Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

Can’t lie, I tend to do this a lot. Thanks for simplifying it for me/us.

Correct, easiest thing for me to do.

I’m going to try this tomorrow for sure, I’m having a rest day from all subs today/tomorrow but technically haven’t used Libertine for a few days so. We’ll see.

Keep us updated.

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At the risk of over emphasizing…

I’ve been using it 1 loop a day, everyday (for the most part). At least 5 days per week at 1 loop a day.

@SaintSovereign and @Fire

As a side note, I wonder if there is also a cumulative effect on those who are exposed to my aura. Some women who have been indifferent or even rude are starting to be at least more civil … and perhaps some are in a tizzy around me.

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Normally I run BLU and Libertine x1 5 days a week. I know you said 5 days a week but is that minimum since you also said everyday with Libertine? Slight confused (sorry dumb and it’s late).


Thanks for asking a clarifying question!

In the ideal, I would do 1 loop a day everyday. Seven days a week.

However, I some times forget. So I just promise myself to do a minimum of 5 days a week at 1 loop per day. So a minimum of 5 times a week, only doing 1 loop a day when I run it.

Does that clarify?

Definitely makes sense. Will give it a try especially tomorrow as there’s people I’m interested in.

Let’s see the magic :kissing_heart:

Thanks for the constant replies.

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@RVconsultant so libertine doesn’t work if it’s situationally used? That’s unfortunate.

It does. That’s basically the point of Libertine. Listen before going out (or staying in…for us married guys).

Yeah i listen before going to gym so all thd girls are open to be chatted up.

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It’s not new info, I’ve said it before, but maybe not prominently enough. Gonna fix that with the new FAQs that I’m working on. With Ultimas, you run them, then let it settle a bit. For example, if you’re running BLU, you don’t want to listen while studying. You need to listen before you study and let it settle in. These were the instructions with the Ultima tests.



I don’t know what you mean by “situationally used”. Also if you please could comment on in what way you think LU doesn’t work. If you could clarify these things so I can reply, I’d be happy to.

I think he means, able to use it once before a date, then not have to run it everyday. Yes, it DOES work like that. You can run it for a loop (or two, or three – the more the better) and then go out and get results. There needs to be a processing period, though.


Just a quick question but I understand there’ s a V2 now of Libertine Ultima, if you purchase that, will you still be getting V1 as well?

yes. You get all versions going back to the original. I just got it a week or 2 ago

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Great point. Based on the comments, this was my thinking too.

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I think maca powder does help enhance the libertine aura will continue testing and report back in a few days.


From a colleague regarding their use of Libertine v2 versus v1:



lol wow. This is a damn good testimonial. I don’t fully understand the “manifestation” side of Libertine. It’s astoundingly stupefying.

I can chalk up the wife hitting me up for sex upon waking as maybe being in the vicinity of my aura…and the aura changing while we sleep as I’m listening.

But this REMOTE stuff is what astounds me. I love it.

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Thank you for posting this.


Hmm. I wonder what would happen if I ran Libertine now, given the scope of my manifestation ability has changed a lot since starting my custom. I haven’t used this title since before my custom. Quaint.

Also liking the nonchalance in this guy. “Pretty well I guess.” Is this guy running total nonchalance? :smiley:


Take a moment and imagine Libertine V3. With my own experience, V2 works better when the girls already know you or there’s a certain connection. I maybe wrong but there’s certainly some connection scripting in V2.

V1 was purely lustful and wild subliminal. From my own experience, it’s more focused on generating the aura of lust, or say, exclusively focused on that.

V3 must be a more powerful version of V1 as I’m not afraid of making a move on that lust which is already set in place by the sub. It’s like libertine does 80% of the work even before I approach. With the clearing of K-1, that won’t be much difficult to handle.