Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

I know your post is not directed to me and you didn’t ask anyone for tips. I respect you completely.

But I want to point out, that telling someone to “Stop being emotional” is the purest example for a lack of emotional intelligence.

I suggest that you or anyone else that resonates with phrases like that, to run ChosenZP and work on developing their understanding, empathy and leadership skills.

It’s incredibly beneficial in general and can improve all of your interactions + relationships… it’s not just for work environments or leadership positions.

One of the pro-tips listed is (Chosen will positively affect all areas of your life.)

@Vkluff , you’ve mentioned here that you haven’t noticed much with WantedZP and I think I can touch on potentially why.

The dynamic of this recent experience you’ve shared:

is on the complete opposite spectrum of WantedZP.

There is nothing you could’ve done differently in the interaction itself. The trajectory was already decided…

You see, it’s a matter of position and that was determined far before… possibly even from your very first interaction.

It’s built into the relationship, through both of your frames and subconscious beliefs and you are providing each other feedback.

This is how the relationship will manifest, regardless of what conscious approach you take, what situational adjustments you make or what choice of words you choose.

The PUA community loves all that overthinking, complexity shit because they don’t know how to take advantage of their subconscious mind and go through a shift to where they can win just by being themselves.

I hope I’m making sense here.

What I’m saying is that you just have to change the position that you operate from and you’ll never manifest experiences like that ever again.

But doing so, means you have to have a higher self-worth with regards to women
You have to become the ultimate and absolute QUALIFIER with ZERO wiggle room.
That’s what WantedZP will turn you into.

The hot women that every guy thirsts for, ogles at and gushes for, will make you yawn and look at your watch.

Anyways, the Wanted archetype is a coquette and it seems that the woman you were engaging with was in the position of being the prize/qualifier.
It’s almost like she was running Wanted (though I must say, her coquette is terrible, lol)…

She told you to say “please”, lol… That’s something that I often make women say as a flirty and playful gesture.

You know, I always hear men talk about how women “shit-test” them…
They’ve never been in the other realm, lol.

Once you’ve crossed into a certain level of self-worth and wantedness, you’ll be the one shit-testing women… to see if they’re even worth the fun.

You see how the dynamic is completely switched around? This is a rare thing in society, it’s not programmed or accepted as the default way of things.

This is somewhat true. The women on Instagram are getting their likes and validation… but from who?

Have you seen those guys in the comments?
I looked at comments on pictures of the woman I’m dating and a lot of them I can tell are from porn addicted, creep type of guys with low self worth.

This is who they are getting their ego pumped up from. There’s 2 genders, male and female… but there are like 2 different species of men, lol.

The pumped up ego, validation, “self worth”, and qualifer position that these women have ONLY applies to 1 species of men.

For the other species, it’s absolutely useless. It doesn’t work.

When they encounter this species of men, it’s like seeing a ghost. It doesn’t make sense to them, because they’re SO used to the other species, in fact most of their identity is BUILT through interaction with the other species.

I hope I’m making sense here, lol. Of course there is no 2 species and it’s just for the means of explaining the point…

They need something interesting and you have to be someone that separates from the rest.

On nearly 5 months of Wanted, I do exactly this…

I automatically make them overthink and second guess themselves, just like you did here.
But before and during as well, not just after, lol.

To summarize, you’re the complete opposite of being Wanted (operating from the position of the absolute invincible qualifer/prize). That’s why you haven’t noticed much with it, it’s going to take time.
It’s not going to jump you in position too quickly because that requires your beliefs to change and that’s a process… A potentially longer one for you, because of how much you contrast it.

If you want to do Wanted ZP then use it consistently for 6 months and I doubt that you’ll attract women who can engage with you like that, lol.

Khan seems to be working well for you though, so that is good too.
I am merely shedding some light on a subliminal that you used, yet weren’t satisfied with.

Keep it going, you’re on the right track.


Stop being emotional was my way of saying stop making it personal

And I’ll use it here again

you are out of context. @Vkluff was being emotional because a girl rejected him for not behaving like a beta male and he thought of stopping khan! that’s extremely emotional and he should work on his confidence and self esteem and stop being so needy, plus guess what if he had 5 other girls to text and meet he wouldn’t even care. why on earth would he put her on so much importance. he has no other options and she can smell it. girls will say all the time that they like the beta male cuck but secretly will go and f*ck the alpha male that has many girls around him. girls don’t like needy beta male nice guys. in fact they just use them for when they are over 28 and want to get married and no alpha male wants them. so i agree 100% with @Yazooneh

plus @Luther24 yes as you can see i know what simps are. and to answer to you, i don’t even like most girls with that inflated high ego. 99% of girls who are pretty have this kind of ego. i don’t like em a bit. i don’t even care to show them who i am. i want emotionally stable girls in my life with a healthy self esteem, but those are very rare so i’m in inflated ego hell for a while. btw i see wanted is working. you have this mystery which makes you be perceived as high value and i guess girls are like “who the fuck is that guy” reactions. interesting. that makes me wanna try wanted some time. maybe next year


also congrats on being concise and not trying to explain yourself. i like that. i think you are integrating khan well based on that

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The context and what was meant by it doesn’t matter.

I was referring to the method of communication, how it’s received and interpreted as well as one’s awareness of that…

Which by the way, is also why it was completely ineffective.

See this:

Lol, also you’re incorrect… Nothing about the experience he described indicates being “extremely emotional”. Read what he wrote again, it seems logically sound.

The guy got rejected and is trying to figure things out and the first thing he’s met with is “stop being emotional”. This offers nothing. This forum is going to completely grow out of stuff like that within the next year or 2.

Now usually I wouldn’t point stuff like this out… I could care less.

But it leads into something that I think needs more emphasis here when it comes to subliminals like Khan.

A Khan has great communication. They are extremely good listeners and have very strong social skills. They’re automatic high EQ.

This is the case for ANY type of archetype for an Alpha Male. I don’t care whether you’re a Stark, Khan, Emperor, Ascended Mogul, etc.

Yes you’re dominant, competitive, authoritative, assertive and powerful.
But you’re also able to network and create strong relationships.

If you want social power, then you’re automatically going to have strong leadership.

Powerful people lead.

You’re going to need to have a completely mature mindset and way of operating/conducting yourself.

That’s also going to breathe through your use of language.

If anything I’m saying here irks you or you feel is not aligned with you, then Khan is going to break you.
You want to be a Khan, right? Well you’re going to have to become completely congruent.

All this super cognitive, hyper-analytical shit of power dynamics, etc goes out the window as you learn to be present and secure in yourself.

Whatever type of insecurities one is suppressing are going to be faced in their entirety.

If you have insecurities and are in denial of them or want to desperately cling to them while still becoming a powerful alpha badass…

Then Khan ZP is going to break you… and this is especially going to be common for a program such as Khan because the more insecure someone is, the more attractive the concept of it is.
The desire for power and dominance.

Often times, men (especially the young) have this convolutedly nonsensical perspective of what an Alpha Male is, how they’re supposed to act and be, etc because they pick up a bunch of crap from the internet and movies.

There is easy access everywhere to a lot of circle jerk information from clueless men running around that other clueless men just eat up. Cluelessness loves company.

We have a bunch of incongruent men googling how to be an Alpha Male and reading all this information, trying to mimic it and always being excessively aware/self-conscious of it. The more analytical you are of an ideal, the less you are of it. You cannot fully embody it because you’re always projecting it. Anyone will learn this as they become congruent.

Development is fascinating and you get to be grateful for experiencing both sides of the coin. After all these are just experiences.

Anyways, the social dominance in Khan is “dialed to the maximum”.
If you are to be socially dominant, you need strong interpersonal skills, period.

So expect those parts to kick in at some point, if they haven’t already.


I started listening to Khan stage 1 qv2 dec 21st last year and was stacking it then with Mind’s eye terminus² and Ql stage 1. January 6th I moved on to Ql stage 2. I moved on to Khan stage 2 after 26 days…

I did a 5days washout before I then switched to zp on Feb13th and then my listening stack was
Wanted Zp, Khan stage 2 Zp, Ql stage 1 zp.
After my first cycle and 5days of washout I moved to stage 3 of Khan and Ql stage 4 of Ql, I listened for a week before I decided to switched to Khan stage 4 and Ql stage 4 without removing wanted zp and added Ascension chamber.

I wasn’t getting results from Khan whereas I was getting results from Ql so I decided to switch to remove Ql and replace it with R.I.C.H, that was like 14days ago. I instantly started getting results from R.I.C.H zp and my financial life has been stable since then. This week is my third listening week before my 5days washout
So that’s 4months of listening to Khan so far


Thanks I’ve come to that realization myself. .I’ve also come to the realization that i am the prize and its been showing in my interactions with ladies lately. The other day I was chatting with a girl and I told her I have to go sleep, she wanted me to remain but I told her no, I have to wake up early to go to the gym. Since then I haven’t chatted with her


Spot on, you’ve got that right. Come to think of it, that was the Script of Khan stage 2 taking effect. Once again the reason I shared my experience and was looking to read other people experience was because I was trying to guage my actions and see if I was on the right track and yes I am even though I haven’t achieved my desired results

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Good! And I’m happy to see you didn’t get triggered and understood this behaviour is not right with girls. Just make it a goal to observe your behaviour and how girls react to it. This is the biggest gauge. The problem is that girls think they are always right with all that ego and that can make you question yourself. But soon enough you will understand how they operate underneath and how fragile they really are. Just make sure to take action and just go approach them as an experiment to see what happens. Forget chatting online or do it way less. Focused on having conversations with then face to face. If you make it a goal and not give up, you will succeed


Yeah I hate to break it to you but you can’t read people at all. Yet you talk like you know it all. How men are, what khan does and all that. Your spiritual ego is huge so there’s really no point to try to tell you anything because you will disagree. And btw a khan is a man that doesn’t sugarcoat things, is not behaving in a fake politically correct way and acts and behaves with congruency and power and intensity. Maybe you missed that on your analysis. I’m also wondering how brainwashed you are by feminism. All you say is “toxic masculinity is bad”. “If you wanna be mature be a beta male”. That is not maturity, that is trying to fit in. We don’t need more political correctness in this world, it’s enough. And it’s hilarious that you basically say that social dynamics are useless and if you are “secure in yourself” you can be successful with girls. No it doesn’t work that way. You just don’t want to put the effort to understand social dynamics and frames. If you don’t do that you gonna fail miserably with girls. At least learn some red pill to understand how women and the world operates. And also you didn’t understand what @yazooneh said or why he said that and same goes for what I said. You misinterpreting things. Be more humble


Bro you definitly need to start working out soon and get that edgyness out of your system :eyes:

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I’m still working out, it’s just not the same as punching, kicking, knee and elbowing things though :sweat_smile:

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That’s the part I remember :eyes: It’s not the same! Keep going your body’s gonna heal and you’llcbe able to push through!


you are correct.

i have definitely oversimplified things and you are right that it can sometimes backfire and give you a desperate vibe.

but overall at least for me i find high sexual energy to be insanely underrated for success with women.

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I friend recommended i go back to stage 3 because I only listened to stage 3 zp for a week before moving to stage zp. Am I missing something?

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Right, so I’m curious now…

Show me in my post where I said this:

Exactly… It’s alright though. The reason you’re using quotes, is key here because that means you’re interpreting.

This is also exactly what I’m referring to, how clueless our men are in this society.

You associate being socially competent, having high EQ and strong interpersonal skills as behaving in a “fake politically correct way”.

If you think I’m anywhere near being “fake political correct”, then you obviously haven’t seen some of my posts on this forum and how brutal they are.

You have a conflated understanding due to distortion and that is going to hold you back.

Do you understand what I’m saying here?

Do you know why real congruent masculinity is nearly non-existent in our society?

Strong men are a threat to the established order of things. We’re targeted not just through estrogens in our diet, but mentally and psychologically as well.
Through our belief systems and through programming.

The real redpill is that what you think is redpill is actually the exact bluepill that they want you to have.

This is why, young men I’ve encountered who are heavily into redpill shit have absurdly low self worth and are walking around emotionally traumatized half the time.
So many of them hate themselves and they hate women.

Listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you.

Masculinity or what people think “Alpha Male” is all about, is not just removed.
It’s also distorted so that it’s difficult to find.

If you don’t want something, you don’t just remove it. You make it more difficult for it to come back.
You warp it and distort the meaning of it, so men don’t even know what to get back to.

Now people will avoid the importance of basic leadership skills, because “Oh no I’m becoming [betamale/weak/emotional/politically correct]”.

It’s the same shit with simping. Now men are afraid to express true desire for women they are attracted to because “Oh no, I don’t want to be a simp”.

Then their circlejerk group of male friends makes fun of them “stop being a simp”. This is the type of stuff that makes men even more lost.

There’s so much stuff like this.

It’s so bad, that men are living life and moderating their expression through the fear of embodying what’s not ideal.
Read that twice. Maybe even thrice, lol.

They think they have the upper hand and are “redpilled” but they don’t and aren’t. There’s zero congruence.

This type of stuff happens when you get access to information without your subconscious beliefs being on board.

The information gets interpreted through a perceptual filter and your retainment and integration of that knowledge can inhibit you more than it grows you.

Anyways, don’t box yourself in.

It’s your choice however, and it’s completely fine, even if nothing I’m saying registers.
Because, oh my friend… Lol
Khan is going to annihilate you and remove all the nonsense that you or anyone has learned…

It’s going to snap you in half and really make you a congruent, alpha male. There is no escape and nowhere to run.

This is the most comprehensive Alpha Male program at subliminal club.

When that introspection hits and you get emotional recon, just remember… You wanted to be a Khan.
That’s all I’m saying, lol.

I’m not telling you to not express yourself or sugarcoat things. That’s not what I’m saying or even remotely suggesting.

I’m not telling you to change your communication purely for the sake of not offending anyone, I don’t even believe in that myself.

It’s all about the goal and what is the best method. What adds to Growth? What adds to Learning?
Certain methods of communication don’t accomplish or offer anything.

Leaders know who to talk to and how to talk to them for the greatest good of them, themselves and others.

Naturally elevating and progressive.

Now that might be an unattractive concept to you because people who score high in SDO like to see things in a “dog eat dog” perspective of levels and power dynamics.

By the way, something to be aware of (not saying this applies to you) but a lot of narcissism, superiority complex and fragile sense of worth like to hide behind those types of paradigms. They are extremely attractive.

Any type of exaggerated obsession with that kind of stuff, is not normal.

Now let’s examine some other statements that you’ve made.

I used to be all into social dynamics and redpill. That’s the same crap that prevents you from manifesting the magic… After all, you are a creator and your thoughts and beliefs, create. If you disagree then you simply have yet to realize how powerful you are.

When I let go of some of that stuff, I began to see more success with women and my social status increased in multiple areas of life.

You can believe whatever you want and you can even shit on my ideas too… By all means, it’s totally fine. I just offer a different perspective.


I hear you…I guess I’m going to fail miserably with women then, eh?
Man that sucks… Oh well.


Where did you learn all of this from?

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jaguar wanted a fight and Luther said “challenge f**king accepted”, by God.

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I’m a big believer in accountability. So I just read another post you made where you said that your “approach game was non existent” before ps zp. I’m pretty sure you are an older guy (since you mentioned something about young guys being insecure) probably broke up with your wife or girlfriend and you strated gaming again. Your claims about me are basically that I’m a young and insecure man who thinks that tactics can be used to pickup girls and therefore that I don’t have experience.

And all those people liking your post proving you right and giving you validation and dopamine hits. I’m not a beginner in game, I’m not young and I’m not insecure or try tactics to pick up girls. In fact, I 've been gaming for many years now, I’m a veteran with a ton of experience, been with many girls (too many, not necessarily a good thing). I have even coached clients for a while and hangout/game with many coaches regularly. So as you understand, your assumptions about me where not right. I mean I knew right away what’s up, since you couldn’t read vkluff by the way he was writing.

The only thing you are doing right is whenever you get triggered and wanna lower someone in the eyes of the forum, you start writing big essays (yes, I’ve seen your other posts) and you sneakily try to lower them and make false assumptions about them hoping that they will not pay attention and will focus on the other things you write. I’ve seen multiple posts of you doing this and some members complaining about those false assumptions.

Although I got to say congrats for pushing yourself and going out there and talking to girls. Not many guys your age have the guts to do that. And I’m guessing that has given you quite a boost in your confidence/ego but that doesn’t make you better than anyone else here.

You don’t see me going around the forum and start flexing about my experience in game, making assumptions, putting people down if they don’t have experience and having an ego, writing long posts trying to battle with other members. So PLEASE in the future DO NOT make those kind of posts to attack any other member and BE MORE HUMBLE.

As for all of you that run to like his post quickly, because you thought he has authority and credibility because he writes long posts analysing many things and he LOOKS like he’s got knowledge, i just wanna tell you that you are boosting his ego and letting him get away with this behaviour. Check yourselves because as it seems you don’t understand what he is doing. Anyone can fabricate an awesome image of himself on a forum if no one knows him in real life.

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You didn’t respond to any of the points he made. Instead, you insulted him and the board members who agreed. We don’t do that here at SubClub. You are more than welcome to argue your position, but leave the personal attacks out of it.

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