Main Disc. Thread - Heartsong

I’m thinking about starting this one as well. Would love to hear the stack recommendations from @SaintSovereign first though :pray:t3:


Just gonna link my journal of Khan (ST2)and HeartSong (just one loop so far).

Incredible results already. This one is POTENT.


Will this aid in you getting over someone?
Just for clarity: if you like someone but they don’t like you back, and you want to find the person you should be with.


I’m guessing, yes. Because you’d kind of need to be in a mindset of abundance to attract/be attracted to the people who are best for you. You know what I mean?

There’s a certain happiness in being willing and ready to receive, a kind of joy in the potential of love. Even when you haven’t yet actually brought that potential to fruition.

It’s like a weird contented enthusiasm that comes when your heart feels already full. It’s a sense of possibility.


my sis used her first loop last night… she said after 45 min mark, she felt a little heat/warmth in the chest… in the centre, not heart.


Sounds like the Shan Zhong point (to use Chinese terms).


When working with the seven chakras and the different modalities of using qi, the centrality of the heart chakra is emphasized. It is the fourth chakra down from the crown or up from the base. It is also located in the center of the chest, and is the one with exceptional healing energy. It harmonizes and balances, its main qualities being compassion, love and tolerance. The associated acupuncture point is shanzhong.


yes she is into this chakra stuff… we both were doing chakra meditations a while back but it faded away


Yes, I feel that too, my heart chakra is warming and opening up, expanding outwards full of steamy warmth


Are there any experiences users a willing to share or report besides expansion and elevation of the Heart chakra?

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Here’s a journal if you haven’t ran into it yet

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For casual sex:
Heartsong + Love Bomb + Libertine.

For long term relationships (including manifesting a relationship or strengthening one)
Heartsong + Love Bomb + [Insert Your Favorite Alpha or Empire Building Sub]

To build an empire with someone you love:
Heartsong + Love Bomb + StarkQ

To build a legacy with someone you love and reconciliation ain’t no thang bc this stack will probably leave you a bit f’d up:
Heartsong + Love Bomb + StarkQ + Emperor: HoM


Is it safe to assume from these recommended stacks that heartsong will greatly enhance love bombs aura and stack superbly well?

It’s not that Heartsong is directly enhancing the aura, it’s that the goals are so complementary that they create what I call a “perfect pair.” People are misunderstanding what Heartsong does. It’s not for just monogamy. It’s for any kind of romantic pairing – even casual sex. Whatever your perfect partner is, Heartsong helps you manifest them. That means, for someone who wants casual sex, Heartsong will help with the manifestation of people who have the same mindset as you do (whether it’s casual sex with the hopes of something more, or casual sex and then you part ways), Love Bomb’s aura will increase their positive feelings about you, and Libertine’s aura will stimulate their sexual urges.

As for the other two stack recomendations, Heartsong + Love Bomb will help you bond deeply with the people that Heartsong manifests, and StarkQ / Emperor will provide the alphaness, money manifestations, success manifestations, etc. that you’ll want for a stable, long-term relationship.


I knew that from the moment I saw Heartsong… Thats why I builded a Custom with Heartsong, Wanted and Sex Mastery… filled with Sex and Love modules :sunglasses:


Just curious,would libertine and love bomb still work in a Q custom since aura subs are more of a short term effect?If they do,i might try that combo cause i cant seem to get the aura ultimas to work in ultima.Haha,also any idea when rich crypto will reach the q store?Still thinking of using that module :slight_smile:

Yes, but the aura would be weaker. Instead of the “WOW” factor that these auras attempt to convey, you’d get more of a “hmmm, that’s an attractive person,” effect.

I thought I already did. :frowning: Will add it to the list.

Try them alone, with no other titles and after a washout.


Based on what we know of energy anatomy/process, my theory (not answer) is that, in the long-term, an aura will function like the organs (e.g., heart and lungs); that is, moving through a continuous healthy cycle of contraction and expansion.

A healthy, strong heart continues to expand and contract; it just does so more powerfully.

Oh, Saint is replying with the actual answer. :joy:


This too. The more advanced version of what I was saying, hahaha. Just know that it won’t be as potent (at least at first).


Sounds good.I like the long term building of the aura more.Think i might try it in a custom with heartsong once the rich crypto module comes out :slight_smile:

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I keep finding my self liking how you think. You might want to add Diamond because you might be busy.

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