Main Disc. Thread - Inner Circle v2

I’m getting tired of having people fall off. I know sometimes it’s a side effect of doing one’s one inner work and development, just part of the process. But as of late it’s getting old. I’d like to meet some people who I can be in it for the long haul with. I was on Chosen for a time and really liked it but didn’t stick with it in favor of thinning out my stack.

So I’m wondering if anybody has done LBFH and Inner Circle stack. Ideally I’d want to do a Inner Circle PCC combo but my custom has limiting people remover and manipulus and other kind of modules to keep away the negatives. So I’m considering Inner Circle and LBFH as a possible combo to make some great connections.

I was originally set on an LBFH S&S combo but Inner Circle might actually be better for me now.


I’ve ran them both in my stacks, not at exactly the same time, but close to.

The You Are Not Alone module is an inner circle for specifically what you seem to be looking for. Inner Circle, saint told me, is like YANAlone but for more profitable relationships.


@ABC333 I’d definitely consider adding chosen back in! That’d be amazing for this. Chosen + ICC would build you the MOST incredible network of truly amazing people


Thank you for the suggestion. So simple yet I wasn’t considering them together. I definitely had some favorable results from Chosen. Inner Circle just might be the key to push them over the top. I’m going to make that my alternating cycle- Chosen and Inner Circle. Rotated with my LBFH DRLD. I’ll start that next cycle.


I don’t know if it’s Inner Gate or Inner Circle, but today I got “promotion” if I can say so.
In short, I worked in tech support department, but today I got moved into programmers’ department to work with SQL and databases. I was expecting to move into the programmers by the March, lol, didn’t think it would be that fast.
And my probationary period has been shortened from 3 months to one month. Wish me best luck. I gotta prove 'em I’m a worthy programmer.


Literally perfect combination of the two

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I hope the next version is Genesis Inner Circle. There’s a few great people modules, you are not alone, safety net and some other ones I probably forgot. Just the all around best to bring in the right people. I had a SI/Spartan custom with negative people remover and fearsome and all the defensive modules. I ended up with no circle!

But that already happened before my custom- I was always the one to walk away. I was hoping to weed out those unfavorables and bring in the compatible people, where I could be in say a job that I didn’t have to be the one to leave. That didn’t happen. Closest for that was Chosen but I felt like I had to spend more time with Chosen From Within first.


I hope Inner Circle gets the NSE treatment. This sub has the potential to be crazy powerful when rescripted


Could get some light scripting to take advantage of having the inner circle but also that shrewdness. I saw it mentioned that Inner Circle was great but maybe needed that influence of something like PCC to really make the most of those connections you get.

You could post this idea on the Roadmap.

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