Main Disc. Thread - Libertine ZP

Great post, like it. What is your current stack?

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I’ve had that effect on Khan. PS is also strong for this.

It’s so important to know if the person is attracted, it really helps with the confidence to make the move!



Love the insights on Emperor!

Did you learn new stuff from book/video or is it that somehow you got new knowledge from the sub?

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I’ve been on Stark ZP solo for a couple weeks to really get a feel for how it affects me.

I’ve now added in Libertine ZP just for fun as I’ve had it since original release but never really used it.

Today is my second listen, on the first day I can say I noticed a couple females I had to interact with for work seemed to be really intently gazing into my eyes, like much more than normal as I spoke.

We’ll see what happens today as I’ll be around a lot of people for the Super Bowl.


I ran a loop last night and fell asleep shortly thereafter.

I was around a lot of females today and I was the most popular dish in the building by far. Married women were having buyers remorse in front of their poor husbands eyes.

One said I looked great and was glowing. That was the first thing she said to me.

Many others were locked on to me all day. Aura was activated for sure.


how would you compare your experience with libertine ZP compared to libertine ultima?

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I only have minimal experience with ZP, but each time I’ve ran it the ladies take notice. It definitely has gotten my foot in the door with quite a few so far. I like.


Libertine’s aura works online as it attracted woman online for me :eyes:


Okay so I’ve called other subs my “favorite” or the most “life changing”, however, even though I just started libertine, I’m gonna say this:

This will be the most fun sub I’m gonna be spending time with, more than any test variant of WANTED as well.


I am very curious about your experience.

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There are things I will not be able to write in public, which have already happened :stuck_out_tongue:

However, I’ll still tell y’all about the day, at the end of the day, but for now I’ll say this:

Libertine really brings out the playboy part of Stark, like 10 times more.


Don’t be so humble and too careful, tell us in your journal :).


is anyone running this right now?

if yes, has this product significantly increased your libido/sex drive?

i was a strong responder to libertine ultima but ended up eventually switching to primal seduction ultima as it had more sexual intensity.

and a big reason i liked primal seduction ultima more then libertine ultima is my sex drive/libido was significantly increased when i ran primal ultima but NOT on libertine ultima.

so im curious how things are for ZP technology in that aspect

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does anyone have any updates on this “new attractant method”?

it was supposed to be a game changer if it worked.

did it work for anyone?

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what have been the results of this test idea after now more then 2 months?

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@Friday tested it, said it increased his sex drive significantly, but he stopped due to some other issues he wanted to work on first. I don’t see why it wouldn’t increase your sex drive, though. It’s a very… sexual script.

Best review was @Friday. I know @Invictus had an experience on it that I’m not sure he posted, so I won’t say… but it sounded like Libertine attracted a little too MUCH attention. :wink:


Phenomenal. We used the same kinda idea in Ascension Chamber, Quantum Limitless, EmpFit, etc. which are all getting great reviews.


When I ran Libertine and Love Bomb together, the girl I call Moonbeam was way more open talking to me.

To the point that she got visibly disappointed one day that I was just picking up food for a delivery instead of eating in.

I didn’t stick with that stack at the time because money issues.

I think it I were to run that stack again, she’d be up for some fun.


Oh yeah I posted about it briefly in my journal, but this is one sub I would be careful with if guys are using it while in a relationship, it could now work even better with AsC, but it could also lead to a lot more issues than I had with my girl :rofl:

Emperor was the one that lead me to get her back to normal :sweat_smile::rofl: