Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

The same technology with an improved script or a new techmology?

08-26-20 @ 12:40 AM;
I believe he mentioned the releasing of LU with a much stronger aura.


That would be amazing to try in the upcoming weekend, should it be released on (say) Friday :slight_smile:

When did saint mention this?

It would be great!


But… I’ve got a surprise for owners of Libertine next week. :wink:


Probably does. One of my recent journal posts mentions how I was sexually harassed by a patients daughter over the phone, while she was right in front of her Father.


I would suspect it does too, given my own limited experience with it.

Really can’t wait. That would be this weekend.


It would be nice if they added in “sniper technology” into the module and yes enhancing the aura might help as Libertine does not work for ME. Note i said it DOES NOT WORK FOR ME.


I thought you had lots of girls giggling at you when you used Libertine?

I want to see consistent results not one day it works and the next few days it does not work. Anyway I am testing the new custom I received hopefully that should fix things.


It would be nice if they added in “sniper technology” into the module and yes enhancing the aura might help as Libertine does not work for ME. Note i said it DOES NOT WORK FOR ME.

didn’t work for me either

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I bought it sometime ago but testing it only now in a stack with StarkQ Terminus. It’s been 20 minutes of listening. Tell you later how it goes if there’s any sense to do that since the next version is right about to be released.

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Does any one else find the effects of libertine around still after some time?
I last ran libtertine 2 weeks ago and i still see sone effects uptil now like the extreme eye contact and all the other IOIs.
Maybe @SaintSovereign can explain


Yep, the aura of libertine seems to stick around for a good while after I use it. People in general mostly just stare at me like they’re surprised I even exist


Spot on!..

How many loops are you running ? how often are you running libertine ? do you run it before or after your main stack ? after completing your exposure to libertine is there a windows of time before you see the effects ?.

Do you feel there is any point in increasing the number of Libertine loops to say 3 4 6 ?

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I ran it one loop every day before work…that is Monday to Friday. I run my stack at night before bed. This whole past week i never ran libertine at all and i see deer in the headlights from unknown people but co workers are really into me. But the other thing i noticed is that some time they behave like they are not interested but as soon as i initiate then its on.
Im not sure if its still the effecrs of libertine that i am seeing now days even though i dont run in thats why i put it here so others can share if they experience this also.
From what i can see i only need to run in once a week and the effects should still be there the whole week. Im yet to test that propery next week.
The deer in the headlights etc cant be from ascended mogul because i am running that or maybe it is im not sure.
Im not sure about increasing loops i will need to test that…but when i went to two loops before i got extremely tired.