Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP v2

Hahaha nice, and here I am considering letting go of Khan :rofl:

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Why would you do that?

That’s like ripping out all the concrete and walls :rofl:

Stark and Chosen are the the aesthetics of the your house (decorations, furniture, appliances, etc ) :ok_hand:

When it comes to Khan Stacks I feel like it’s up to us as to what we want to decorate our khan houses with… pick your designer : Stark / Chosen / PCC / Wanted :woman_artist::joy:

Just my thoughts :thought_balloon::wink:


Even with the revamped Chosen from Within?

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Khan is like busting down the walls because you’ve been Chosen to rearrange the interior. :face_with_monocle: @KingofClubz


:joy: That’s a good one :point_up::ok_hand:

Yeah I agree that Inspired Action definitely gets the job done :joy::sunglasses::ok_hand:

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Something interesting just happened this morning, I looked through my notes and noted how Chosen made me feel so grounded and confident.

But the moment I added LBFH I just couldn’t take all the overwhelming feelings at once.

I Love the way LBFH makes me feel but it’s just not for me😊

And I’m ok with that because the positive happy heart feeling’s I get from Chosen are my true nature​:heart::star_struck:

Gonna have to test Chosen from Within this weekend, I’ll let y’all know what I think and feel about it.:+1:


Is Khan and EOG too much within a stack that includes RoM . ?!

I wouldn’t say it’s “too much” since that is relative to you.
It may well indeed take you for a ride though.

I’ve done a lot more than that, and I turned out mostly OK :wink:


Play around with different listening times, I as an example do 5-7 minutes on the one I want taking priority and then followed by three minutes with the one after.


Just ordered my Khan custom. Has the oomph :boom:
Will be here soon.



The ideals of sexual Khan is so high that today at my first day at a job I started defending myself and kicked 3 men’s asses. And after the fight I was telling myself, meh. Nothing to be proud of. You gotta be able to fight an army, PERIOD. I was like belittling myself. Like meh. Ok.

@SaintSovereign Can I use Khan for celibacy?


No. Lol.



:joy::joy::joy::joy: That was a ridiculous note haha.
I submitted an elaborate ticket on my situation and on my stack. I hope you could allocate time to take a look at it.
Meanwhile about Khan ST1, Can it break those habits of me which are destructive for me to be stable in hierarchy for sometimes or it will instead manifest challenges for me to get out of hierarchy and create my own hierarchy?
As a Taurus(or maybe not haha) I am a very stubborn person, like I HATE HATE authority. But I need to have some humility in order to thrive in my country’s military. Like stay in line for some commander to greet him. But also the question arises, will this compliance hinder the growth? What if I wanna be a real king? A one who conquered his country and is ruling with his army. Not vote?
It’s Khan ST1 making me question these concepts. And another question: Is Khan ST1 neutral about this matter? like it lets your subconscious and you conscious decide whatever feels better or it will lean more towards a side?(Compliance/growth through challenges) Also I feel I must say that The Commander, PCC, GLM,EB, Khan ST4, WANTED and inner circle are on my custom (Which has arrived and I did not touch at all :joy:)
Another question of mine is that will this custom change the route of my life after I move to it from my EB,WANTED and Khan (Whatever stage)? Right now I am planning to move back to my country which I got fucked trying to leave and come to this foreign one. So I don’t wanna regret my decision returning back, Since it feels the best decision to take over the world. I studied about Alexander the great and others, They rose to power from their own countries. I wanna know if I go back to my country which is in a very poor situation and join the army, Will moving to my custom from the aforementioned stack, change my purpose and make me get put of the army?

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This was the funniest response ever :rofl:.


Have you tried ST2 buddy? Ope never mind, seems you have.

Lack of discipline gets people put out armies, my man. Not subliminal. You are the master of your reality. The only thing I can see for you is the repression barrier on your archetypal energy being loosened, and you embodying characteristics of different energy rapidly, which can be for great things or destruction. Ultimately, the choices are yours and a part of any good Army is discipline.

The subliminals help you embody that energy easier, though you are still the guide of your actions.

Discipline. Discipline. Discipline.

Do you want discipline? Do you want to live a disciplined life? Any Army worth its salt will have discipline as its main priority.

This is true universally. @Alphamale

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Um! I tried to browse through journals, but i cpuldnt find the specific information i needed on this one :sweat_smile:

Anyome can share ur experiences with KHAN ST3 zp or zpv2 :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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