Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

There are techniques which you should practice, it’s like any other muscle and improves overtime. Eventually you should be able to have sexual intercourse for 3,6 or 9 hours without ejaculating or taking breaks, purely having orgasm. Which should optimally be done in a sacred place.

That is the guy I followed:

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This is is actually the reason the “Warrior” masculine archetype is attractive to women.

Well, there was a StarkU as part of the Ultima tests, so it does exist. But they’d be very stupid to share that, considering how few people got it. @SaintSovereign?

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Oh darn. I totally forgot about that!

And this is why we can’t have nice things. We’re not going to waste time hunting down who leaked Stark Ultima, but this may be the last time that we do public testing.


Damn and that will be sure to slow down releases as well with no public feedback as frequent

Seems like there are bad apples in every bunch no matter where you go

Hopefully it doesn’t cause too much damage

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Booooooo… Bring out the torches and the pitchforks… Hunt him down…

But seriously, this one’s a bummer. Was hoping to be able to participate in future testing.

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He said nothing about private testing. Maybe tests will become invite only. Meaning Big Brothers will be watching how people contribute to the forum through journals, ideas and etiquette.

Always be positive.

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That’s true. Anyway, it’s still a bummer there’s still people like that.

Sadly it’s part of the human nature. As long we’re still human, there will be space for this type of antics, no matter what.

I have an idea on how to combat this, which I will message Saint about.

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It might help to limit testers to those who have a significant purchase history on their accounts, as well as a solid forum history.

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That’s what we did originally, but those individuals generally don’t want to test because they’re busy running their stacks and taking action.



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What a tragic fool that guy is.

You trust and value subliminals enough to illegally trade for them, but apparently you’re too stupid to just buy Mogul and make enough to buy what you need.


Does the reddit username match anyone from the forum?

Maybe it is the same guy who was asking me to exchange one title against another… it was several months ago. Argh !

Let’s just move on, everyone. Spend our energy on more positive things. Eager to see what happens with Libertine.


Any other sexual subs in the pipeline?

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