Main Disc. Thread - Legacy of the Spartan (Now Available!)

Legacy terminus custom with mind’s eye over three nights (one loop) has already reversed my gyno, which is an issue I’ve had since I was a young boy, I feel itching, hear cracking in my bones and teeth tendons joints feet toes and I already LOOK different, I am way more handsome and my beard is filling up along with my hair, people are saying my hair is long when it’s not, I’ve always let it grow this long but it’s way darker due to thickness !


is Legacy energy/power demanding?

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I got my hair re-twisted the other day. Two-strand, for the culture.

My homegirl does her job thoroughly. And…beauty can be pain


Long story short, the day she finished it, my scalp felt like I had been underneath a magnifying glass in the sun.

Putting on my motorcycle helmet had me rediscovering words that I thought I moved beyond 🤌🏽

That was two days ago.

As of today, my scalp has already healed to the point that I can put my helmet on without discomfort.

Previous to using Legacy of the Spartan, it would last several days, at least three.

And my hair is looking oh so segsy :hot_face:

Legacy of the Spartan, boys and girls.


Anybody getting attraction because of their looks?

@SaintSovereign @Fire Does LoS have scripting for us older dudes? I’m debating running this with Spartan Apex. I am so out of shape and tired all the damn time. Ordered a kettlebell from Amazon and I’m going to give Pavel’s Simple & Sinister a go after I get over being sick


Go for it :+1:


You already creating a limiting belief for yourself "Ohh this LOS wont work for older men oohh no point " . Do you think that sitting at home eating pizzas and moaning about the weather and how BRIC’s is going to devalue the dollar making everyone in the USA poor whilst listening to LOS is going to get you in shape ?. You need to be going to the gym 5 times a week, being absolutely regimental with what you eat. Stop this laziness at once and remember action is more important then sitting on your sofa and playing with yourself.

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Please do.

Would love to see your hair 'zults.

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I was going to make a joke about that earlier but what I am sort of curious about is being able to grow a full beard. I have never been able to.


Let’s do it?

For the shiggles.

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Cut it out, everyone.

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Do we have the word on if LOTs can be stacked with Paragon?

Paragon can be stacked with LOS yes

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Have raised a support ticket for it right now since am interested to know too. Will let you know when they answer.


I tested they work very well together. In my experience Paragon enhances LOS.


That’s awesome! Thanks for the feedback, bro.


men, my question is still open.

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Uh, no. There are a lot of training regimens that do not take place five days a week. Saying five days a week is needed to see muscle growth from LS is, in my humble opinion, ignorant.

(Technically decapitalized prepositions like “of” and “the” should not be in abbreviations, by the way, so the abbreviations used, like LotS or LoS, make me cringe a slight bit.)

Your not gonna get gains sitting on your sofa eating pizza.

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Of course not!