Main Disc. Thread - Godlike Masculinity: The Commander (Now Available!)

what are the goals?

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I just now updated it with the goals :fire: @SaintSpring

Select mind’s eye
RoM will INEVEITABLY push you towards spiritaulity and meybe even religion

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It’ll open you to exploring your own Spirituality, MAYBE. but not religion. They don’t impose that stuff on the listener.


Yes I should edit that, but I think in case of @SwagKing he will be pushed towards religion.

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This is wrong. RoM is the least spiritual of the Unfolding series. It’s spiritual in the sense that you become aware of the power of your own mind. I doubt any of the Revelation titles will lead to “religion” but default.


I don’t know man
Every time I run it, I get inclined towards religion and I just want to be the Muslim warrior archetype. Like the real pious man and I also kind of beleive that Islam is the ONLY truth, which is MY reaction to the sub. That is why I ordered another custom and replaced it with spartan.

The unfolding could have to do with the user’s background- what they grew out of.


And if RoM delves into our personal paradigms and our utmost ideals- like what do we consider to be a “good man,” were we to die… each of us would have a vastly different concept.

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Psychic. Extremely. It scares me. @unusualfellow

I have been studying psychology as a hobby for 10 years and on RoM I had intuitive whispers into the genetics of someone and their lineage of mental illness. It was creepy af.


This (me) is your brain on subs

And I also fervently studied psychology, philosophy and many religions…

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The work we do here is of the highest importance. The human mind is capable of things AI will never be able to accomplish; the human mind wasn’t built by humans.


No need to stack Inner Circle then?

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It’s probably in wanted black too

You still can. From what I’m gathering and experience, Inner Circle is in most of the titles. The Inner Circle major program is a concentrated version solely focused on your group/circle. So think of it in terms of power levels and not redundancy. I have had the same thoughts too on whether to stack IC or not.


so far the one thing i noticed recently while running this… people are either intimidated or triggered when i’m around.


Would I be correct to think that lately you came to a different understanding of aura? Like thinking of it as a more encompassing concept. The reason I have this hyphothesis is that I witness you focus a lot on aura’s lately. Is it possibly true that you put other kind scripts under the aura category which you did not thought of aura before?

Like Khan’s TR scripting. Or EB’s scripting which essentially does not have aura scriting but inevitably creates an aura.

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Any update on your results? Do you feel this subliminal more of a healing one, or like a strengthening one? Feeling lots of reconciliation?


Also interested on hearing about that. I’ve yet to run this one a lot.

I’m mainly curious to hear how it compares to stacking GLM and Commander.

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Please check out this announcement on the STKS thread: Season 1: Silence! The King Speaks. [5.16.23] - #2103 by SaintSovereign