Main Disc. Thread - LIFE(charger) Early Access

I’m looking to see what happens here. With the 3-title limit for QZP it seems to rule out using titles as boosters but this would fix that.


Just tried Dreams life charger, wanted to run this as I’ve been waiting for zp while I’m doing my washout.

Feel asleep at some point, loved how the voice of the lady sounded and just going thru the steps of the program. Had a realistic dream of being a competitor that was sort of like war zone being dropped into areas full of zombies. I was me, but I was someone else in the dream. Wasn’t scared, just felt confident and knew I’d be able to solve any situation I was in.

Pretty fun dream, killed some zombies and saved some pretty girls :grin:


Any chance of a lifecharger related to PoMaQ?

Fun fact: Tomorrow will mark 9 months since this thread was started and we don’t have lifechargers yet…

We were waiting for Zero Point. :wink:


I can’t wait to stack this lifecharger with ZP :slight_smile:

How many meditations from Lifechanger can I run in one day?

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Would you please submit this as a support ticket and post the answer here?

I apologize but rather not, if Saint wants to respond that would be great but if not no problem :).

I’d limit it to one / two. They have embedded subs in them, though some of them are EARLY technology.


Damn, I did 5 today :). But glad to know, I will stick to just 1-2.

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Hahahaha, how did that go?

So far so good, got little tightness in the head but overall I am ok, but we will see how will my sleep be about. Most of the time, when I do overexpose my sleep is just a mess.


So no harm was done my sleep was in a normal range, but of course, from now on I will follow instructions to listen to only 1-2 meditations a day.

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Are there any plans to release the app on IOS or is it still only on google for now?

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It’ll be on iOS eventually.


What’s the status of LIFE(charger) development? Is it still on pause? Will an iOS version come for testing? The latter is especially notable since all non-ZP versions have been pulled from the main site, which includes pre-Q era superchargers.


Ever since ZP came out, I notice that Life Chargers are way more effective. They must mesh well with ZP and enhance it.

If I listen to the commander as a major program in ZP, can I also listen to it as a lifecharger?

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Do you mean by this - the original superchargers? (I have iOS so no access to the lifecharger app.)

It’s almost weird that the app was released on Android and not IOS. It’s usually the other way around

Development is paused due to Zero Point, but the project isn’t canceled, especially now that ZP can help us achieve what we wanted to do with these.