualizing, but found a very good way that worked for me to practice some basics.

At first I drew something on a paper and then closed my eyes to try and visualize it. This has been the biggest hurdle for me at time to just get that basic transfer from a shape with eyes open looking at something, and then seeing it with eyes closed.

What I found though, is that instead of drawing on a paper with a pen, I instead close my eyes and use my finger to draw a shape instead on a surface in front of me. With my eyes still closed I just imagined ink or a line appearing behind my fingers as I was drawing something with it (just like with a regular pen.) To me this made it a lot easier to see the shapes behind closed eyes, and it also felt more structured, as before my visualizations would move all over the place.


This can definitely make one more intelligent. Is the scripting in any of the major programs?

For anyone who is interested, found these awhile ago and decided to share. Have fun!





Thanks for sharing these, @Beowulf. Interesting timing, because I’ve long experienced myself as aphantasic. (I think my first post on this discussion forum was about aphantasia.).

But just last week I found my views on aphantasia shifting based on an experience that I was having.

I actually write about it in another journal some days ago.

As with all subconscious processes, I’m finding that visualization works better for me if I communicate, request, and invite, rather than forcing.

We all have different configurations of what is closer to the surface and what is farther beneath in the psyche.

The strategies for accessing and directing each vary considerably.

Interesting that I’m intuiting this now; so long after playing Mind’s Eye.

Anyway, I’m finding a different and potentially more easeful relationship to visualization developing.

So, yes; the information that you’ve posted is pretty timely.

I’m finding that the issue with various mental faculties is not Ability, but rather Accessibility. The capacity is there but you need a certain level of relaxation and openness to be able to access it.

This varies from individual to individual because we’re configured differently.

I’ve always found vivid mental visual imagery difficult to access; for others it’s close to the ‘surface’ and easily accessible.

Some people find it difficult to reproduce verbal sounds from unfamiliar languages. I’ve usually found this to be relatively easy.

Some people have right-hand preference and find left-hand dexterity difficult to develop. And some are the converse.

But in all of these cases, if the person can enter a more open, permissive, relaxed state of mind, the originally remote capacities can become more accessible.

Anyway. Interesting thoughts. Look forward to reading the resource you’ve shared.


I would’ve never guessed that you were aphantasic. The while concept intrigues me. I have a colleague who is an outstanding painter, yet he tells me that he doesn’t “see” the image in his head (or any image) at all. Meanwhile, I can’t draw anything but I can project images from my mind almost into real life. I can project the image of an apple into my hand and even “smell” and “taste” it.

I can do the same thing with data. Hard to explain.


Added this sub to my stack last cycle, and interesting things have been happening…

It seems to improve manifestations without me actually spending dedicated time visualizing. I just imagine certain outcomes I’d like here and there and some of them happen fast…

The other thing I notice is more and clearer intuitive pings about things. A lot of things.

Like this little example, where I don’t know at this point whether I predicted the outcome, or manifested it…

Makes me wonder what this sub will be like when it gets the upgrade, and I actually dedicate time to practice visualizing. :laughing: :thinking:


I ran this sub 2023-12-02T15:00:00Z - 2023-12-26T15:00:00Z

It was a nutty cycle. I broke all the rules (cycle length too long, ran four subs and sprinkled in some stuff for “testing” purposes) but I could still see very clearly some of this sub’s power.

I actually bought it because I was looking for something to help me with visualization for kanji study. Being able to visualize characters is huge for writing, so I thought it would be perfect. For whatever reason, I didn’t realize that the sub was more for the practice of visualization and manifestation.

In my experience with Mind’s Eye, I reached the limit of my vocabulary and ability to articulate what was happening. I can only describe it and share the story as best as I can, but it won’t capture the exact experience.

Some points:

My senses changed. Maybe a better way to say that is my strong senses became even stronger.

My sense of smell became too much. My coworker has poor hygiene and can’t do laundry properly so he smells like shit. Everyone is still masked up because they’re Japanese women, so I don’t think they can smell it. But I can and it’s awful. Anyway, I have a class after one of his kids classes and normally I can just barely tolerate it, open a window, and get it ship-shape before my class starts. But I hit a point where I could smell all of the fucking details. His crappy Axe spray, shirts that were washed but not dried properly, the faint smell of poop, the smell of slightly dirty children… oh god it was awful. It felt like a health hazard so I officially changed classrooms and I don’t work after him anymore :laughing:

My already fantastic touch typing became even better. On my personal machine I almost never make mistakes now, no matter how fast I type, and on different laptops or keyboards with different layouts my accuracy and speed noticeably improved. Super useful :sunglasses:

My intuition went next-level. Now it’s calmed back down to what feels like a slightly higher baseline, but there was a period on ME where I just… entered the flow of life and could intuit what I needed for a given situation. Again, I don’t have the words to describe it, really.

Unbelievable manifestations

There were many times where I needed something in the moment, my intuition told me it would work out, and it worked out. One moment that I can’t forget is I was walking a route that I’d never walked before and I needed to buy something. I had a choice to go way out of my way to a known store in the area or to continue to my final destination and wait for another 30 minutes. But then suddenly I had a thought – it’ll be there on the way, don’t worry just keep going. And sure enough, I turned a corner after 5 minutes and found it.

I had some situations where my money was low and I needed to buy some specific type of food or services. I had no idea what the price would be in advance, but the price ended up being the amount that I had (or like 10% less).

I could feel/notice other subliminals better

Again, this is weird territory where I can’t prove anything. Just share how it felt. During this time I ran a bunch of subs including Khan, Limitless Executive, Mogul, Khan Black and Nectar. I swear I became able to feel the subs more clearly and pinpoint how they were interacting with my mind. “Oh yeah, there’s Khan.” “Ah… Limitless Executive is doing X but not really Y like I thought.” This was only improved by NSE, but I really believe ME unlocked this for me.

Some interesting moments

I had some times after running this sub when my vision pulsed yellow around the edges. Trippy. And I was inspired to meditate one time and got visions of ducks and other animals with… spirals in their eyes. And it sounds really stupid to type out, but the vision really led me to start thinking about how life is kind of a spiral… And how everything I had done over the last few years – hell even the “good years” before that – had brought me into a crazy negative spiral. But how I could spiral back out just as easily in the right direction if I changed my choices and only did things that could launch me upwards instead of down.

I’m finding this idea play out more in everything as I slow down (thanks Sanguine) and find better ways to use my time every day, and if I ever become able to really articulate it, I will probably do so in a journal post.

Long story short

I just wanted a study aid and I ended up getting some trippy experiences and a motto for 2024. Well, not a motto. Just one word.


I say it to remind myself to stay on track. To remind myself how easy it is to get off track and ruin my life, but also how easy it is to improve by making the right kind of choices, too.

Stack space is at a premium, so I don’t know when I can run ME again. I honestly still don’t quite know how I should use it. But wow. What an interesting month it was.