Main Disc. Thread - HERO Origins: Sage and a Blade (Now Available! Q Core for Customs Available!)

Funny how HERO is inspiring us both to rework our mental space. Limitless Executive has been amazing so far - thinking about stacking it with the executive, too. Can that be done?


Is the physical transformation physical shifting or something else


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Saint already answered this @TheProdigyofWagdou

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He was talking about healing not shifting of the muscles and stuff.


Day 17:

Ngl 2nd week has been tough,
Physically: tired, idk why but hero origins cognitive enhancement gave me a different kind of recon, felt like i didnt have enough energy,
I was not productive at all and procrastinated like hell. Later on at the end of 2nd week i decided to cut back to 1 min loop instead of 3 min

Mehn, i should’ve taken it slow from the beginning, anyway the recon part went away and i am flooded with results.

The recon part made me realise how shit i am as a person,how i keep lying to myself and always tried to find a shortcut , found out that i am pretty pathetic.

Anyway 3rd week started , has been going pretty smooth, i am having the most productive session with HERO

Note: ik some of you might feel i am rushing , but i added KBC st3 , 1 min loop as well
Reason?: It manifested more sexual energy and utilised every bit of it in processing HERO ORIGINS large arse script

How can i claim this ?
In the 2nd week(11th day) i did khan st3 1 min solo, mehn i felt so energetic and alert,i could not sleep at night, felt like high on caffeine,this was exactly what i needed. And then i started blending HoSB and KBCst3 together, now i dont have any problems with my sleep cycle, hero is still energy intensive for me but it is manageable,

I am more productive,more flow/concentration, more insightful, expressing more honesty with myself etc… Tbh i feel a new man now

2 weeks ago, i was pretty pathetic compared to what i am now, internal victories are the best part of HOSB

KBC and Hero does blend well together!

Khan black st3 just acting as a supplement/booster for me

I am willing to ride the HOSB ride and its not an easy and pleasant ride. Even yesterday i so angry/more like dissapointed on how i am living, after ranting for some time ,i promised myself to be the best version of myself., atleast try my best

How’s my journey so far (remember its my unique journey only)

Week 1: resultssss here and there :star_struck:

Week 2: recon , recon , recon 🥲😵

End of week 2: felt like a new dawn, a new morning, new light amidst chaos :sunrise_over_mountains:

Week 3: building foundation for my future goals !!! :weight_lifting_man:


Anyone else notice this?


Yes i noticed this too, :))

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Maybe its the aura of honor and respect you exude, i noticed it too.

I think people just know you will respect them and not laugh at what they so (respect) and know you won’t use it against them in the future or tell other people (honor)

Also some fighter in my gym gave me his gloves, for some reason, there are many older new fighters and he gave them to me (not like as a gift but to use them until i can afford to buy my own).


Hey team, how does this compare to Spartan in terms of combat skills and discipline? @AnswerGroup

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I think, spartan will be a better choice ,

I maybe wrong, but i suspect using HOSB for longer period of time will help you to master your combat skills to a greater extent , so in the very very long run HOSB>>Spartan

See it like this

Spartan is the pill that will give you instant motivation and discipline for learning different types of combat + body strength

HOSB is more versatile, its not only for combat, but if you have the desire, you will start your journey in learning different styles of combat, initially you might start slow but at the very end it will offer you greater mastery over movements and combat than spartan will

I think you could use both


I was listening to HERO last cycle, not this cycle, however I’m still in bloom from it most certainly, and following @Viktor’s example I put a little bit more intentionality into playing around with the bokken I have. It was a little unnatural at first but after about 5 minutes with it it became really high flow and I get a lot of value out of practicing with one or two swords in the evening as part of a shutdown routine. Really cool stuff!


yeah, getting a sword with HeO is a really good idea.
i really enjoy it!

I’ve finished my first week and a half of this program and all I can say is it is amazing. Pure peace and flow, I even do a lot less being apologetic or feeling bad emotions.
Training wise, unreal focus in honing technique details, a calm zen.
Real strength gains, physical shifting in the posture and the spine along with its health are way stronger to a point that my palate was sore for a week at the start and my tongue is still scraped due to mewing intensity, usually a symptom of better postural alignment.
A definite “I can’t lose” confidence, I can’t lose celebrations. Constantly assuming the I can’t lose scenarios and tasting the sweetness of its implications.
There have been more neural pathways being connected between different experiences in my life and how one affects the others. My age is my friend. Definitely more people genuinely like me, and I am a lot more charismatic, this program made me be the type of guy who used to not show a girl who’s there with her boyfriend any form of interest out of “respect” for him, I knew to a degree this is weakness, did he get her just waiting in a cute line? Also, i cannot hide interest no matter what, this is natural and if bottles will manifest in another way. Hero gave me the courage to be myself more; I’ve been far too kind and sweet with people and I found it exhausting and not very productive. Hero is really making me spread out my wings more these days as I question a lot of what held old me back.

So if I had to summarize:

  • good for people who want their gaming days to translate abundantly in experience to something entirely different; like a martial arts career.
    Doesn’t have to be gaming, EVERYTHING will unfold as a learning experience towards your current object of interest. whispers: seduction

  • mental peace and toughness inevitable, a high power status, manifestations involve looking very sexy being basically unshakeable during situations other feel unease by.

  • best skill sub by far, best bells and whistles of the newest tech, you’re basically cheating on this sub


  1. Really makes you feel like a cowboy in the Wild West of sorts, in a sense, you’re prepared for anything and you’d smile regardless.

  2. Constantly challenging yourself.
    This might be the seduction sub many need if WB was too intense. This sub, for a start, will allow you to really love yourself naked and initiate interactions based on which ones cause you most anxiety, I love this aspect so much, doing what I didn’t want to do or saying what I felt too small to say is an addictive road because it forces you into evolution mode.

  3. Look like a badass.
    This sub will do it. Wanna look like a gladiator for once rather than a smooth talking mysterious man. You’ll look feral, and oddly; also more powerful in the society you’re in; and also, of higher mental power.

In terms of how good it feels being on this, incredible…. On all aspects, money; females, peace…. Got you covered. Has some aspects of Genesis I feel such as finding your purpose and further enhancing it.


First thing that came up in my feed today…

Right in line with the feeling I get from this sub.


I appreciate the response man. Spartan is such a great product and i fact zero recon while running it.

I will definitely give Hero a try in future.

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Its worth the try

I’ve done a lot of reading of the book of five rings, watched some videos, made my own interpretations of what HERO tries to accomplish, and i think this video is the truest version, for me and my interpretation of what Musashi (and HERO by extension) are about :slight_smile:

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Which video is it?

@Viktor I added the link haha thanks!

And these are my favorite “musashi” vibes music… actually a Nujabes track, who was the sound creator for Samurai Champloo which was a freaking AMAZING anime


I have been watching his videos too on the side! I like his chill narration style.