Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

Thanks seems very much deeper than what I thought with adding Gene Keys…

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Khan was totally the key to take me from understanding and “trying” to put into practice what I knew about my HD to just living it. I have even come to appreciate some extreme recon/negative feeling cycles I experienced thanks to that Zen Khan helped me cultivate.

I was just thinking about picking up a new stack instead of just using “boosters” without a schedule like I have for the past short while. I’m thinking it’s time for another tour of all 4 stages of Khan!

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Yeah, I just finished ST1 and realized my biggest hurdle was constantly trying to prove myself to my friends and family by Doing!!! That’s the complete opposite of my design, I feel that’s why so many guys running khan get massive recon from the pressure to do instead of BE :heart: It’s the deprograming that had me jump on and off khan, but with the NEW Khan holy shit the Anti-Recon is superb​:ok_hand: Thank you Subliminal Club :heart::clap:

I would say yes to you restarting your Khan journey, I’m sure you’ll find it quite pleasing :wink::fist:t2:


Perfect :+1: I was just gonna post the app link.

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Delete that link. It’s not allowed to be posted here. @RVconsultant

just a question, in the gene thing when they ask for date of birth is it MONTH or Day first? it doesnt say it

You must specify the exact day and preferably the exact time of birth.

I think (could be wrong) he’s asking more about the format. like DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY, assuming that matters.


Ah sorry you‘re right. I have read over this

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It’s a text field. You may write in the “1st January 2000” format.



Any word on a Khan Experimental upgrade?


@BlackSheep I think it’s unlikely due to it being multistage.

However I would like SC to reconsider how Khan ST3 is scripted. Arguably, with Emperor Black they’ve figured out an optimal approach for encouraging massive action in general, non-sexually speaking. Since Khan ST3 is about massive action towards women, perhaps it can get a scripting upgrade based off of the learnings from Emperor Black?


Did Khan help this night be a success?

Absolutely, lol. I forgot to follow that up with my experience.

Khan definitely helps with social dominance to the point where you can go into rooms of complete strangers and just become very high status quickly.

Stark can probably do that as well, but with Khan it’s more primal.

This happened during one of my breaks from the forum so I forgot to journal it, but it’s one of the most ballsy things I ever did in my life. I was chilling at home once and my neighbors were having a wedding event. These Indian people, you know how they get down lol. I remember looking out of my window because there was so much noise, loud music, a huge limo and 20 cars parked along the street, people wearing formal suits and walking around. I knew the old guy who lived there, he’s on the other side of the street and I’ve helped him cut his lawn a few times. I was curious and felt left-out on the action lol but Khan actually pushed me to leave the house and go over to what was happening. I quickly slapped on a recently bought suit (coincidence oddly enough) and entered their house and they were all nice to me despite me being a complete stranger and the old guy welcomed me, accommodated me, offered me food and everything, he filled me in on the occasion - told me his son was getting married etc. The moment I walked in, it’s like I had very high status but it was irrational because I was a stranger. It wasn’t based on intellect, competence or rapport… it was like an underlying primal status. When people saw that I was on good terms with the old guy, I immediately just shot up in status even more lol. It’s like I was infiltrating their social structure and just completely taking it over, without even meaning to. The social dominance of Khan is not a joke and it doesn’t even stop there lmao.

I asked the old guy where his son is so I could congratulate him etc. Turned out his son was chilling in the limousine with friends. Ok so boom, I went outside and looked around asking people if he’s in there, they were like “yep” and I literally went in LOL.

Mind you, I’ve NEVER met his son and I didn’t even know what he looked like LMAOOOOOOOO. I entered the limousine, there were 5 guys in there and 1 woman. 1 guy with a woman beside her was in the far back of the limousine and I made a guess that he was the son. I went in all casually and nonchalantly, smooth as hot butter, frame control of just oozing sexual/social charisma and godlike confidence. I went something like “heyy man congratulations, your Dad told me, blah blah blah”, extended my hand and whatnot and he was slightly confused at first in a “who is this guy” type of way, but then he relaxed, the more I spoke. I started quickly developing rapport like a magician, but it was all congruent and based on the moral of Khan. I said “I live across from your dad and help him sometimes, don’t worry I keep an eye on him” etc just stuff like that, creating trust and explaining to him that I’m a friend. He turned out to be a super nice guy and around the same age as me too. We kept talking and he introduced me to his cousins, his soon to be wife (they’re now married) etc, it was awesome. Soon the Limo was about to take off and so I turned to leave, but they invited me to stay LOL. I said fuck it and went with them downtown, blasting music with them and going to a hall. I then started to meet people at the hall and started to network, making contacts etc. LOL. I shouldn’t even say this but, his wife was giving me IOI’s during the limo ride and even in the hall after, which made me feel a little guilty as I was still progressing with Khan (of course now I would think, it is what it is) but yeah lol.

Understand the gravity of what I’m saying here… it’s like I just came in as a complete stranger and took over everything. Khan is that crazy in terms of social. I even hit it off with 1 of his distant cousins and had her drive me home after. LOL. Nobody even knew who I was, but they treated me like I was his brother. Maybe it’s just an Indian culture thing, I don’t know but yeah. Crazy experience and example of how good Khan is socially. A lot of Daredevil aspects here too, I think


The network building on Khan is very much like a domino-effect for me.

You manifest people with a certain level of status and then suddenly, you start meeting more and more people like it starts expanding like a family tree, if that makes sense.

You manifest someone in your circle (for me it’s often a dating partner) then somehow whether through an event, party or just hanging around or mere coincidence, you start to meet people they’re connected to and then it just keeps refreshing like that in a loop where you then unlock a whole new group of what the next person is connected to. So for me, it’s very organic, I don’t really go out of my way. It’s like with Khan there’s always just a network there for you to direct Khan into. Or as if Khan just manifests opportunities for it’s expression.

Of course Khan can manifest differently for everyone but yeah lol


Dude that’s pretty much exactly what I’m looking for with Khan. Not even the sexual multiple-partners open-relationship aspect. I’m with one woman and fine with it. But that social status and dominance in life itself.

@Luther24 you think that listening to Stark before Khan would help that part of Khan activate more?

The way I see it, is that Khan and Stark would both create that effect, but Khan would heal whatever it was inside you stopping you from having that be your natural, integrated way of being, and would probably be longer lasting because of the healing, compared to stark where people say it “makes them” more social, instead of more social being who they naturally are.


I was stacking Khan1 with Wanted. At the time, it seemed to amplify Wanted, or at least got to work on breaking down whatever stuff Wanted might hit on.

Have to imagine it would do the same for Stark as well.


Lol yeah I agree. Stark is its own beast too as it has that personal magnetism, celebrity status halo effect and reality bending confidence. Stark is surely a badass in its own right. I don’t want to indirectly downplay Stark while speaking highly of Khan. Different strokes for different folks as they say lol.

For me, Stark has a modern high-class feel to it while Khan is very primal. Khan is also extremely sexual… you’re going to feel sexual all the time. The power on Khan is unlike anything as well.

Stark makes me feel like I’m a superstar in a movie. Khan makes me feel like a tribal leader in a jungle lol.

I get what you’re saying about Stark, where it can make you more talkative in a social way. I guess it manifests as a way that fits with the goals of Stark so it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Also, maybe the new experimental Stark is different.

Don’t underestimate the sexual aspect of Khan lol. The best way for me to describe it is like, imagine your reality is a movie. Now imagine that the movie is rated R. It’s like a veil overlays the entire reality through a filter of sexual power and sexuality. It can be very intense.


Maybe I’ll only listen to it before spending the weekend with my girlfriend haha. Definitely don’t underestimate it. That’s what makes me hesitate. Maybe i can stack it with Emperor black LOL!