Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

Hang in there, I did two loops in one day of TB this week for the first day and man did it hit hard. Going back to one loop every listening day. I do believe, correct me if I’m wrong that we share a similar blockage when it comes to suppressed sexuality, a lot of anger I experienced when I first started Khan in 2020.

But as you mentioned, it’s a love hate relationship, and it’s easy to wanting to skip to the later stages because of the feelgood factor. I’m planning on at least two runs or even more in the coming months. My focus is just internal, I want to reconnect to that suppressed side of me.




Stage one remove the bad beliefs and programming.

Stage two add the good beliefs and programming.

During that time, you don’t get a lot of subliminal support in regards of manifesting things in your life. You don’t get a lot of support in terms of driving you to change your life… Basically it’s changing you from the inside and helping you tolerate it… But you usually won’t have those crazy results, it will be more results in the line of “My vision regarding this subject is different”, “My thoughts patterns regarding this is…” or even “My emotionnal reaction is different”.


I’m glad to hear that, I’m still running Khan stage 2. Gives me something to look forward to.

so you guys are running 2 cycles of ST 1?
Would ST 1 work well with emperor + wanted?
I don’t mind feeling like sh*t, hard recon, feeling tired etc. I just want the best results I can get.

I do
Thank you

No I am not suppressing my Sexuality, only thing is : you know Switzerland presents itself not without reason as “neutral”
Its the fucking energy of this country that neutralizes everything. So the people here are like that : a static neutral tone without heights and depth

Its empty, the people are empty but think they are the Pinnacle of the zivilisation.
I love people but these people here are dead
So it’s difficult to find Feminine women.
The Last 7 years I reacted to only 5 women.
3 of them where Feminine lesbians.


Yes, heavyweight anger.
I go out in a Good mood and after 1 hour in presence of people I start to feel nothing, my Funn and happynes is away Sexuality drops to zero and these fuckers try to steel my good vibe now.
The last 2 years transformed the whole society into constant vampires.

If I don’t close me completely they suck me out.
And I go home and want to kill me.

But no worries I have startegies I can runn, so it’s no problem.

But also no fun and I feel trapped

But the moment some quality people pop up I have a great time and I am a great time


Really does feel like running khan for all long has actually made stage one of khan feel like heaven

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My issue right now is I cant compare who is working more robust DR ST1 or Khan ST1…maybe I will have more clarity when I will move to ST2

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Khan stage 1 is very quick to the point and lightweight

wont really dig into your soul and clean sweep heal everything.

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Pls explain how stage 2 wasn’t fun for you?so far I’ve spent 16days on khan st2 qv2 and 12days on khan st2zp, mixed results. How long did you spend on khan st2 and what was it able to accomplish for you?

I mixed libertine and all the times I did it wasn’t fun, conversations with some girls, the girls wasn’t just feeling it and we were sending mixed different signals

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Wow, this is so on point. Your beliefs are changing, you are also changing. At the start of the change everything just blends for you but then along the road things just seize aligning for you or your beliefs you start to question if those beliefs are really true or would serve you

I have the same feeling about Germany.

People here are energetically dead af. They are afraid to raise their voice because they don’t want to be labeled whatever after WW2.
They gave up on everything. A lot of women are brutal or emotionally dead from weak fathers and a corrupt society.

It’s tough, man.

Pull through and work on leaving the country some day!


Same situation with me right now…very low on seduction game

I did one month on St2, I don’t remember exactly what happened as it did 2 years ago :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

But I know it’s like if my mind doesn’t want to change!

Hm, where I have seen this before… Sweden? :face_with_monocle: :laughing:

I have noticed this a lot here as well, it’s part of out culture. But also I have noticed that if you as a man step into your true masculine more you can help women step into her feminine side, not all ofc but some of them.

Whenever I go to other countries(often poor ones) far away often(not that often anymore because of C19,) people seem so much more content for the day and they have more life to them. Stockholm in the winter is depressing, and there’s no way that you can escape that energy loss more or less.

I have been back for two weeks now in a city after being by myself for six months in the forest more or less. The energy I had the first couple of days was insane, but almost no one could relate. And now I’m noticing I am slowly declining into the slumber of a big city again, I feel less alive.

I was out yesterday and had some really cool conversations with different people, but at the end of the night with everyone being more and more intoxicated, the ugly sides, the jealousy, the aggression, and all that stuff came out in people, and I started to ponder a bit again on why I would even want to be in such an environment anymore.

There are so many temptations and distractions, and to be able to keep that high vibration it’s super important to protect and nurture it.

Yes, important to remmeber that there are people like that and to find places where people can’t just suck that energy from you.

I have a couple of sentances that I have memorized and repeat to myself daily, the first sentance goes like this;

Learning to disconnect from validation of the world and to lead myself first always.


I understand.
Switzerland, Germany and Austria has the most unalive neurotic people on this planet.

Trotzdem Kopf hoch Brust raus und weiter gehts



I would ay it’s easier but far from easy. I don’t get that feeling of despair as I did back in 2020, but it’s for sure beating me down at times.

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So, I am on my third day no subs. Since yesterday I’ve noticed I feel less “heavy”. My mind is getting clearer and it’s like I am getting back to normal.

I think part of my was getting slowly overloaded with ZP which was causing some brain fatigue. Tomorrow will start St2, I will try to be more careful with my exposure even if it’s hard. I’m actually glad I already did Khan in the past as it’s probably easier for me to run it now that it is for other people on here who are on their first run!


has anyone who is running this jumped straight to stage 3 from the start?

stage 3 really resonates with me but i need to focus on money right now and I’m scared if i run this product my life will fall apart as i lose all focus and become obsessed with pursuing sex.

has anyone running stage 3 managed to remain productive with your finances/career?

It’s very hard for me but now I see the fruits growing.

Did 1 loop st1 yesterday
2 hours later I get ice cold, now the juice of the trauma is coming up.
I was prepared but somhow there was another energy present in me

1 force pushing up from a hidde place (trauma energy) ant another force pushing down into the trauma and crush it.

Immediately I did another loop of st 1 to realy break this shit down.

Result : I was going from total breakdown to total knock out

I slept for 16 hours.

Today I woke up and I was 3 hours in a dream state. Not here but not there.

Then I ended up in hell, my own hell. It was a dark glowing landscape and some dark entities where there. Instead of trying to escape I just levitatet above my hell and start to dominate the place until I accepted that this place exist in me. So I startet to patt the hell on the head (so to speak) and command the hell: now be quiet, I rule here.
Then I reminded me that there is more than this and colors exist and I choose where I want to go.

So i was ready to leave my underworld but somehow I couldn’t realy travel upwards there was something from above in my way. I looked at the hindrance and I hear a part of me saying : I can’t, I have no power and strength.

So what I saw was basically a part of me that was beaten down as a child with no chance against my father and the only thing to survive was to just let it happen and numb down.

I grabbed the weak on the ground lying skeleton like part of me in the neck and pull it out of my body and destroy it.

So a couple of hours later I was having a well known negative spiral. Somehow I just stopped the whole spiral and asking myself : what does this ever brought my life?


It just crumbled to dust


So I stopped it easily and I just steering my boat into a more pleasant direction.

It didn’t cost me energy to do that.

Its incredible

I still waiting for the new Chosen from Within build to make this journey in life even better.