Main Disc. Thread - Khan Black: The Crucible (Custom Core Now Available!)

That’s how I would understand it too.


Sorry to ask this question :laughing: but the objective of this multistage is to increase your arousal ? If yes how can it increase focus and calm ? When I reach a certain level of arousal I am super distracted, can’t focus on anything :sweat_smile: can you enlightened me please ?

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It helps you cultivate ,master and channel your sexual energy. No one said anything about feeling horny.

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This sexual aura you talked about, is it direct scripting or a byproduct of energetuc development, it’s possible that they are the same phenomenon, pardon my ignorance.

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Pls @SaintSovereign please can you create a sub that will help me overcome Porn, e.g healthy sexuality on roadmap.:pray:


This is the subliminal for that. Probably Stage 1 for a few cycles would eliminate your desire for porn.

Maybe stack alongside Emperor Black.


It does increase arousal if there are women around who you are attracted to. I experienced this today. But when they aren’t, you don’t feel that but look for ways to direct it to work or something creative. No urge to look at porn either nor the need to mastubate.

Run Khan Black: The Crucible. It will help with this. And much much more.


Honestly porn isn’t that hard to kick as a habit. I’ve never understood how people are addicted to it.

Could possibly be a dopamine regulation issue rather than an actual desire for porn.


Am doing this. Haven’t run my first loop of Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods for this stack yet but am excited to see how this goes.

Here’s my journal for when I write about this combo.


I think Emperor Black and Khan Black might produce incredible results, especially when Stage 4 is released.

Sexual energy mastery + disciplined focus/monk mode sounds powerful.

Looking forward to your journal on this.


Have this theory that different people get addicted to different things based on their personality.

For example I can’t understand being addicted to smoking and drinking but I had issues with food and porn. So it’s based on who we are.


No not to ejaculate and tantric sex is not the same. You have sex and dont ejaculate. Then you do some kind of practice to circulate the engery through your body. If you do that the right way its even better than the 10 second ejaculation.

But this takes some kind of body awareness, contoll and a lot of practice.

With tantric sex it is easier to learn.

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All addiction is based on dopamine receptor uptake.

You’re absolutely right.

It just depends on what your brain is releasing the most amount of dopamine based on your unique physiology/genetics/upbringing habits.

The more dopamine your brain releases from specific vice, the stronger it’s hold on you will become.


Honestly i don’t understand how people can addicted to alcohol or other drugs. Not that hard to drop right? *ironie off

If you are not addicted then for sure its easy to drop.


It depends, I was addicted to smoking cigarettes, i started very early and it was very easy to quit, i tried several times but it is the mindset you have that changes the difficulty (Even the way you view your addiction). LBFH helped me a lot to quit

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How is your social status/dominance/power.
And discipline
Any idea what SC means by personal power in KBC’s description?

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It’s only been one loop so far so still a long way to understand what is happening.

Right now (for me) it’s more about utilizing sexual energy to solve some immediate concerns like writing and self-discipline.

But for that specific topic of dominance, I think stacking Khan with Khan Black: The Crucible will accelerate the goals of Khan (White lol).

It would be like attaching a nuclear power plant (Khan Black: The Crucible) to power Khan.


Spot on, someone watches there Andrew Huberman. :rofl:

Thank you :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I do agree, Khan helped me quit cigarettes which seem impossible, l cigarettes are one of THE most difficult drugs to quit.
Khan helped me for sure, I also used a drug which made cigarettes unappealing in a way, it blocked nicotine receptors so that the smoke was just smoke which made me vomit. Before SC I used this drug for 5 MONTHS and I relapsed havily. But after Khan, I used this drug for 2 weeks and threw it away. I hate cigarettes now.