Main Disc. Thread - Index Gate: Ultimate Programmer X

In my Computer Engineering days, all I would have needed was Index Gate: Ultimate Programmer X and Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X.

Those two would have carried me through 4 years of college. Mastered coding while also writing on the side. Both career and passion.

And also WANTED too for the looks and chicks lol.

Hey! It isn’t too late to live the life of your dreams.


@James congrats I really feel you need to pursue a software engineer role. Will send some roles you can apply for.

You based in New York right ?


I’m in Minnesota

Wil dm you some jobs you can apply for.


So today was first run of UPX just to test the waters. I’m probably going to focus on a stack of True Sell and RICH with Emperor Black or something like that during the initial marketing setup phase before moving to running a stack more focused on UPX and QL.

Well, I downloaded the R programming language, installed Rust, looked into R bindings for Python, and while trying to finish my business plan seeing the horrible template that didn’t suit our business model was like “sod this! I can do this much better!”

Was able to quickly write an Excel sheet to pull data based on year and month from our sales targets/drawings/operating expenses sheets to see if we broke even in a given month, rather than having to enter a whole bunch of garbage manually. Conditional formatting broke on export to xlsx, but hey who cares, our sheet works much better than their original break even sheet, for our purposes at least.

Definitely noticed I’ve been back in that mindset for the day. Looking forward to seeing what more esoteric gems ye old UPX throws our way.


What about data analysis? In my job I use Power Bi. But I want to get promotion and I heard that statistic can be benefitial. Can you elaborate on it?


Yes. This is covered in the script. There’s scripting to deal with data and data analysis, though it’s not the main focus of the title.


Ultimate Programmer + Genesis + LOS ---------> shredding Dead bot
Ultimate Programmer + Genesis + True Sell -------> Interview Game for Second Tech Job
Can’t decide what would be my Next run.

I really love Stark too but the problem is that my manager and
leadership adds me into too many meetings which is a huge hindrance if I do two jobs… lol. I ran Emperor/Emperor Black multiple times and I noticed people didn’t bother me much on that. if there is any scripting like EB that colleagues will ghost me out that would be amazing. Share your thoughts.


Most likely, you’ll be drawn to studying it and will understand the concepts easily.

When I tested this, the way I knew it was working was when I suddenly understood the mathematics involved with creating a character controller in Unity. That understanding led me to just use a third party controller, lol.

This title, when paired with a Revelation title can be mind blowing. I began to see connections with the nature of GameDev and reality itself. The more you learn about creating virtual worlds, the more you realize that the laws of our reality are reflected in the development process.

It can also ruin your perception of games, rofl. You should’ve seen my face when I was working on enemy AI and realized that the computer essentially cheats when you’re fighting an enemy since it can read your inputs, something that doesn’t occur when facing off against a human.

It’s kind of ruining my experience with Age of Wonders 4, the latest team building / strategy enhancing game for @Fire and myself. While the developers claim the AI can’t see through the fog of war, I question it. What parameters change for the AI when I change the difficulty level then?

The point I’m trying to make is that Index Gate: UPX changes the way you think about things in profound ways. It’s legit a “revelation” title without the spirituality scripting, though it has a mind expanding quality that spreads into other aspects of life.


Way back in usenet times I knew a few game programmers who were doing enemy AIs and we did get into quite a few discussions on the topic. The whole thing was way more limited than today, but what they would say is that their AIs did not cheat. They’d manage the level of difficulty by computing resources assigned to the AI, depth of lookahead etc. Now, I don’t know how that’s done these days in real games, but I can come up with a few ways to scale that off the top of my head, depending on the type of AI involved. And devs tend to be proud of what they do, so I think there’s at least a chance that statement is accurate.


@SaintSovereign What if you absolutely suck at math? Will things start clicking?

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LOS indeed

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yeah, in Data Analysis you use statistics, but also calculus, linear algebra. here is a good article on this topic:


Is there anything in this sub to deal with carpal tunnel?

This is a really important question! :point_up: @SaintSovereign @Fire

Wonder what would happen stacking UP and UW. Since they don’t seem relevant to each other.

Get great at writing computer books? Technical writing in general?

technical writing is always in very high demand. I know a guy who makes 180k with only few years of development background. He has Top Secret clearance though.


forgot to mention about RAIKOV module in the list. what about it?

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@SaintSovereign my original custom had Stark as a core, which I still run from time to time, with the ZP as a booster, and I’m still thinking about how Stark and the other tech related titles have and will synergise with this, especially when also running the Revelation series periodically. So far on only one loop of this title there’s definitely been quite an explosion of creativity, to the point where I’m now actively designing the business logo, considering font licensing terms and so on.

I have to wonder to myself is this a business management or focused creativity scripting kicking in? The name and design I’ve come up with is killer, and obliquely related to Stark, but I’m just easily seeing how to stylise the design of the arc reactor as circle, 6 outer lines, triangles with connectors, zooming in to see the inking etc. Kinda like Minds Eye on steroids!


With the latest releases, what do you guys think it’s a good stack to improve creativity and have a cognitive boost, while keeping you on the social side of things? The use case is product management.

I’m considering a couple of customs for creativity and cognition boost, like:

Where would QL be in this scenario?