Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

I told him to do this

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Does Khan St4 have limitless in it still? I don’t want to use up a spot in my stack.

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yes it does from what saint has said little has changed since the move to zp.

I knew you are a badass.

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How are you guys taking in the 4th stage of Khan? Especially if you haven’t ran it before?

I am under the impression it helps if you have at least a AM, PS, etc. foundation set before diving into the last stage of Khan?

Where did he say that ?

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Are you running Khan zp?

I already started ignoring her guys. She’s given me 15 messages so far lol :rofl::rofl:


Tell her not to contact you again
Show certainty

Not necessarily
But sth better than that

That might be too harsh


Tell her I will never pay money for having sex with you

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Use the word “you”
Cuz it’s qualification
And tell her
Contact me when u wanna have sex

I say this because u had enough flirting between you too and the normal is to have sex after this much sexual tension

Alright boys I did three entire cycles of chosen wanted and my subconscious fear of getting off programs is gone because I no longer am Tentative with being “kind”

Before there was always some sort of big confusion but now i have reached the conclusion that I want to be good to others

Therefore I’m dropping chosen and thanking it for it’s lasting effect and getting back on my beloved khan


You won’t regret it, Khan changed me in the snap of my fingers!


@Brandon You can see here Khan does exactly what your subconscious want!


Honestly, the first loop of stage 1 was different. Pure confidence now. Unlike the first time I ran it, which was pure anxiety (Loops x2 Stage 1- was the first time). Right now, as I am writing this, I am listening to the second loop. Loops 1 and 2 are separated by a two-hour gap. I’ll updated and see the effect later.


No you dont say that to a woman it sounds like you are coming from a point of anger. Say something along the lines of “I cannot be friends with a woman like you best we go our own ways have a great life”

Furthermore we do know not where this guy is living. If he is in the USA or western europe. He might get accused of verbal abuse and might face criminal charges. If he chose your choice of words.


yes i do

I dunno mehn
Anything you guyz want