Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

Hmm Japanese name. No tones and easy to pronounce.

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Holy moly!

Hoo lee sheet you are amazing,

Hoo lee shit you are smart

Hoo lee shit you have alot of money

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Just for the record, your name probably sounds dumb as hell in some other language too. That’s not an Asian thing.



I have a feeling Libertine also boost charisma and personnal charm, I had a meeting with a client this morning he told me I would go far in life and lots of compliments! He was a guy!


Some casual observation I made at a supermarket, one loop LibU and bicycle ride, (anxiety reduction) I just casually invaded someones personal bubble that you are supposed to maintain (6 ft or something), it was some woman looking at hamburger.

I could tell her demeanor changed, from say someone casually alert, to more relaxed perusing of hamburger. This is just me waiting for a few seconds hoping for them to just choose something.

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Where does it say 6 ft? Anyway, these days I guess social distancing has become more important to intruding into one’s personal bubble…

I mean the regulations for supermarkets here have been around so long, that it gets integrated into their idea of how close they should be around others. This is just a rural area so it’s more of an issue of getting harassed for breaking rules than getting sick. Not that it is actually enforced (Depends on store).

I would have to check again, one of the stores has this big sign as you walk in, for my state anyways.

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I think all over europe its 1.5 metres having said that very few people adhere to that rule, men and women here are violating that rule on a daily basis I do not think anyone cares anymore unless you look like an axe murderer.


@TheBoxingScientist What exactly does an axe murderer look like so I don’t confuse them with say a machete, chainsaw, knife, sword , pipe wrench , or any other type of murderer?


@James they usually use an axe to commit murders. I read somewhere alot of them come from your part of the world in Texas.


Sounds like they use chainsaws too.

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@TheBoxingScientist That is a myth. Texas Chainsaw Massacre was actually loosely based on Ed Gein who was in Wisconsin
Ironically enough also the basis for the Slayer song Dead Skin Mask


I heard they also use chain saws.

JCast sounds like a bloke who goes round cutting peoples heads off with a chain saw :rofl:

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You look like a murderer in your photo :wink:

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@TheBoxingScientist naw too much work and unnecessary and in my case unwanted social interaction.

Don’t mess with the JCAST

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@mecharc please respect forum rules lets not make fun of peoples names.

i’m sorry for this. won’t happen again

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Ya’ll cut it out.

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