Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

This is overload. Ultima subs can cause this the first few times you run 'em.


I listened to libertine Ultima earlier today on my anker soundcore Bluetooth.
While listening I could feel warm energy throughout my body and some type of sensation in my balls. Not sure exactly how to explain it. While listening a few times I felt quick burst of euphoria. Twice throughout the loop I wanted to listen to sensual songs and start singing and I did.
At work a women waved at me through the glass window but I don’t chalk this up to libertine because she waved at me yesterday as well.
All in all nothing spectacular to report about libertine Ultima may test it out again in the near future

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lol, this is why we waited so long to make a sexual aura sub and I’m debating ever going down this path again.

Can you elaborate upon this? As in, making this the final sub of this kind?

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But they do work! I’ve had amazing sex with my sexfriend (almost typed sexfiend hahahha which would also be true)

There is also a girl I texted her while she was out with some friend, she told me she was wet just thinking about me… Seeing my latina girl tonight, well see how she react, I’ve ran two loops of libertine, but seeing how she reacted last time, I’m pretty sure everything will go well :slight_smile:


I haven’t had much to talk about yet when it comes to this audio. However I’m willing to give it the benefit of the doubt given the current circumstances of the world. To be honest, I’m a little surprised at how the successful users have been able to go out so freely as if COVID-19 didn’t exist haha.

Lucky you, FWB is what I’m looking for. If there was something to manifest that, I’d be all over it :smile:

Yes. We were reluctant to create a “sexual aura” sub because it encourages passive behavior. Hence, why our sexual subs were always created with the philosophy that like all of our other subs, you have to take action to get results.

We thought that since we’ve pushed the “take action” mantra so much, now would be a good time to release an aura sub, thinking people would stack it with their customs or another good stack and act on any signs of attraction. While some people are indeed doing that and getting results, there’s an equal amount of people (bar a few individuals that are apparently going through reconciliation) claiming that they aren’t seeing anything whatsoever and even when they are, using “logic” to hand wave away the results.

For example:

That wave of euphoria and warm energy? That was the aura projecting. We know this because we deliberately put that in the script – it’s a signal to let you know that the aura is starting to flow. Did you talk to any women? Did you test what the aura could do? Instead, seems like you were waiting for something “spectacular” to just happen, even though the aura was clearly flowing. And then, the possible hit that did occur, was hand waved away as nothing because it allegedly happened before. Even if that were true, did you stop to say hello, or ask her how her day / week was going? Perhaps something “spectacular” would occur then.

For the 50% - 75% of users that ARE getting crazy results, the difference clear: they’re taking action. Doesn’t even have to be something big. They’re just starting a conversation with someone that smiles at them. Making a joke, or literally, in @RVconsultant’s case, just saying hello.

Truth be told, we’re not going to stop making aura subs. I was just being a bit flippant. It’s our job to provide the tool and the advice on how to use it, but we can’t make you take action. However, for those who are willing to even put in a tiny bit of effort, you’ll find that the moniker of “Infinite Lust” is 100% true.


Phew… suddenly all my stress is washed away.

Nah bro, I’m not going out freely, I met a few cute girls off tinder (yes they do exist), and all my dates are doing great! I still went to the bar two days ago and talked to the waitress with my mask on, she seems to laugh a little too much at my jokes, my friend felt she was hitting on me :wink: (but I don’t really care, I don’t have time to see a third girl to be honest, I am studying all day long now and maybe spending like 2-3 hours alone with a girl)

Just came back from my date with the hooot latina girl, she said she want to take her time (she was raised in a religious household) but she is definitly happyy to see me :smirk:

As far as my fwb, regular date, kept it lowkey, low contact, but open and everything when we see each other. Finally I stopped texting her and texter her one week later when she though I just wanted to fuck her, told her we had to talk. Then I explained to her I don’t think I’ll fall in love with her and stuff and I already told her in the past I usually I date for fun… I just stopped texting her because I didn’t wanted her to have false expectation or stuff like that! And now we see each other for sex mostly :smirk:

Like, we need to stop seeing the aura as this all powerful “thing” that bend people to your influence. You will influence them, but there will still be girls that don’t find you attractive… It’s not a magic pill, it’s a change of internal state that help your body express itself. I’ve seen those type of reaction from girl with guys that don’t even know what the word “aura” means. You can have an aura even when you don’t “run” a subliminal :wink:


I believe an aura’s function has come to connotate a certain level of passiveness. Combine that with the general passivity of people and any programming that society has given, and well…here we are!

I would hope that True Social Ultima gets released! (Assuming that involves an aura of some kind) :smiley: Hope there’s more guidance on aura limits because apparently there is one that some users are running into with customs.

What a surprise. Do you think Libertine has helped with online interaction?

So you turned a regular date into an FWB? That’s awesome :sunglasses:.

But of course! Everyone has an aura, whether it’s consciously developed or not.

Advice I Would NOT Mind:

Knowing what SubClub subs to use to manifest FWBs :wink:


I know that I’ve mentioned this a couple of places before, but I think that some of our issue, at least mine is that I simply often don’t notice the signs that someone is interested. I’ve heard on many occasions that I had girls into me left and right, (after the fact of course) and I was flat clueless about it. It wasn’t that I hand waved it away, I was flat out oblivious to it.
Would it be possible to make something (add into the next version of libertine, q module, ect) to make us aware of it when someone shows interest?

On khan st3 it manifested women who were interested in me and those women gave clear ioi’s. It didn’t make me a women magnet but it did make me very aware of the women who found me attractive. What your describing sounds like khan st3 would help you

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This just made me remember that I never ran Khan ST3 due to the quarantine :joy:

Haha damn covid man. Covid ruined my iron throne plans as well. I waited forever to get iron throne, sub club finally brings it back in March then coronavirus virus hit lol
Back in March though before corona virus really hit hard. I’ll just share this 1 experience of khan st3. I think I mentioned it here. I was walking to the bus stop and I saw a very attractive girl at Wendy’s looking at me at me out the window. It is what it is, I let it go. So I’m in the bus terminal and this girl walks by me had to be a 4 or 5 second stare as my bus was arriving, she was just eyeing me. In her eyes there was so much lust. Just writing this I’m feeling the regret and pain of that day. @SubliminalUser you know what I did ? I said fuck it, I’m going home cause I’m tired I’m not going to approach her. I was coming from the gym and was tired, but if I’m honest with myself I think I wrote it in my journal or somewhere here, I had approach anxiety and I bailed. I was scared to approach even though I knew I was going to be received well. I fear success and getting what I want so I sabotaged and did nothing. The regret over not approaching haunts me when I think about it. I’m sure of it I could have got sex from her that day upon meeting her. Oh yea the day prior, I ran khan st3 I had just added it to my stack. St3 manifested her into my life, in the description it says it will manifest women who want to know you, and if you don’t take action it will make you aware of it. Oh did it make me aware of it, I think after I got on the bus I had severe depression for not approaching, khan st3 was punishing me for lack of acfion


That’s what I’m looking for, but I don’t really want to add another entire program to my stack. Maybe they can extract the modules that do that.

Most probably primal…

Amash in the past said Iron Throne did the same thing khan st3 did. I remember reading in his journal how IT manifested women who were interested in him and they made it clear that they were. Khan st3 has IT. Just a thought if you don’t want to get khan just to get St3, Iron throne is there for you maybe

I would recommend for anyone running Libertine Ultima to
make a conscious choice going out that ANYTHING you see that is positive sign from woman in ANY CAPACITY make a conscious choice to attribute it to Libertine–(drop that skepticism, for a couple hours, and be that douche-bag who thinks everything good that’s happening is cause of how awesome he is on this sub lol) the neighbor waving, that extra long side glance, someone smiling at you etc…and watch the results you experience grow and grow and become more and more obvious. (or at least you might drop any blinders and see what is actually happening). Do this a couple times and then make an ‘assessment’ of how it is effecting you

This applies to all subs in my opinion.


Too many people on here are making excuses and expecting miracles for doing zero work …loool


@COWolfe Potentiator + EGO ADSUM might be the Q modules you are looking for.