Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

I want to know this too!

Yes, very much so. Commander improves on Khan masculinity, in no way takes away from Khans masculinity.

Overall (before ZP) I was getting too silent and less joyfull. Stark brings some lighthearness and also congnitive improvements and verbal fluency that I love.

In terms of productivity

  • khan alone(did not try zp alone): I am waking up in the morning thinking how I’m gonna fuck that day. I’ll focus on something else once the fucking is done
  • khan-commander: relaxed discipline: wake uo and think about fucking, but I can consiously park those thoughts until the fucking is done. never put extra work than planned
  • khan-commander-stark: chaotic focus. While I have some quick thoughts about fucking, they quicky go away and my mind jumps on topics for today and I start to think about solutions. Planning is more like a guideline, and almost always not folllowed. Whenever I get somethinbg challenging, I stay with that topic until I have a solution or a good enought follow up.

I want more Khan-commander productivity style, but I also want Starks verbal and cognitive gains. I don’t wnat that much the chaotic, obsessive approach to productivity I get from Stark, but that’s also something that I can get it under control.


Thank you
I am concerned about stark affecting your masculinity not commander :slight_smile:
And this chaotic thing u mentioned, I think it’s because product orientation of stark
Like working like a starup, brain storming and everything
When u design a product, u don’t have a specific plan
U go by the discoveries you and your teammates find
Have you experienced any changes when running one first and another second
Like running khan before stark or running stark before khan
Have u noticed any difference?

With khan-commander-stark masculinity is high, no worries there.

Nah, I’m running them for long term results, same order always. I think Khan first, but def random.

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Hello again lovage
Do you see urge to study and learn more about tech?

Thanks for posting these comparisons. Very helpful mate.

I’d recommend swapping out Stark for Daredevil (to focus more on verbal gains) or Limitless (if you want to focus more on cognitive gains).

Should lightening up the density, give more airtime to Commander and Khan, which you clearly love and get amazing results from, but flavoring it with the verbal and cognitive gains depending on what you want to focus on at the moment.

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Sanguine ZP + ZP Khan st 1 have fantastic synergy


Yeah I’m sure Sanguine smooth out a lot of Khan St1’s shit :wink:

I had actually just finish 2 weeks of Sanguine when I started Khan St1 (washout in between!) for sure I had some of sanguine running in my vein!


Awesome bro!

From the Sales page:

Sanguine enhances your ability to maintain your optimism and sense of personal power in all possible situations. No matter the storm, you will be able to brush aside all negativity and press forward. You will have complete and utter confidence that whatever happens, you will be able to handle it, and you will proceed to do so with a newfound ease of mind and spirit.


So true!

So far I have to say I am Grounded like a little mountain and it get stronger with every single loop

Also I don’t really react to peoples bullshit unless they bring it to me.

I fired my father 2 years ago from my life.
2 days ago I was buying stuff for a project and a friend was driving me to the store. On our way back to the car I see my father standing in front of my friends car. I say to my Frend to walk around the car lane, otherwise he will watch a bloodbath.

The moment we start walking a slight detour I stopped and was walking straight into the direction of my friends car.

My father was in a quick shock the ask something I can’t remember. I opened the doors to put the groceries in the car and tell him : go your way, I don’t want to see you again because I am living my life and you have no room in it.

He sayd: no I will not go

Me: it’s not your decision, it’s mine. You go left I go right, you life your life, I live mine and that’s final.

He: steps into me and puts his fist into my face and says: you can’t do that, you owe me duty

Me: full blast screaming into his face to :fuck off
Screaming like the hell drops down on him to fuck you away

He ran away 10 meters and I was halve in the car when I hear him scream : you have a duty and you owe it to life

I stepped out of the car am gave him the strongest : you are an asshole

Boy was he fleeing fast for his age.

I go back to the car and start to eat my chicken wings I had the whole time in my hand.

This was Great and I felt Good

1 min after this trifle I was calm and relaxed

I am very excited to explore KHAN


No, I do not.

After 2 runs of this stack I’m actually considering RM, since in the past it gave me both fluency and cognitive improvements.
But so far, this ZP stack is the best I’ve run since Emperor was launched :smiley:


Sounds like these emotions finally had to go out!

It was a little fart
Like the leftovers on a plate
To be precise : the last pea vanished


It was funny

I think if I replace rm with stark I will have more than anything thats tark has in invention field

If you are interested in creativity you should consider combining Stark with RM

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I would go Stark+Khan or Stark +GLM


But not all three :laughing:

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Nah that would be overkill, I think Khan+Glm is too much :thinking: Except if someone has major change they want to do.

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