Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

Now if it can create an oxytocin response in the “target audience” every time they but even look at you…

The problem with raising oxytocin, is it also lower testosterone.

My assumption here is the brain is devaluing social interaction for its own sake (High Energy), and instead relies on existing social investments (Low energy).

Oddly oxytocin can lead to antisocial behaviors directed towards “Outsiders” even if they display signs of being good people.

I imagine oxytocin was evolutionary evolved as an advantage for the “Beta Males” so to speak, to give enjoyment under the control of the leader. Supplication would usually lead to social success, through gifts from other high status individuals.

As for how to elicit an oxytocin response remotely? Good question. I think the simplest answer I can imagine is, show visible signs of what you are and represent as a person, don’t rely on the others imagination and intelligence to guess for you. This is called virtue signaling and it’s proper use can give others the safety of investment.


I use the term beta male, just ignore that :slight_smile: My introversion is too strong to take tackle that dichotomy right now.


And here I was just thinking about how they call it the “love/bonding hormone” because it is created during intimate contact, mainly physical and increases the feeling of comfort around one another. And you’ve ruined it with a cold harsh dose of reality. :wink:

Reminds me of those courses for women where they are taught to withhold sex and other intimate contact until there’s “a ring on it.” In part they are warned to avoid too much cuddling since they might fall in love thanks to oxy and forget “the mission.”

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Ok so it has been about 3 days that I have started to listen to Ultima.

Day 1: Started listening on sunday, listen to it for the first time, 2 loops. I continually fall asleep while listening to masked tracks…I believe that it doesn’t impair my subconscious receptivity, on the contrary!

Day 2: Monday is a work day. I didn’t notice anything different coming from my coworkers or anything, like them noticing me more in any way. I went to the shopping mall during my lunch break though and while walking around the mall I caught the eye of 2 to 3 hot females. It was a direct eye contact, checking me out type of eye contact. I listened to only one loop at night by the way.

Day 3: Nothing from my coworkers, I did notice myself looking more at the females around me and a “hater coworker” noticed it. I insulted the cocksucker copiously! Frustrated married men are the worst! Interested thing though is that earlier at the supermarket, a girl was in line a couple of people before me, no bra, no panties. She was quite young and quite firm I could tell…could it be the magnet attracting excited female genitalia to me?

I decided to amp up the loops to 2 a day. I can’t listen in the morning or I will fall back asleep so I will just double up at night.


Perhaps it is a subconscious probing for testosterone levels :slight_smile:

I didn’t listen to any subs after LibU for a few days.

Awesome, name-embedding is a game changer, it’s exponentially more effective compared to normal titles.

Does that mean free upgrades become obsolete? How would you convert all titles for every Subliminal Club customer free of charge, I can’t possibly believe that, unless of course you got some sort of Quantum Computer ready behind the scènes.


I think that is really good. Personally I know It wouldn’t help me, I would hope the option for stealth name embedding would be offered.

I went to a talk where they studied oxytocin’s effect on caregiving in mice by triggering the response in virgin females so that they would care for the baby mice. When fully successful it could be used to help foster/adoptive parents bond with their children.

Do you listen with headphones at night, or without?

Hey @manfromearth123 I have almost always listened masked tracks with headphones. Tonight is the first time I am actually listening on my JBL speaker…since there is an embedded ultrasonic track I believe that It will be effective as well…and I can do other stuffs meanwhile as well which is convenient.

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You’ll have to enter a queue and wait for your upgrade.


I am officially announcing that I’ve entered this queue :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

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Yeah, but usually high cortisol is not super healthy and is correlated inversly with testosterone. Higher cortisol, lower testosterone.

Really interesting, I’ve never read on dopamine and leadership!

I would have to research this to know more. I think the relationship between cortisol and testosterone is probably pretty complicated, I am going to say the relationship is casual rather than causative. As the paper I mentioned earlier indicates individuals with both high testosterone and cortisol.


Maybe your mention of chronic cortisol causes some long term effects, rather then some temporary biological changes?

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Could be tho, in the Anabolic Steroid community what happens when you take to much androgenic compound, your body starts producing more aromatase to lower your testosterone. Usually you also take pills to block your estrogen conversion… After that your body needs to adjust it’s cortisol in an attempt to lower it’s own testosterone. The reason why it is so hard for bodybuilders to keep their gains after a steroid cycle is also partly due to elevated cortisol.

But it’s been a couple of years since I’ve read articles and papers on testosterone or something, I don’t remember everything, but I rememberer that cortisol usually lower testosterone production. Maybe there are some exceptions to that, or directly the hypothesys of chronicly high cortisol and not healthy spikes.

I would guess if testosterone fixes the core issue of stress cortisol would go down, cortisol as a symptom of stress and failure fix stress causes the system to become inefficient and inefficiency leeches energy, low energy means testosterone goes down.

My assumption behind this is testosterone is the biomarker for biological abundance. Testosterone is biofeedback to expend energy to achieve something advantageous that isn’t related directly to life/death, eating etc, that mazlow hierarchy stuff.

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It does make sense and is very interesting!

But let’s not highjack this thread anymore! :wink:

Viva libertina!!

How often should I listen?
The sales page once every few days. How many is a few days

Start with one loop per day, use more as you can tolerate.


When will this start ?