Main Disc. Thread - Love Bomb Ultima

My advice? If someone wants to have a “long term Libertine” or “long term Love Bomb” then build and set up that long-term structure with a sub like Khan.


You mean play LBU, LU and Khan in a stack?

I think this could be a good idea. Would you please elaborate?

Well, this one feels like a magic pill :sunglasses:

Had a stressful day, typical triggers of family, money, demands and expectations. My go to modality with handling stress is shutdown and anger, when it’s not melodramatic despair and anguish. But that is no longer an excuse.
Melodrama belongs in the theater and on paper, a waste of energy to display for no audience in my eyes :upside_down_face: - this is no longer acceptable after months of Alchemist and DR - of healing. As such, I opted for something new - breaking the habit, love bomb came into mind and it was worth breaking my subliminal fast.

The energy of love, whatever it might be, that which my logical mind is incapable of quantifying, formulating and materializing for exploit; seems like the last resort and solution — the salvation from that hellish realm and its inhabiting emotions.

I am proud of myself for the choice I made with taking LB. complete melting of the nasties. Cleared my head for better thinking of the situation. Changed my perception, where I am no longer was just thinking of myself. Oh, no, siree. I was able to see from their point of view. This must be empathy :nerd_face:

I am starting to believe that LB might be obliterating my toxic egomaniacal habitual self, his glorious, most majestic highness: Emperor Narcissismus that would some times pop up. I say that because whenever I’m Lov—‘ploding, I am no longer in that “me-me-me-me” state that I abhor.

Might experiment with a daily intake after my rest week. I feel like I want this to be a general state of mine, so I will ingrain it into my habit.


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what works as ad copy for a @Malkuth

Love Bomb Ultima is getting bought. Not right now, of course, because Nova Elite (my current stack) is a jealous Quadrumvirate.

But LB Ultima is now sitting on the queue like this:


@SaintSovereign, Hello i purchased the LBUV2 and started listening to it and as for ultimate version there is results after an hour of listening to it, but for LBUV2 i don’t get the results of what is expected from this subliminal, the results is neutral i have been playing for a week now, what could be the reason? i follow all the instruction on the manual. so why cant i project the Aura of love and be loved, for example my friends addicted to me etc,

Because you’re too fucking needy

excuse me?

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Exactly :fu:

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if i am needy or not, what does that have to do with LBUV2 giving me results?

hi sir :hugs:

you need inner growth, see


@Dare2fly you’ve been playing it daily for a week? Auras are kinda unpredictable and even more so difficult to create. Take some days off and try again. Your auric “energy” for the lack of a better term, could be depleted. Some auras work by day, for others by night. Some times it works greatly for a day and not the next.

Also - as mentioned, inner growth; what’s inside projected outside: love in and love out, and so would hate.


What happened after you played it? What did you experience?

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inner growth

like inner-game?

the emotions within yourself?

ermmmmmmmm :persevere:
not sure sir

@Eric i am listening to inner growth major titles- PSITU, inner circle, wanted. Which innergame Major title did you want to refer to for LOVEBOMBv2?

@Malkuth i dont feel any love or project any love for that reason, i feel neutral about it, nothing is showing up.

@Phoermes this could be the reason, because i play sub 7 days a week and i might need to rest for a day or 2 day? even thou i dont feel any sideeffects from listening to 7days a week.
Could this be a big reasons for not seeing any results?

you need to take breaks bruv now take 2 days off the love doctor speaks !!.


You’re not sensitive to love. That’s okay. Most people are not sensitive to our livers or spleens either.

But don’t make the mistake of assuming that your lack of awareness equals lack of results.

(remember that old saying: the absence of evidence does not equal the evidence of absence?)

My advice (though you didn’t ask for my advice, so feel free to chuck it):

Spend time reflecting on and observing love, its expression, its meaning for you, your memories and past experiences with it.

oh, and by the way if you want to know how I know you’re currently not very sensitive to it? It was the use of generalizing superlative: “don’t feel any”, “don’t project any”, “nothing is showing up”.

That’s the type of language we typically use when we’re not sensitive to a given area. (Love is already present before you run the subliminal. That’s the secret.)