Main Disc. Thread - Index Gate: Ultimate Programmer X

Probably React, not too sure yet to be honest - I’m also open to learning Python because of how often it’s used in DevOps.

Just want a programming language under my belt more than anything, as that will expand my skillset beyond the typical network/cloud admin stuff I know.


Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB, Web3 and DApps


And this is for python potential users.

Master Python by building 100 projects in 100 days. Learn data science, automation, build websites, games and apps!


Might be worth creating a programming thread to discuss plans for taking action on this new sub so as not to derail the main thread.


Just one on a funny note.
When you combine LOS and UP



Been curious about this “higher order mathematics” scripting. Like is it gonna make us more intuitive towards it?

Is it worth reading up on some advance maths just to get a feel?

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if you are web developer or, for example, system administrator, then you don’t need higher order mathematics. if you do machine learning or other similar stuff requiring using higher mathematics mathematics, you eventually would learn maths, so in this case you will find yourself to be brilliant at math.
well, at least, this is how I understand.


Why are ppl so crazy on react? From what I’ve seen its a very small convenience framework fir Webapps. The bulk if the work is still done by rails or angular.

Or am I missing something ?

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I think this is already covered. But I am wondering how much scripts focus on understanding the business. great programmer or ITOPS guy I notice understands the problem and then write the code better than others. How far have we covered it? Problem-solving, and business logic is very vital.


React can be good but also a pain in the ass. I’ve made things in it and it can be a hassle to get it deployed (at least for me) sticking to HTML, CSS and JS for the time being.

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This would be FIRE for you as a systems not sales entrepreneur

Also, job finding scripting

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Is the Index Gate Module now a core or?

That existed a longer time already and is just a module, core is not in Q store yet

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I have no clue to be honest, I know very little programming. I just picked React 'cause it’s the most well-known/common, and easiest.

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Always thinking of me buddy thank you :heart:

I had thought this could help me get into programming if I decide to get a tech job like all my childhood friends

But I had not even considered going the systems entrepreneur route (a la Aaron D. if you remember the type of work he does)

Good thinking bro!

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Not a programmer but I am really fascinated by this sub- it has many skill-based learning benefits

One example

But another example is any systems thinking or bringing complex ideas to life


I am almost positive that skill specific subs very hyper focused like that will be coming.

Chess Mastery has been mentioned too many times for it to be overlooked.


Can I ask if Ultimate Programmer X has Virtuoso Di Matematica included in it?

There’s scripting for higher order mathematics. It could possibly be a revised VDM module or just new scripting entirely.

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