Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

Just curious what you guys think about stacking LoveBomb with Khan.
Also considering Khan St1 with LBFH to add that extra smoothness to St1.
What are your guys thoughts :thought_balloon:?


Tobyone did that

I did, worked very well for me. But I would recommend Love Bomb for humanity over the regular Love Bomb, because it has more of a healing effect and aimed inwards. It’s the same as the Libertine effect discussed in the forum, that without a good foundation it might not work that well, and the same goes for Love Bomb.

At the moment I’m playing a stack of Khan Complete, LBfH, and Chosen. Mad amounts of joyous feelings mixed with the Zen of Khan :+1:


What a stack


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Awesome :star_struck:
Yeah was considering adding one of the 2 LoveBombs once I reach Khan complete :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Still working with St2 stacked with Limit Destroyer for now.
Unfortunately Chosen makes me bit angry, that’s why I was considering adding LB to smooth out khans gritty personality effects :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
But yeah,Thanks for your insight.
I’ll let you know how this goes, I’m not one for journals but will add my experiences here in this forum.

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It’s dope as fvck… This is my new journal :point_down:


Omg :smiley: Freaking Khan…

Having some crazy synchronies with Khan St2.

So about 17 years ago I looked into Human Design and found out I’m a Manifesting Generator-(Gut Response) with Emotional Authority :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So I just opened up my report from wayback and this is what my Identity is according to the channels that define me…


All leaders have a dilemma that involves who they would have as followers, and who they can manage without, given the choice. Your answer always lies in your own Type and Authority. Notice how you are approached by those seeking guidance, and what your own decision making process has to tell you, regardless of how lost anyone might appear to you.

You are a natural born leader, and being in a leadership role can be a great joy or a great burden. It becomes a burden when you find yourself in the role of rescuing, dragging people along. It is a joy when you find the spark of true interest that prompts you to share your experiences, and it is entirely your responsibility to trust your own inner guidance to tell you who to commit to and who to avoid.

Your 13 - 33 gives you a view over every conceivable experience that life has to offer. Whether through personal, hands-on participation, or through being exposed to the tales and escapades of others, you come to be a living part of the histories and her-stories of mankind.

The Prodigal is one of the four leadership Channels (the others are 10-20, 7-31 and 1-8) and connects from your Self Center, your place of direction, purpose and connection, to your Throat Center where you express yourself, sharing your leadership in a way that sounds like : “I did it like this…!” or “I have experienced that this way”

The Prodigal has the great privilege to witness everything that life offers, and it is up to you to give yourself time to digest and find meaning in the many things you witness, or at least, the essence of humor, in all of the crazy things you experience.

:sun_with_face: To Me this sounds like Chosen would be a great stack to Khan :ok_hand:

Good one @Tobyone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Now I see why it makes sense for me to consider stacking Chosen with Khan.

Ok this next channel is ALL KHAN…


Your Alchemist Channel is one of four “Tantric” Channels, (along with the 5 - 15, 29 – 46, & 34 - 10) that potentially transforms Sacral, Sex, Life

Force Energy into an expression of Higher Self through an inner alignment, literally transforming a lower form of life’s energy into a higher form.

As an Alchemist, you have connection into the Sacral Center, giving you access to life-force, sacral energy that, for you, operates in a timing that is not regular and fixed, at least not in a logical rhythm. Your gut response to anything that life offers you aligns you with those things that have interest for you, and with those that don’t.

In whatever life offers, follow your Sacral response and Authority before acting. With its connection into the Self Center, your center of connection and

purpose in life, you will discover that this channel gives you an uncanny sense of direction that aims you and your endeavors in novel and transformational ways.

Often you will find yourself working in the material world, rearranging apparently mundane issues into uplifting and empowering modes. You literally can transform anything into bright outcomes by paying attention to your Type (gut response) and Authority, in ways that are enormously satisfying to yourself, and potentially baffling to others when they try to work out how you did it!

Haha :laughing: you can’t make this stuff up :grin:


Your 30 - 41 brings about the commencement of all life experiences from the moment you recognize that something is to be undertaken. You have the drive from the Root Center connecting into the power of the Emotions Center to grab life, and dive headfirst into it.

Partly fantasy, partly a thirst, partly a dream that stirs within you, the 30 - 41 directs your attention to reach for fulfillment and completion, ultimately as a realized Being, or perhaps, on your journey there, as someone who is “experienced” in life and everything it offers.

Recognition comes to you in the moment you are about to engage in a particular life experience, whatever it brings to you. While hesitation is your nemesis; totality is your key. Your emotions are always in flux, from high to low, and from excitement to disinterest, whether you are aware of this movement going on inside you or not.

To find your emotionally clear totality, you cannot attach yourself to any presumed outcomes. Instead, find that Recognition within you that is crystal- clear, and make your move from there. Coming to that clarity can take immense patience, and remember, however things turn out in your life, win, lose or draw, you are here for the experience, and whatever comes with it!

If you are paying attention and allowing your wisdom to keep growing, there is only ever the need to try something once to be experienced in it. Trusting in your own Type and Authority (Emotions), you will find your way to fulfillment and realization.

This maybe why I’m considering LoveBomb :heart: Emotional Clarity is Huge for Me.

Loving :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my experience so far with Khan… Good night :crescent_moon:


So Other Khan stages also have that ZEN, not only the ST1

That Zen feeling is Khan overall, but the reason why I experience a lot of it on Total Breakedown I believe is because of it’s heavy healing, just like a big cleaning. On the other stages before it is really ingrained into your being, the recon can feel a bit more pushy than TB. This is my own opinion on it and everyone has different experiences, but now after many many loops of Khan I have more ZEN feeling on the later stages than previously.


Amazing interpretation. Generator and also Prodigal/Storyteller Gate 31 here, though does not connect with 7. Usually I have a blast with Gate 7 folks. Power duo.


Yeah the 7 - 31 gate is my north node, it’s what I’m moving towards. I’ve felt this gate of influence when I tested Stage 4. Crazy now that I think about it I had this female on TIKTOK live literally melting in her chair in ecstasy just from BEING in her live without her actually seeing me. The entire live felt my presence, the guys on the live started leaving the room…they couldn’t take my presence :sunglasses: it’s crazy what KHAN envokes within you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ok_hand:
I feel like if your an Manifesting Generator/ Generator you need to be listening to KHAN or any other Sacral focused subliminal in the shop, you would be doing yourself a huge disservice by not tuning into sacral.

As far as Projectors who are all Mental Advisors, Well I would say Stark, Limitless, Limitless Executive would be a great sub to run. It’s so heady that I couldn’t take it as a MG. The moment I jumped on Khan and felt my sacral expand and tune into my sexual prowess, my body automatically said YES!!!

Khan will be my forever subliminal just for that reason alone. Obviously there’s other benefits within the script that take us to the next level that makes it well worth it :heart::sunglasses:

I would look into Gene Keys as they are a window into your soul. I just heard a lecture by Richard Rudd say Human Design is Knowledge and meant to be read like book, but The Gene Keys Sacred Wisdom meant to be contemplated and will open like a lotus flower when you are ready. That statement is so true it’s profound :relieved::heart:


@SwagKing @KingofClubz Where do you learn about this Human Design? How do you get a reading or an understading of this?


I’ll make a separate post about how I used human design and gene keys to find my subliminal and link it in here :ok_hand::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks :+1: , I’ve started looking into this system.


A while back in the sub club black forum I started up a bit of discussion around HD and Subliminals, and being an emotional authority MG also lead to me choosing Khan as my Go-To title! I’m excited to get more HD chat going, looking forward to your thread!


You can download your chart from this app ‎Human Design For Us All on the App Store
This is where I got my fist chart, the head over to gene keys free profile Get your Profile — YOUR GENIUS
Just remember Human Design reads like a text book and Gene Keys is like opening the emerald tablets specifically made just for you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ok_hand:


Yeah bro, Khan hit me up side the head and said get your ass over here :laughing: Life changing after that. I thing I noticed about MG is that they have to use their sexual energy to respond to act on, so it made perfect sense to jump on khan. Another thing is MG/G use their aura’s to attract people and things. Manifesting for MG/G is non- specific as oppose to laser focus like projectors. Plus Khans Zen is profoundly invigorating for every cell in my body I can’t go without it. I freaking addicted :crazy_face:


Thanks seems very much deeper than what I thought with adding Gene Keys…

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Khan was totally the key to take me from understanding and “trying” to put into practice what I knew about my HD to just living it. I have even come to appreciate some extreme recon/negative feeling cycles I experienced thanks to that Zen Khan helped me cultivate.

I was just thinking about picking up a new stack instead of just using “boosters” without a schedule like I have for the past short while. I’m thinking it’s time for another tour of all 4 stages of Khan!

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