Main Disc. Thread - LIFE(charger) Early Access

@SaintSovereign @Fire

Please note above inquiries. Especially the one about “offline” availability.

Yep. But, if you’re accessing it through the app, you’ll have to be online.


@SaintSovereign I’m confused. Are you saying that existing owners of such tracks as True Social will get the new Lifecharger versions? Can they be accessed outside of the app?

just tried the dreams supercharger.
i thought it would be relaxing but i got too many existential questions in my head before sleeping :expressionless:

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@Azriel I am right in assuming that those of us who own iPhones cannot access this app? There is no desktop access either? So it’s Android or bust?

Aye, that’s what I said.

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That assumption is wrong. Not to be mean, but I’ve actually said this three times in this thread, haha – the Apple Developer program’s application is much more rigorous than Google’s, so for testing purposes, we went that route first. We’re currently working through the steps to become an approved Apple Developer. Desktop access is dependent on how popular the apps get.


I honestly could not believe this, so I had to ask. :smiley:

This is pretty crazy. To be honest, though, this makes me confused about how to use lifechargers vs. Ultimas in a practical sense, EVEN given the answers in this thread so far. The way I saw TS Ultima, for example, I’d run it in the hour before I go hang out with friends. Now I guess I’d run TS Lifecharger (AKA TS L — you heard it here first folks!) 10 minutes before I go hang out. But where does TS U fit in, then? It’s not a main title…

Web app, maybe? Depends on how the app was built

Can’t wait to try these with Lifecharger:

  • True Social
  • Commander
  • Sanguine
  • Elixir

With them being only 10 minutes long, they’re truly going to live up to the original supercharger concept!

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Don’t overthink it. You use a lifecharger just before the activity because it’s intended to provide an IMMEDIATE (within 10 minutes), but not long-lasting boost. Ultimas are intended to cause a fast acting state shift with permanency. For example, I listened to the Beyond Limitless lifecharger just before this music session to give me an extra “oomph.”

I mean, I know how to build it, but if there’s no demand for the mobile apps, not going to create a desktop one, haha.


so if i understand right
if lets say i own true social ultima ill get the new terminus squared super charger downloadable in the download dection And be able to access it on the app right?
and will i be able to access only lifechargers which belong to titles i purchased?

also will there be new super chargers for newer ultima titles like psitu and love bomb etc

I propose a new technology moniker to describe this format: Lifecharged. If Terminus Squared is T², then Lifecharged is L.

T² ≈ L, but as we know slight differences make ALL the difference. :stuck_out_tongue:

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@SaintSovereign apologies if this is already given, but I don’t have an Android phone so I can’t test LIFE right now. Do these still have no meditations? And if so…

Is it possible to listen to the Beast Unleashed (Lifecharged) early in the workout? I ask because I typically workout first thing in the morning, which sometimes means there’s less than 10 minutes before I’m in my home gym!

I used one of the Life Chargers for Beast Unleashed during my workout, if that helps. I don’t think it has a mediation to it.

@Brandon did it help?

If its beast unleashed,i used to just loop it for my whole gym workout.Beast unleashed didnt have any meditation involved.It was designed to be used before/during your workouts.It used to keep me more motivated and able to push harder.Never tried the ultima though so dont know if its better

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I am curious how effective the lifecharged version is.

It works super well. I’ve had great workouts with it.

What differences have you noticed?

I don’t have the normal Beast Unleashed, just the Life charger one from the app.

I can only compare it to not using it. Whilst I always push through my workouts - this helped me push through it even more and without stopping as much. I was able to lift heavier and all that jazz.