Main Disc. Thread - Godlike Masculinity: The Commander (Now Available!)

AlphaMale. I agree with you 100%.


I’m noticing the description for this is similar to Stark, with a bit more blaze. Now curious on stacking these.

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You won’t be disappointed.


Picked this up and added it as the second track to my stack (working through Khan Black currently) and just wanted to say this is perfect advice for this title. One four minute and forty four second loop of this alongside of today’s four minute and forty four second loop of KB St2 has my energy levels pinned against the rev limiter, focusing on staying grounded and keeping things reined in has been leading to a continuous flow state regardless of activity.


Ran a three minute loop this morning after waking up. Got everything I needed to do today by noon. Feel better mentally and emotionally than I have in a while. .


Dragon reborn stage 3 is where you build the thick skin though. Check out its description if you have some time, about building the dragon scales.

Stage 1 and 2 is all healing and I actually felt worse during these stages, but it’s because all your inner fears are being brought to the surface and released.

Give stage 3 a try. It was my favourite one. It was very grounding. Similar affect to emperor and Glm.


Hey, @SaintSovereign will this come as a core in custom store soon?


I will check out DR St 3. Sounds like something I need. DR St 1 as much as it’s done for me you’re correct . It literally made me an anxious mess wondering how to work through what I was feeling so it could be resolved. Subliminal Club is about taking action but how do you take action when you feel like you’re breaking down?

I didn’t realize that Emperor was more grounding but it makes sense

Having a thick skin would make life immensely and immeasurably easier

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Sometimes I think that’s not always a " one and done " situation as there are probably layers that need to be addressed and resolved.

Maybe going back later after that thick skin is developed will make it easier


I only needed 1 month of each stage to have a significant difference.

But you’re right, there’s always more layers we can uncover!


That’s the thing about an onion, it is actually all layers! You can peel forever without ever discovering anything but more layers.


A never ending game of peel and seek

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Requesting Godlike Masculinity: The Commander Core in the Q Store :pray:


Second this. Waiting for this and DR:LD cores so I can make a new custom.


Anyone have feedback between this and og Glm?


Hi @SaintSovereign, thanks for this amazing sub. I did get it as a replacement of Commander in my Downloads. I’ve gone through the sales copy a few times and tbh it sounds like any man’s dream sub. My main query regarding this sub is that in order to be able to have the kind of influence, and impact that the sales copy promises, would it be fair to assume that the user would cultivate impeccable persuation and conversational skills…along with a deeper understanding of philosophies of existence and human relations as a direct result of using the sub?

I am very eager to try this as a replacement of stark since at the moment I was just wanting to use Stark for the creativity, influence and charisma, and verbal fluency (mainly for persuasion)…but not really innovation (atleast not at the moment). Would you say GLM Commander can provide that and more and replace Stark for the very specific reasons that I mentioned? (Not meaning to say that GLMCo can completely replace Stark, I understand both are different subs and have their own applications). @AnswerGroup


It’s better to tag answergroup


What’s answergroup?

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It’s a way to get a response from either saint, fire or the moderators


Just tagged it. Thanks. I didn’t know about it