Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

I agree. Am friendly-dominant and witty right now. And am on Total Breakdown.

Not much reconcilliation either. It feels good to be back on Khan. I feel like am The Man on it.


Ok so my day is Over and back at home. Here’s what I noticed from day one on Khan (as always I’m focusing on what I think specifically came from khan so I’ll omit the insane sexual attraction, excessive flirting and lusty energy from women since thats already new normal from Ps/wanted/Libertine)

This sub snuck up on me throughout the day. I felt a subtle sense of relentless power that ebbed and flowed in various situations. Felt a lot friendlier then I anticipated; I felt socially dominant but not in a way where I put others down. I wasn’t leading conversations either; more like the social barrier of my persona was down. Looking in peoples eyes with TOTAL honesty and I felt a shift in their entire being where they letdown their persona as well . Total lack of any sense of controlling my actions. Tremendous sense of personal power plus my already high libido was in the stratosphere today. The best way to put it is that the dominance was one where my behavior and presence was the TRUTH. I was getting a tremendous pleasure from illuminating the elephant in the room everywhere I went in anyway I could. Even more control of my emotions without sacrificing intensity of feeling. Alongside an absolute certainty that I am fully capable. Of anything. Ultra instinct the sub lol. All on day one.

Did I mention the insane libido? My libido has been at 10 with my current stack, today it felt like 20. Bat out of hell type of energy. I can’t imagine where I’ll be with this three weeks from now. already I can tell its the PERFECT complement to my PS/WANTED/Libertine stack. Power and sex boys, I feel like power and sex.


Which stage are you running?

ST4. I want the full khan experience off the bat.



What is the difference with emperor?

Almost same question here, how ia it different from other alpha/sexual subs like Emperor and PS :thinking:

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Awesome bro. I’m going to be running Khan for years as well.

Very true my friend. Shits always happening to us. New stuff needs to be cleared. I’m inclined to spend at least one or two months every year just on healing. I’ve done 5 months on regen. and 4 months of TB, back in 2021.

This April I’m planing to stop my current stack for a solid month of healing. Either TB or Regen. then I’ll go back to my stack in May.


In my experience, Emperor feels more like the Man who gets his confidence from his competence and status. While Khan is Da Man and confident due to his masculinity and dominance.

EDIT: Am speaking from my experience with earlier tech though and not ZP. Haven’t run Emperor ZP and I have only just started Khan ZP.


You may not feel like you’re putting anyone down, but …

Elephant Illuminators, who look into People’s Eyes

are very polarizing.




Same as…


You did the useful things that you already wanted to do and
You did not do the useless things that you wanted to not do.


If your actions/behaviours were better/different from your baseline, count it as a result for the sub.

If your mindset/thoughts/ideas were better/different from your baseline, count it as a result for the sub.

If your feelings/emotions/reactions were better/different from your baseline, count it as a result for the sub.

If your synchronicities/manifestations/other-peoples-behaviours were better/different from your baseline, count it as a result for the sub.


Big Results are simply Compound Effects of Better-Than-Baseline Days.



Hey! My college is reopening in a week, I want to kickass this time and have fun along with balancing my academics and side hustle for money. My plan is to run Khan.

  1. What will you suggest more?
  2. Which stage, coz I already did DR ST1 and ST4 for quite sometime now with really good results, I think I don’t need TB.
  3. Also, I’ve not experienced ZPs much yet. Just been running Qv2s. Should I switch?
  4. What changes do I expect from Khan? It will be my first time running it.
  5. And lastly what stack would you suggest?
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Good to see you, bro. How you doing?

For those who have done TB before and don’t want to do it again, I think it is fine.

Since you have done Khan ST4 Qv2, did you get any significant results? If yes, you can straight away proceed to Khan ST4 ZP. If not, do consider doing all the stages again especially since ZP is a rewrite from scratch.

You mean you ran a ZP title and didn’t experience much?

Regarding switching, yes. Switch to ZP. It is the superior build tech.

Mostly what is described in the sales page. And when the objectives are updated on the Khan sales page later, you will know more.

For these goals, I would recommend:

  1. Khan
  2. Limitless
  3. Mogul

Khan for kicking ass and having fun. Limitless for academics. And Mogul for money.

Please check the listening instructions to learn how to run your ZP stack. It is different from before:

Doing awesome brother, hope so you’re happy and healthy

No, not Khan TB or ST4, I have doneST1 and ST4 of Dragon Reborn I said. Yet to start my Khan journey. But I think I have healed enough for now from DR so I think I’ll skip Khan ST1.

I meant I haven’t listened ZP titles much. I don’t have experience with them. I use Qv2 which fetch me amazing results.

Amazing. I was also tempted by Wanted after seeing reviews from others plus it’s benefits. Haven’t run that as well.

I’m very well aware about it, just need to clarify once, will it be a good move to switch to ZPs

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Yeah, it’s fine to skip Khan ST1 if you have done DR ST1. Starting with Khan ST2 will be a good idea.


You will have to decide which 3 titles to run. But I think you will figure it out.

EDIT: Maybe Khan + WANTED + Limitless will work. Since Khan has wealth scripting, it could replace Mogul.

Always good to go with the latest tech. Think about it this way: if you came to SubClub at a later time when ZP is the default, you would be running it. There wouldn’t be the older Qv2 and Ultima v2 files in the Download section by that time. Just like the older Qv1 and even older New Dawn files aren’t available right now.

So the same logic applies even here. ZP works very well based on around 4 to 5 months of experimentation. And the current Public Preview Testing seems to be doing very good too.

KhanST1ZP and KhanST2ZP in bed

DRST4ZP and KhanST4ZP while out Uber Eatsing


“Shere, I kan shere my experience with Khan. It’shere below”

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Still running wanted will join all of you on the khan adventure soon :slight_smile:

Still wondering if I should run Khan ST1 along with CFW.

that’s shang tsung :slight_smile:



I didn’t say I was coming for only St1. That is only assumption. I mentioned St1 due to its cleansing, but doing only cleaning with no rebuilding makes me no headway.

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