Main Disc. Thread - Love Bomb Ultima

As one example, someone’s significant other became more and more affectionate. Beyond that, I don’t know.

It means @Sub.Zero may become your stalker. Or not


Is he hot?

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Thanks for your thoughts.

So, “others can end up more attached to you than expected”, means like, a person can suddenly fall in love with you and you just thought they were a regular postman?

He sort of resembles the singer from the " I’m Too Sexy " video from a distance and if you squint


First of all… TUNE!
and yeah, he might be a bit too sexy for me!

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I think that is very possible. Have you read Yardbird’s thread about Love Bomb?

@SaintSovereign @Fire
Hello good people, I need to ask this after listening to lovebomb there is a physical shifting in energy when in person with someone, so what about when I’m on video Skype zoom with somebody will that energy project to them and give the same effect?
Bc of the LIVE interaction
Lastly, what about on a call
I’m sure many would that this question in mind too, kindly shed some light
Much Appreciated.

I’ve wondered if there is an effect over video chat. You could submit a support ticket to inquire for certain.

If @SaintSovereign or @Fire could answer it here, I would highly appreciate!
And anyone who has experienced with it thanks

Well if I can give my 2 cent

I’d say yes

The experience is simple, you can usually if someone is pleasing in general or not even only by phone,
why ? It’s something you can hear, look at, feel it.

It might not be the exact same experience as irl, but energy is not limited by distance as long as there is some kind of contact. So I think that yes it can be felt in LIVE. It’ll just be different because the experience in itself is different, you never feel the same even if you know the person for years irl and then call that person it’ll be different anyway. But you still somewhat feel them.

So if you transform yourself into a receptacle of love, others will fill it if it’s genuine.


Yep. You can actually feel somebody’s energy come across on phone calls, and video calls, videos etc.

Something you can do is send love. I used to do it by just checking: Could I allow myself to send love to ___? If that brings up non loving feelings you either release/let them go, or change them into love. Until you’re able to send love without that resistance getting in the way. How to change them go just check, could I change this feeling into love?

I don’t do that anymore. I feel like it’s best to work on self love first. Then just change all your non-love feelings into love and or let them go. So you only have feelings of love for yourself and the “other.”


@Melior @ABC333 thanks for your advice
Overall, does Lovebomb have manifestation of love with anyone you want, women or business, relationships?

Does it work as technique too? Make them like you by the way you talk and act?



I don’t know I haven’t used it extensively. I think it’s more of how you direct it. I started sending love as a technique thinking it would get me the ladies. It didn’t. You will want to direct it at yourself and have that self love first and basically go live your life and be free from resistance and attachments to outcomes. If getting something is your goal, that may not work as you hope. At least my experience was that first and foremost I have to get myself right first. Like the whole seek ye first the kingdom within and all shall be added type of thing.

As far as me using it I guess I have work to do on maintaining my self image and being grounded in my reality rather than being swayed by “other.” It made me feel really good but people would make fun of me or they’d start talking about me too much and/or being jealous. I think I wouldn’t want to run it until I ran Dragon Reborn to resolve whatever the issues are in me that would attract those situations or at least have them on my radar.

I recommend go to youtube and look up edward artsupplyhands and go through that whole series 1-23 study that and combine that with love bomb and you’ll be able to have some great experiences to report back to us.


Well for me lovebomb did wonder with my general surrouding, some teachers couldn’t have enough of me, male or female, it created many interactions. Also people went for me in first for advise or anything if they had a question. Plus it made new relationship (toward people in general) super easy

I didn’t pursue the usage because I had some spiritual skills I wanted to better with subs I still haven’t finish that part yet lol, and as I didn’t use what I gained it slowly faided, I probably could get that aura back with minimal exposure to the sub but it’s not my priority for now


You guys think this will get zps treatment and what it would be like ?


They set to the support desk specifically for asking questions such as these. And so people would stop tagging them all the time.

When I was on Love Bomb Qv2, people use to tell me that I was beautiful. My partner is on Emperor, Chosen, and Love Bomb, and I’m seeing women look at him with looks of longing and long stares.


When I was running Love Bomb+Libertine+Mogul+Emperor, the Love Bomb/Libertine mix (I think) is what got the girl at this restaurant being very talkative with me.

And, somehow, I seemed to just “flow” with conversation. I’m sure it’d be even better with PS or S&S in the mix.

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