Main Disc. Thread - Godlike Masculinity ZP

@Mourn Although simply thinking you are great and perhaps destined for more greatness might help you to greatness, that’s different from using this forum as a way to self-assert how special you think you are, and doing so at others’ expense, and then denying that you are doing it, minimize that, or justify it.

That’s even more apparent how much contempt you feel towards others by what you put in your profile, such as: “Oh btw, if you reacted negatively, even a little, towards this, you’re a snowflake. Congratulations.” Heaping on more contempt so you can dismiss contrary evidence, obviate outside influence, avoid introspection, ease your conscience, and evade accountability.

You’ve built a world where you think that you are always right, and you think anyone who disagrees with you or reacts negatively to how you act is wrong. And there’s no incentive for you to find a way out of that one.

You also seem to reject others before they reject you. But why care about others rejecting you when you think they are contemptible?

Provoking negative reactions is just provoking negative reactions. It has nothing to do with you being superior.

Your profile also states: “I don’t need you, you need ME.”

If you want to be needed, how about addressing the needs of the community here in a way that addresses others’ needs rather than using the forum to address yours at others’ expense?

Take some time to think about this, and when you come back, show us how introspective you are by effectively addressing others’ needs and demonstrating empathy.


@Mourn One more thing, when you return, please show us that you know how to treat others with respect, even if you think they are beneath you.


Why try to be alpha on an internet forum tho?


It’s already been dealt with. Let’s move on.

I like GLMZP. Just no room for it in my current stack lol.


@Mourn is just trying to be a cheap imitation of the man he referred to in his posts, Andrew Tate. So many people try to pull off the in-your-face arrogance and ridiculous superiority complex that Tate shows off all the time, but none can do it with the charm, eloquence and ironic tone that he’s basically mastered.

Man’s basically got a cult that worships him, and it looks like @Mourn is one of them. Now with that being said, I credit Andrew Tate significantly for my self-development in 2021. His interviews and videos were a crucial part in helping me improve myself and finally get out of the hole that I was stuck in for most of my 20s. He might as well be the physical embodiment of Emperor.


Adding Wanted to Khan would not “dilute” it but take it up a notch.

That’s exactly what putting scripting of Wanted in Khan would maifest haha


Interesting enough, but let’s keep that as the last time talking about somebody unable to respond, please.


[Moderator Edit: This post was edited because we do not want a culture on this forum of people using humiliation, degradation, and insults, and then labeling that as humor to justify it or ease their conscience. We do not want anyone to be treated in a negative fashion on this forum. If you were treated this way by someone here, even if you didn’t care, that post should be flagged and addressed. We are here to protect everyone here from negative treatment.]


Not helping here, friday.

Shall we get back to GLM?

There is no point in asking him that
Because that meantity is useless

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i agree it.

I understand where you come from, but I have a background in psychology and am very interested in human being. When people hate someone, I need to make my own idea and understand, dig deeper.

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As I mentioned in my post, if you want to know “what did you live to developp that confidence?” I suggest watching a couple of videos of Andrew Tate and/or checking out his social media. It’s just imitation, right down to using the exact same words.

Ok then it’s study purposes😂

I don’t plan on study confidence, I just want to know what people lived to know where they are coming from.

Well, yes and no :sweat_smile: I don’t want people to think I see them as a specimen.

It’s mainly because of my interest for people, everybody has an adventure which explain why we come from different places and we live different lives, different sets of value and all.

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I’m referring to the user you initially asked that question to, Mourn. You asked him what he lived to develop that confidence, my response is that Mourn is just imitating Andrew Tate, and the way he is acting with confidence isn’t necessarily a reflection of his total life experience but rather just an imitation of a person he looks up to, and strives to be like.


Ohhh ok ok I understand now!

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“Any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king.”


Has anyone else noticed hostility from others when running GLM ZP?


Love this quote, I’m always using it when I meet someone who is “saying” stuff about themselves!